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Posts posted by phoenixfeather132

  1. As I understand, -faction stats can actually be really, really bad unless you have ridiculous +Damage/Multishot to go along with it. This is because the -faction doesn't affect stats like this:

    ((100 Base Damage)*((2.5xDamage-0.5xDamage vs Grineer)) = 200 Damage to Grineer, 250 Damage to Everything Else.

    Instead, the effect should be something like this:

    ((100 Base Damage)*(2.5xDamage))*(0.5xDamage to Grineer) = 125 Damage to Grineer, 250 Damage to Everything Else.

    Where 2.5x = +150% Damage and 0.5x = -50% Damage to Grineer on a Riven mod.

    So unless the weapon is already bad against that specific enemy mob, then there really is a negative side to crippling your weapon vs one faction. Your example of the Nikana is an example of one you could technically allow, since you really shouldn't be bringing a slash heavy weapon to deal with Grineer, unless you rip their armor off with corrosion.

    In which case, -faction stats exist to make you really think "Gee, this Dread Riven has decent +Dam, +CC, AND +CD but it also has a really high -Damage to Infested and that slash is already really good vs them...)

    tl;dr = -faction affects your weapons' total damage after all other damage mods are accounted for, lowering it's damage by a lot more than you think.

  2. Have a whole bunch of Rivens I'm looking to get rid of, some more than others. Throw me an ingame/forum/whatever message with an offer if any one catches your eye.

    Akbronco | Akmagnus | Aksomati | Atomos | Attica



    Boar | Boltor | Burston | Buzlok | Daikyu | Dera



    Gorgon | Grakata | Grinlok | Hind | Ogris



    Seer | Sicarus | Soma |Sonicor | Staticor | Stradavar | Supra | Sybaris



    Twin Kohmak | Twin Rogga | Vulkar | Zarr



    **Rivens in the smaller images are not actually maxed**

  3. Have a whole bunch of Rivens looking to get rid of, some more than others. Throw me an ingame/forum/whatever message with an offer if any one catches your eye.

    Akbronco | Akmagnus | Aksomati | Atomos | Attica



    Boar | Boltor | Burston | Buzlok | Daikyu | Dera



    Gorgon | Grakata | Grinlok | Hind | Ogris



    Seer | Sicarus | Soma |Sonicor | Staticor | Stradavar | Supra | Sybaris



    Twin Kohmak | Twin Rogga | Vulkar | Zarr



    **Rivens in the smaller images are not actually maxed**

  4. Man, I joined during Valkyr's original release, so I was rocking that OG Excal (RIP Super Jump...) up until I got to the Raptor. After getting my &#! thoroughly kicked (mostly because I was still using the MK-1 Braton), I think I got in a clan and built...Rhino first I think. Ember Prime was hot S#&$ at the time, so I wanted that one but settled with Mag Prime as my second built since my clanmates kept running missions for her parts. After that, I don't really remember the order I got frames in, except that Frost Prime must've been an early frame.

    The first weapon I built besides the Seer/Cronus was either...Dual Ether or Burston. First Sentinel was Dethcube. First Prime weapon was Latron Prime. It's still my go to gun too.

  5. Nope, do not agree with this even a little bit. Just because you're tired of seeing mutliple Nidus's doesn't mean we should suddenly nerf him so you DON'T see even a single Nidus. This has already happened. Her name was Mag. No one uses her anymore. On a similar note: Saryn. And Ash.

    Now, you continue by stating that Nidus is unbalanced due to being able to kill everything and not be able to be killed himself while also having a (SINGLE TARGET mind you) buff. The problem is that we already have several warframes that are essentially unkillable and with a bit of intellegence can be used to kill just as well.

    Here are some examples:

    1) Inaros: Quite possibly the cheesiest strategy in the game is to get a dagger w/Covert Lethality, get a bit of range, spam 1 and boom, you can kill everything AND you also get health back from every kill. Run into a bit of trouble? That's ok, use 4 to stunlock everything and heal from their pain. Then hit them with 1 and stab them. Oh, did you acutally die? No problem: passive will bring you back.

    2) Chroma: With only two abilities, he deals out just as much damage and can tank practically all damage thrown at him. I've done 2 hour long survivals using just that and had to bail just because my weapon wasn't modded correctly (ie: blast vs Grineer). Add Rage/Zenurik for infinite energy. And his 4 for situational and short CC.

    3) Wukong: Rage (w/optional Quick Thinking) + Primed Flow + 2 = Actually Defy death. Damage is a bit of an issue, but when you can avoid dying about...6 or 7 times in a row with one cast, I think he still falls under the Unkillable category.

    4) Trinity: She is unkillable w/Bless + Link. Plus infinite energy from her 2. Wittle down the heavy's with a weapon modded to hit the faction strongest and let Link take care of the weaker enemies. Or just flat out get a really strong gun and kill everything. 

