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Posts posted by Daqsun

  1. People crying in this thread clearly haven't been playing long enough.


    You clearly like the game enough to be on the forums to complain, so just give the devs time as they just saif they are working on it. To those who are crying cause they spent money on a free game and expect the devs to hurry up is just ridiculous. the reason they even are putting in hotfixes is because they can pay the people to do so. There is so much other things to do in the game that having some patience when they fix something is totally viable.

    And to the guy that cried about the game mode not being fun, at least 3 people in this thread disagree with you, So if you don't like it Guess what? there are a bunch of other game modes you can play.

    The only difference locking the node is that others that enjoy the mode don't get to play. All you have to do is just ignore the node until it's fixed and you really need the parts

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