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Posts posted by (PSN)sjbluedog24

  1. I find it easier to run up and stand near enemies and swing the sword without moving the camera. The thumbstick can be really sensitive at times, so you need to move the stick slowly o you don't end up stuck on a pivot.

  2. So I am having a blast playing this game and I am totally addicted to it.


    But one thing that bothers me is that the the fonts on the level select screen and the images in the market place feel really small when I am playing on the PS4 on a 32 inch tv sitting particularly close. Do you think it may be possible to increase the font size and maybe instead of having a 6 column market place maybe make it a 5 or 4 colum market place instead? Also, the background could also be change to be maybe black instead of the "star system" theme you have right now, or have them background darken abit. Right now, the stars background really makes the UI feel crowded.


    Hopefully you could take this into consideration in a future update!

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