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Posts posted by (PSN)Wolf_Folivora

  1. Clan name        :   WORLDCAMP

    Clan Tier           :   Storm

    Clan platform  :   PlayStation 4

    Clan role          :   Founding Warlord / Architect

    Submission Category                :    Star Chart All Stars
    Submission Images Imgur Link :    https://imgur.com/a/xck1y6Y

    Hello Fellow Tenno!
    I am excited to include Clan Worldcamp to the Star Chart Dojo Showcase for Spring 2023.
    This is not our first contest entry, Our Clan Was formerly Known as Clan Triglav on PlayStation. And were proud to have once won a spot. I also hope we can compete with past winners, hopefully for a 2nd win to meet and talk with other Dojo decorators.
    I have linked 10 images total, the 10 images represent 8 different rooms. To check them out you may click the Imgur link provided above, or check the Direct image URL provided in the message below.
    Images come with no description aside from room name. I hope that the images alone will reveal more of what the individual Dojo rooms are like.

    I have already seen some of the Submissions for this contest and wish to say that I love the incredible work many of you have done. 🤩

    For forum Tenno - Here is a Preview, and the other 9 images are hidden inside the Spoiler Tab down below.


    More Images:












  2. What I am about to write is my opinion and approach to the Game as someone who more or less continuously plays Warframe for 8 or 9 years now, and Generally enjoys the Grind. My desires and expectations for an RPG are certinatly very different than what most RPG and none RPG Players expect from their Game.

    But regardless of that, objectively Warframe as a game should stay true to Its unique approach to progression. It's one of Its better stand out features.

    The way I See grind in Warframe is Not that it is too much or even hard, but rather that most people approach it wrong. On and on, I hear that Players think of farming or grinding as a Chore instead of Item system that gives the Player time in between each forma to analyze and consider how the weapon or frame functions with little variations instead of going all Out. Its pushing the Player to find ways to make build Work with as little formas as possible. And when grinding for the resources one is becoming more aware of the Level and where the items drop or are Hidden. The Feeling of being rewarded for understanding the Game Rules instead of being rewarded Just because you killed Something.

    Just Like you learn to build and Mod your frame and weapons to Help the squad kill faster, defend better, etc.. You also eventually adjust your loadouts to be more Farming friendly, and that is where the grind truly becomes fun. The Feeling when you successfully received your Item reward faster and more of it, because you built your frame Just right and everyone in the Team did their unique Job.

    For Players who do not want to Farm to much for Special items, there is very often the Option for the These items to be traded or purchased.

    But If you Happen to be someone who Just wants to be rewarded more instantly and directly, then I can understand your frustration but... Expecting faster Progression in a fully free to Play Game is Not very realistic. So, If the grind Has to be there like in Most MMO RPG games then why not appreciate how uniquely rewarding it is.

  3. 2 hours ago, (PSN)x7thmoon said:

    sure its nice to get new content BUT its 100% pointless if the room LIMITATION and space LIMITATION  dont get a increase especially with the massive drydocks wich fyi happen to be be more than 1 floor tall/deep. the space limitation needs widening by a great deal, floor count by 2 preferably 5 and room count limitation raised by atleast 3x.

    Yeah... but I've already come to terms that we are probably never going to see that.
    So I will take my new Deco and be grateful. Because I can still remember dojo droughts where there were periods going for over a year or more, and no actual changes were made or anything being added.
    Seeing Dojos get any love is still more than nothing.

  4. Clan name: Triglav

    Clan tier: Storm

    Clan platform: PS4

    Clan role: Founding Warlord


    1. A sadd CL4P-TP


    2. Drydock RedZone


    3. The room that cannot be removed


    4. The Bash Lab


    5. It will take hours to fund this


    6. Tributa 30 character limit


    7. Now to do it all over again...



    I used to love decorating, but over the years I began to ask myself if it's truly worth my time and all this stress.
    If 100 players use and need the dojo build and decorated by one. Than all 100% benefit from making it more comfortable for the 1%. Right?
    • Like 2
  5. Clan Name: Triglav

    Clan Tier: Moon

    Clan Platform: PlayStation

    Clan Role: Founding Warlord

    Images: https://imgur.com/a/BxT8ZdN





    Clan Triglav, a community based in Central Europe time zones, is happy to enter this Summer Dojo Contest :)
    Here to participate and to share room ideas.

