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Posts posted by (XBOX)Me555

  1. Shield gating single-handedly turned what would have been one of the best updates the game has ever seen into one of the worst. Level 50 Corpus are surviving hits that previously one-shot level 150s. Either get rid of it or significantly increase the amount of damage that breaks through the gate (much rather prefer just getting rid of it). It's not much better when it comes to how it affects the players. It was already difficult enough to die to anything under level 120 before the update, but now we're basically unkillable even on squishy frames. Extremely bad change all-around.


    The main issue with the enemy shield gating is that it goes against what this update was trying to accomplish with the Grineer, which was to open up new pathways for build diversity. Previously we were pigeon-holed into finding ways to avoid the Grineer armor and as soon as that issue gets fixed, we're now being pigeon-holed into avoiding the Corpus shield-gating. Making enemies more difficult is something I think is great, but not at the cost of severely limiting which weapons we can use against those enemies.  As it stands, it's less of a difficulty increase and more of just an annoyance. Currently, slower/hard-hitting weapons have almost no pathway towards efficiently killing even mid-level Corpus.

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  2. The community actually found a way to complain about 3 free weapon slots. Guess that's what happens when the game gets geared towards entitled casuals. More difficult content means the children run back to fortnite and the forums get cleaned up in the process

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  3. I know they're all a work in progress, but if you're looking for feedback then as others have already pointed out, the new End-of-mission screen cannot roll through without the item names being present. Seeing a Chassis or a Systems there doesn't help me at all if I need to hover over it to see who it belongs to. This would make Relic runs in particular quite annoying for anybody keeping track of what they obtained and what they still need

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