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Posts posted by (PSN)ajw5234

  1. Got the apparently common "reboot warframe to apply an update" message during the 30 minute kuva survival challenge. After completing the challenge and reloading warframe to accommodate the update message i lost the 7k nightwave xp from that challenge i had just completed, plus the challenge disappeared so i can't even redo it. Very frustrating considering that was a 30+ minute mission!!

    EDIT: after completing another 7k nightwave challenge i was again booted by the ever recurring update. This time though the game did record the 7k nightwave standing.

  2. First, holster speed has been dramatically increased to a level where it just looks dumb as the warframe stands there seemingly taking it's time while being shot. Second, any attempt to use a kinetic siphon trap only suspends for the target for about 0.5-1 second, which, ironically, is now less than the time it takes to re-holster and get the synthesis scanner up to scan. This has to be a bug or mistake as it makes simaris daily scans completely ridiculous and sometimes impossible.

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  3. About 50% of the time I return from a mission and I'm in the orbiter my kavat will appear for a split second, then vanish. If I go to Arsenal>companion, the screen pans over to the incubator with nothing there and a message saying "this item has not loaded yet, please wait a bit longer", and it never loads. This happens so consistently that this must be a bug. What's more, sometimes this sequence will un-equip all mods from my kavat and there is no way to re-equip them. The only way to restore my kavat is to either reboot the game, or go on a mission where the kavat has no mods and hope that when i return i can re-equip them.

    I have a kubrow and a sentinel and this has never happened to either of them.

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