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Posts posted by Invincible.Jupiter

  1. DE philosophy for years has always been build atop of an already eroding foundation. Despite players screaming for them to take pause and address those issues first. Personally i think they need to put a hard pause on the game and sit down with the community. Cause this boat is leaking fast.

    Imagine what they could of done if they didn't make these pointless open hub maps with new bugs and more boring grind.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 minute ago, Zimzala said:

    So why not walk away?

    Why subject yourself to things that are not fun and entertaining?

    The choice is yours.

    You don't like the direction, you feel the game is not giving you pleasure, what makes you subject yourself to things you find to be draining, when you have a choice?

    Makes no logical sense.

    I cant stand this logic. Im a founder i believed in this game, i love this game, id like to continue to play this game and be excited to play this game. But DE is pushing the player base out with bad practice and decisions. I cannot believe that were accepting mediocrity and were suppose to be happy about it.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

    "My opinion on why people quit"


    DE HAS a lot of Game DESIGNERS, Artists, Animators. (Fashion frame, syandanas, articles that makes your warframe looks good)


    DE NEEDS MORE GAME DEVELOPERS. (Variety of enemies, larger levels to EXPLORE, Stories and LORE ABOUT THE GAME, FOCUS ON FUN, expand the parkour system, less restriction on the bounding box on the levels so we explore them, Improvement on the keybinding and combinations)


    Right now DE is the best PR team ever in the gaming industry. However we want them to FOCUS ON GAME DEVELOPMENT MORE. They do that we give them money. 



    DE is taking advantage of this community at this point. Its embarrassing that every update comes out in an unplayable state, we get nothing for events, the loot sucks, the AI sucks, weapons are not event worth chasing after anymore.

    Why exactly should players keep praising them when we keep getting mediocrity every in return. If i could get a refund for my founders pack i would.

    • Like 4
  4. Honestly good riddance, trying to get DE to save this drowning game is borderline hopeless they have an absolute refusal to listen to the community if i could get a refund for my founders pack i would. Some of the devs literally do not play Warframe and anytime they're criticized this community jumps in to the rescue to defend bad practice.This game is just draining at this point for me.

    DE has been giving us mediocrity for 3 years now while the majority of the community has been complacent i guess its finally bubbling up. 



    • Like 3
  5. At this point for me i really dont care because i already know it will be a buggy mess as with everything else. Plus its been in "Production" for close to two years with this level of content drought anymore delay after the mess of the last update will be a big blow to the game. And god after the future updates drop they'll  probably announce another pointless sandbox planet.

  6. -Invincibility inst a fun mechanic!

    -Why are bosses teleporting, glitching, and generally not working.

    -Please look at the damage system.

    -Stop adding content you wont support.

    There are fundamental issues in Warframe that have been plaguing the game since beta and ive been playing for years. You cant keep adding band aids to the game.

    I love DE you guys are great devs amazing game but these issues will eventually push the player base, as much as i love the ambition of the team with empyrean coming, After the update we go back to the same issues again. You cant continue this game on new updates without fixing those issues.

    I would look forward to an update solely dedicated to looking into this. Its been six years you cant keep ignoring it.

    • Like 5
  7. First off I love the new Eidolons as a veteran of Warframe this is the first in a long time where I feel as if I am in end game content, although not too complex in terms of mechanics I feel like this is a great basis for the directions bosses could be heading.

    -Make plains 8 players (specifically eidolon hunt) but increase the level of all enemies and eidolons with access to better award table.

    -Add a use for the void rather than just for argon crystals farming.

    -Make an instance level for star chat ex. At level 20 players get access to star chart but everything has increased levels with better drop rates and drop table so vets don't have to run level 1 missions.

    Thank you, DE keep up the good work.

  8. This was so disappointing he just went from awful to maybe mediocre none of the issues were fixed and his theme is still not being used to its full potential. There is still no reason to ever pick him over other better frames, This was not a rework just a lazy band-aid.

  9. 8 hours ago, EirwynTelyn said:

    Mute button.



    There's also a little cog symbol in the upper right hand corner of the Warframe launcher... Not sure if that has audio.


    Unfortunately it has no audio options, but ill settle with muting my comp, its irritating when you're not expecting it and it blasts your ears.


  10. Btw when i said scrub its because they all referred to me as scrub for not picking loki i was only repeating what they were caling me cause ive been playing longer then they have

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