    5) Nekros: Rounding out the bottom of the list, with Shield of Shadows + Despoil you can have that 42% damage reduction (minimum, more if you summon a mob that summons other mobs, ie: Hyekka Master) ON TOP OF a near constant supply of health orbs to power up your Health Conversion (1,350 Armor). Don't forget, those Shadows are excellent at drawing attention (CC). Add Rage/Equilibrium/Zenurik for infinite energy and infinite Shadow health. Again, damage is an issue.

    Runners up for me would be:

    Valkyr: with the Prime versions Energy buff and max duration/effeciency, you can stay in 4 for a really, really long time. Melee only hurts her a bit vs Nullies (what do Nullies NOT affect though?)

    Rhino 200% Str + Ironclad Charge gives you hella lot of Iron Skin. Stomp for CC, set up for another Ironclad Charge, rinse and repeat. Arguably one of the best damage buffs too.

    Equinox: With one ability that can put entire mobs to sleep and another one that scales based on the HP of enemies killed (converted into damage), Equinox can kill in an aoe pretty well. Is quite squishy though.

    Fatal Teleport Ash: Who needs defense when you can literally kill everything with one ability? And be invisible while doing it?

    Assimilate Nyx: Alright, true, you can't move very fast, but when you can absorb ALL THE DAMAGE while still shooting at them, I think that's pretty noteworthy.


    TL;DR: A lot of warframes can kill and survive very well in this game. We should not nerf Nidus just because he's the newest frame everyone's using and enjoying just because he does the same as those frames

  6. *takes a puff from a cigar*

    Dust 514? Haven't heard that name in yea-err, months...

    Yeah, my brother and I both played Dust till the super bitter end, him moreso than I. We're both looking forward to Nova but we're not hyping about it. Hopefully CCP keeps quiet about it until they have 100% solid stuff to show (that one showcase aside of course). I have faith that Rattati will do good.

  7. OP, I really don't know what to tell you. Just bad luck is what I would call it, since I've had 3 lenses myself in the last few runs. Didn't let that discourage me. I had 4 Rivens in a row previously. I should note, I really struggled with the Spy mission but finished it anyway.

    But hey, you said you're not an "achivement hunter" so if giving up and just running the common missions is fun for you, go for it.

  8. I understand what you're saying OP. I go in thinking I can pretty much do everything in the game no problem. Then I did these missions and was genuinely pissed. But not at DE, just at myself for thinking so badly. After I finally managed to do it though, I felt fine. A little practice and they're easy/fair to do.

  9. My absolute favorite to use is Frost. He can do quite a bit, has pretty decent augments to his already impressive abilities, is reasonably tanky, and just looks pretty damn good. Excalibur is my second (gotta love your starter frame), and Chroma is my third just because he's a damn dragon. And very unkillable. 

    Special mention to Rhino, the first warframe I built. 

  10. This is indeed much simpler than what we have now. However, specific concerns instantly arose in my mind upon reading this, namely:

    1) Will the Endo values be equal to Fusion Core values we have now?

    -By this, I mean, we know that it takes 132 R5 Fusion Cores to MAX out a Common R10 mod. Will the Endo value for a Common R10 mod still be equal to 132 R5 Cores? Or will the value actually increase/decrease? I noticed that there are numerical values to Endo, but my concern still stands.

    2) What are the chances that we are going to have another incident similar to the "Keys to Relics" problem we had, and if such a problem occurs, how will it be fixed?

    -Quite a few people were impacted by having lost hundreds of Relics via the conversion. I'll admit that getting a whole bunch of relics free was a good way to respond tho this, but with this being targeted at items people have thousands of, it worries me that something similar might happen and we only get a fraction back.

  11. DESCRIPTION: Minor/Severe frame drop after short/extended periods of play. It begins slowly, with it being almost unnoticeable at first before becoming bad enough to make the game unplayable after roughly 20-30 minutes of mission gameplay.

    Who: Affects all Warframes and appears to affect other teammates if afflicted happens to be host.

    What: Any Warframe and cosmetics. Any Weapon Loadout. Any Sentinel/Kubrow companion.

    Where: Any mission type and tileset appears to cause the frame drop.




    REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

     1. Launch Warframe

     2. Play any mission on any tileset with any warframe (including any cosmetics) and any loadout equipped.

     3. Observe as the "stutter" begins.


    Sidenote: Changing Direct X from 11 to 10 and changing other settings (Multi-Threading) from the launcher doesn't help, and neither does changing any settings within the game.

  12. Frost has allready a goodish passive.

    Volt is due for a rework anyways so let push that back for now.

    Saryn gets a stupid 25% status prolong (lazy DE, just lazy).

    As I said for Ember as an offens oriented Frame she should get a bonus for an offensive behaviour - like a defense or damage buff for every fireproced enemy in a ~20m radius.

    I disagree with the Frost one. It's restricted to melee strikes, and isn't even guaranteed to proc. How about a small touch? Guaranteed proc on melee, and a sort of Coolant Leak for enemies that get close? That dissipates faster than the actual Coolant Leak?


    I do agree very much with your Ember, since I play her as a spam happy caster Warframe.

    How about this:


    Ember Passive: Overheat

    -After casting an ability, Ember's abilities are slowly empowered for 5 seconds and gain 5% extra Strength, stacking up to 6 times for a total of 30% bonus at max. World on Fire increases empowered timer.

