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Posts posted by A_Sweggy_Person

  1. Before anything else, I want to say that I love both this game and this update, but there just too many problems to go unmentioned. It feels as if there is little to no preparation that went into this update, the "flotilla full bug", the "flotilla stance bug", and the sheer lag between ground and space squads just make the game unplayable. 

    The "flotilla full bug" might not exactly be a bug, but I have yet to see anything mentioning it in the rules so I thought I would mention it. Basically, it prevents you from squadding up, claiming that the flotilla is full. How and where this can be checked is a mystery to me and any I've asked. The "flotilla stance bug" can be just as annoying. Whenever I try to play with anybody outside the flotilla, even after leaving the relay, it would give me this message until I restarted the game. No online play, at all, and the flotilla chat wasn't even accessible, I'm pretty sure I left the flotilla but it still wouldn't let me play. 

    And then finally, the worst of all, the lag. Most relays I've played in usually have 6-8 ground squads and 3-5 space squads, which makes sense because one space squad needs more than one ground squad for all the kill codes. What is not fine, is that when playing as a ground squad, it can take up to 20 minutes before anyone receives my kill code. When I'm playing ground missions and just collect kill codes, most of them seem to simply disappear, I'll have collected well over 30 from more than 10 Condrix, and nobody ever receives any of them. Sure, I still get the credits for the kills, but I want to actually drive away the Murex, and that's just not possible. When playing as space squad, the odds of dying from dehydration are higher than completing the mission. I've spent over 40 minutes waiting for a single Kill Code until I was disconnected because the Murex had apparently been driven away. Again, this seemed to be the case for most people in my flotilla. 

    Please, please, please, do something about the lag between squads, it is ruining this gamemode which could be such a huge and amazing part of this already-amazing game. 


    PS: How many other people are experiencing these problems? 

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