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Posts posted by FreakD

  1. From what I've found, stacking % of a particular damage type can increase the damage output exponentially. Each percentage increases the over all damage number, which is cumulative. For example, instead of the increase being only a few 1/10s from a 10%, 6%, and 15% electricity mods combined, it's actually 31% electricity damage, which has a better baseline than each mod factored in separately. Eventually, with powerful enough mods, you can get somewhere in the ballpark of nearly 100% elemental or over all damage increase and really make your weapon a nail-driver.

    isn't it multiplicative?

    so 10% 6% 15% = 34% and not 31%

    my biggest question is: which mod to use? pure dmg? elemental dmg? piercing dmg?

    could be there are some benefits of using pured % dmg compared to piercing % dmg

  2. so i've been playing for weeks, i have two maxed out warframes, several maxed out (all 30 mind you) weapons, i've cleared every single mission on all planets, and farmed tons of bosses enough to be able to build almost all of the frames, (i have 5 complete), and yet i've YET to see a single multi shot, loot radar, power range / effeciency, or penetration mod...

    am i doing something wrong? is there a planet or area that has decent droprates? i've seriously played more 10-20 times the amount of missions everyone i play with... and see them have these mods... like.. what the hell?

    is my luck THAT bad?

    I am pretty sure I got my multishots pretty early(venus I guess)

  3. it sucks that it is so easy to get for example nano spores / ferrite / polymer crap / morphics

    while control modules / neural sensors / ruebedo(this seriously sucks to farm) even orokin cells are rare enough

    but seriously what should I do with 8k ferrite / 10k nanospores and 100 morphics when I have 1-2 of those above. And ruebedo should drop for atleast 40+ and not 20

  4. I asked in global mod thread but got no response so I am posting here


    Steel Charge : Increases your melee damage.


    Melee damage : Increases the damage dealt by your melee strikes.

    does this increase your charge damage

    when choosing damage mods what is the best :O ?

    stack normal dmg mods

    stack armor penetrating mods

    stack elemental mods

    stack critical chance mods

  5. I really don't get how it's not viable. It's not really viable for a run and gun style of play (unless you're Korean), but it's perfectly viable as a long range back up to snipe off heads of annoying/clustered enemies from a safe distance before plowing into the rest with your shotgun.

    Maybe on lv15 missions, yeah it is okay there but try doing pluto with it.

  6. When you unlock the map you can easily get like 6 "?" alerts in 12 hour period.

    I don't like the loot distribution at them atm.

    most of the time you will get "ammo" scavenger cards that you already HAVE(this is riddiculous)

    2nd in line are blueprints for stuff I don't need or have already(heat sword for example and I absolutely dislike alerts droping blueprints - they should be boss exclusive)

    the rarest are orokin blueprints :( (I got 1 up till now but I feel I might spend 20+ "?" missions to get another one)

    Alerts with no "?" should actually have some incentive to do them...

    I feel that there is a HUGE field to improve alert missions and don't screw it up!

    Also while we are on it(boss fights):

    I would suggest adding more planets for each boss in the game after hades on pluto - All boss fights with maximum level bossess so we can farm good mods, look for blueprints along the way if needed and to get more challenging endgame! (nothing more boring then having only 1 endgame boss which is btw much more easier and faster to deal with then other bossess who reside in lv20 or lower areas :P)

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