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Posts posted by fulcrvm

  1. Okay... here's my entry:


    The bigger images are the original resolution (250x250 pixels) and the ones to the right of them are the 100x100 pixels...

    made 2 versions, normal and semi-cloaked



    also TC if you dont like those 100x100's that are on there you can just use the originals to make your own.... (tried to fit loki's head as much as possible without making it too small)

  2. Thanks so much for the feedback everyone! It really means alot :)


    then the murderer s family, then the murderer , family s friend, then their friend, then the entire race while making sure they suffer ! 

    http://i.imgur.com/CA05DKN.jpg (how do i put the image directly please, i ve tried many times but i just can t do it)

    You need to post the BBCode instead of the direct link for the image to appear on the forums, Check BenziNinja's pinned guide on this board on how to post pictures. :)

    I have no words, mate.

    What can i say? Sure, it's perfect, it's awesome, but what i'm really feeling... That's a feeling i can't express in words :\

    You did an amazing art @__@


    Do you have Deviant Art acc? I'd like to fav it, so i won't lose these arts.

    Aaahhh! Thanks so much! Not sure what I can do about your feelings but I'm glad you like it xD And no I don't have a Deviantart account sorry they are on Imgur, though. You can see all of my art over there. Again thanks! :)

  3. Who killed him?




    >:( Contact Lotus. Get a posse to hunt down the murderer!


    Lol maybe I should have mentioned that but to answer your question it was the Grineer, I made this as kind of an aftermath scene from a previous drawing:




    so blame the grineer!

  4. Not bad. 


    Your smoke effects could do with more consistency. 

    I know :( I'm not so good with drawing certain elements, i only used the round brush for the smoke

  5. Rebecca said behind the anger and "pain" -_-


    anyways I am thankful for everyone who viewed/commented and upvoted and for DE for featuring it in primetime... X_X never would have hoped.

  6. Thanks for the comments/upvotes and hilarious GIFs everyone! xD

    ...seems this is hitting alot of people with the feels... worry not for i will do my best to make this picture less depressing in an update!

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