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Posts posted by (PSN)FoxtrotFourZero

  1. I keep getting "Login failed. Timed out" popping up every time I log in. I'm going to try and sign in and see if I can get through.

    Same here. A little earlier it was "Login Failed. Check your info," but now it's entirely "Timed Out." I'm gonna keep trying as well.

  2. They were originally Dagger and sword.


    Then changed to two swords, for only a few weeks. Then changed back.

    Yeah I remember when I got them, they were dagger and sword, I was pleasantly surprised after one update that they were just two swords, then I come back after a while and they're back to normal :/

  3. I can totally see where they wouldn't and it makes total sense to me, but at the same time I can see where it would make people happy to put it as an option. For exaple, I'm a dude and I like lightning powers, so Volt is awesome for me, exactly what I want. But if you're a girl and like lightning powers, or a guy that likes flight, then there's something for you, but it may not be exactly what you're looking for. Now I know that myself and (most) everyone else don't have any problem whatsoever playing as a character of the opposite sex, but it doesn't help you believe that the Tenno inside that frame on your screen is you, y'know?



    But, I guess it really all depends on DE's vision for the game. If they primarily want you yourself to feel like the bada$$ space ninja portrayed on the screen (which seems undesrtandably, if not mistakenly, believable because of all customization options), then every-gender-every-frame is a good idea. But if they want to make the focus on the characters (understandable again because of all the detail and personality in each Frame), like in a fighting game, then stay the way it is.

  4. -I don't really think the Dragon Nikana is all that cool


    -I have yet to potato/forma anything


    -I have yet to purchase/craft/use a warframe except my starting Excalibur (although Volt is currently in the works)


    -I edited the third one just to put that stupid pun in

  5. A whopping one a day...all I have is Excalibur :(


    I don't feel like shelling out for platinum, but I'm super close to getting Oberon's last part if the Eximus enemies would just give me a freaking Chassis instead of 4 Systems and 3 Helmets.

  6. I don't like the punchies all that much, but some good kick-punchers like Kogake are pretty neat.




    On a side note, since we have punchers and punch-kickers, why can't there be just kickers? That would be a pretty interesting fighting style, like Akiyama from Yakuza 4.

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