    Note: Five seconds is still the window cap for the empowered abilities; i.e, no ability cast in 5 seconds, back down to 0 stacks. World on Fire only procs on initial cast and does not proc per hit. It only increases the window by 50% for a total of 7.5 seconds while it is active.


    Numbers can definitely be adjusted, just attempting to present this idea.

  13. The other problem with Spectral Scream is that it severely limits your mobility while having short reach (made even shorter by Narrow Minded). I find that I rarely use it except against low- or mid-level Infested, and that's mostly because the enemies come to me so I don't have to move much anyways.


    Two possible suggestions for fixing the mobility issue:


    1. Allow full parkour during Spectral Scream, but the breath attack is only active when Chroma is on the ground. Chroma is still slowed to a walk while on the ground. Perhaps landing while Spectral Scream is active should trigger a Heavy Impact-like slam with a guaranteed proc (maybe a knockdown, but no knockback so enemies are still in range to be breathed on).


    2. Holding RMB during Spectral Scream narrows the cone to significantly increase the range (and possibly also the damage and/or proc rate).

    I really like the 2nd idea you propose there. Would it be in addition to general damage increase/proc rate? Because that Scream really needs some help. As for the parkour, it's also pretty interesting, particularly the Heavy Impact aspect of it. Though, what point is there in Scream being on, if there is no breath? Just for the Impact? Ehhh, I'd rather have it have the breath in that case, though that in itself is also a problem.


    i'm really pissed off right now, people saying he doesn't need a buff, yet nobody says why not, he clearly has some of the weakest 1 ability of all frames, and his ultimate is right now, one of the worst in terms of draining energy

    Do you have any ideas maybe? His 1 really is terrible, and his 4 isn't worth the drain true.


    just give 1&4 ignis treatment+affected by mods then he will be fine

    one more thing, toxic chroma should increase all speed(sprint,parkour,melee), not just reload and holster

    So like Volt's Speed, except better (holster + reload)

  14. I don't get it. I just don't. I've personally always hated Mesa's who didn't actually play. I've been on both ends of the spectrum too. I've "Mesa'd" with her old 4. I almost fell asleep because I wasn't playing. I was just pressing and holding my mouse, occasionally my 4 to get energy.


    I don't understand how there are people who honestly preferred that style of "playing" and are now sad that they actually have to move the mouse. Especially with such a good kit.

  15. Im just saying. Going long n a surv, that just means your good at avoiding dmg & using good weapons. Going long n a surv has nothing to do with a frame performance. Everyone favorite line is "I can go long with him/her for how ever long n a surv"

    Nothing to do? Excuse me? It may not be ALL that important, but saying it has "nothing" to do with warframe performance is absolutely wrong too. 


    Chroma is capable of taking insane amounts of damage while dealing insane amounts of damage himself. Since our endgame is technically T4 missions, the ability to last that long is definitely evidence of something about the warframe itself being capable of letting the player survive that long.


    Now, on to OP. As said, I don't think he needs buffs, but rather, as stated by this guy states:


    Chroma doesn't need buffs. What he needs is QoL changes, and common sense stuff like Effigy actually getting some of the armor it takes, as well as being affected by Vex Armor (and actually radiating Elemental Ward like the ability says it does!).



    It's little things


    His Elemental Ward (2) and Vex Armor (3) is already absolutely incredible with one another. However, his Spectral Scream (1) and Effigy (4) are severely lacking.


    -Spectral Scream is meant to be used as a damaging move. Yet, it drops off far to quickly and is waaaay inferior to all other forms of damage. If the idea is keeping it as a damaging move, then perhaps make it so the damage procs more than once per second. Make mods increase the "fire rate" of the scream perhaps? Increasing the base damage as well would help in that sense too. Another note would be to just combine the augment so that it always fires an elemental ball.


    -Effigy is supposed to be like a team support/turret. Yet, the support is low, and the actual damage dealt is not what I would expect from a dragon's turret. I only ever really use Effigy when I want to: 

    a) run a little bit faster

    b) need a quick distraction to revive

    Other than that, I'll never pull out my effigy since the cost of half my armor is too much for what the Effigy provides. I propose, as mentioned before by a quote here, is that it actually emanate the ward at an increased range. Also, increasing the rate that the Effigy damages would help it's "turret" status.

  16. I have to echo OP's statements. What really bothers me is I can kill Stalker 100 times and RNG can still choose to not give me Despair. Once I do get Despair, whatever pride I get from actually obtaining it is tossed aside because I can look in the market and see that the BP is available, no RNG risk required.


    Yes, I understand it's the China weapon. Yes, we are lucky we got it so early. But that doesn't mean that we should excuse it's stats and easy attainability when compared to the RNG based Despair, who has weaker stats.


    Do I want Spira nerfed? No. What I DO want is some disparity behind the two weapons. I prefer Despair be made into a slash weapon like the other Stalker weapons, or Spira be changed to fit more of a status/crit build/non-puncture than the Despair. Give them something to differentiate the two weapons.

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