    And a quick note! Not for DE but for players checking out the Triglav Dojo submission.
    Past experiences made me realize I should add a little more to the post than just pictures and videos. I would like to be completely transparent and say that while the resources for the construction of our Dojo were provided by many Tenno, to whom I am very grateful. The actual decorating was done almost entirely by myself. 99% of the Dojo in other words, pretty much everything that is not a tributa was done by me. With that being said, I would like to kindly ask not to contact me or any of our clan members on the subject of decorating your dojo. I am not interested and I will not decorate your dojo no matter how much you ask or how much platinum you offer. Please respect that.

    Now that that's out of the way...
    Clan Triglav Dojo is a personal project. A Dojo that was made to look like the inside of a chiseled-out asteroid base. It is how I imagine an asteroid mining-colony would look like. Dark lighting, rocky walls, nature and infestation are the themes in our Dojo. The rooms all have their own sub-theme and a lot of extra effort and capacity was spent into making it look dirty, overgrown or damaged. Because to me there is just something off when everytinhg looks perfectly clean.
    Every room has multiple layers, or floors, all are connected, so you can walk through the entire Dojo (if you have a few hours to spare).Rooms have hints of work being done, and a few secrets here and there. You will find living areas, abandoned sites, forests, caves, slums, markets, bars, pretty much everything.
    But the downside on going to crazy on detail... the capacity of most rooms is maxed an thus there is quite notable lag throughout the entire Dojo. So by Clan requests many none essential rooms have been removed, and after six years Clan Triglav will no longer be expanding the Dojo. You could say this as good as Triglav will ever look. And hopefully it will inspire many Tenno to try out the ingame dojo-decorating options. Thank you so much to everyone that made Triglav a reality!


    Full Image gallery: https://imgur.com/a/BxT8ZdN

    1. Dry dock /  bring a thick coat, because space is cold, and any dry dock will be a cold place to work

    2. The lounge / In the 1st floor of the main hub you will find a bar, pool table, musical instruments, small kitchen and a comfy couch to relax after a Long Arbitration

    3. Mecha workshop / here you will find many different mechas and meca weapons being constructed and maintained, these biomechanical monsters are the pride of our clans efforts

    4. Marketplace / A residential area and market, where life warms the spirit of this cold asteroid.

    5. The Rules Guidelines / This is one of the first rooms our members will see, it serves as an introduction to our community, with our rules, and many game tips, like how damage and elemental damage works, affinity gaining, etc...

    6. Warship Scylla / In the back of the asteroid you will find our giant warship, because you can't defend an asteroid with turrets alone.

    7. Paludarium / A relaxing aquarium, and terrarium to study the creatures of Venus and Uranus

    8. The Slums / When Overcapacity became an issue, so a rush-job was made to turn the old storage area into a temporary housing district.

    9. Clan Ascension Altar / In this room the members partake in the ascension ceremony. Be assured, that no one has died during the ascension of the clan.

    10. Wald / A small forest entrance made for relaxation and as a tribute to Leo. From here you may enter into the dark woods, the bamboo forest, or the infested caves.

    And a short amateur Video to show the Dojo in a little more depth. Hopefully you can get a better idea of how big and detailed the rooms really are.



    • Like 2
    • Clan name:         Triglav
    • Clan tier:            Storm
    • Clan platform:   Playstation 4
    • My Clan role:     Founding Warlord


    • Feature image:



    • More images and a simple video are inside the spoiler tab


      •  The Slums (residential area)
      • UqQV0oY.png
      • Infested hall (Clan Heart)
      • BOqZwXO.png
      • Maple Garden
      • Bamboo forest
      • YSw3S4d.png
      • Venetian Alien forest
      • Infested Alien Forest
      • fU94y0x.png
      • Munitions Storage facility
      • DryDockxvXDh90.jpg
      • Hallway desing example
      • https://i.imgur.com/G8Ju4VE.jpg
      • Hall desing example
      • Clan Ascention Altar
      • Paladarium
      • Long Abandoned quarry
      • Launge Area


      A low-quality video with more rooms



      Images and video do not do our Clan Dojo justice. There are many more rooms that simply need to be seen ingame to apretiate.

      Our Clan´s main aesthetic goal is to make the Dojo look like the chiseled, dark inside of an asteroid, a sort of improvised asteroid base.
      Mostly trying to avoid a clean look, our Dojo was made to look as overgrown and dirty as possible.
      Darkness, Red colors and Infestation are common throughout the rooms.
      To us, nature is beautifful, not gold or polished granite.

    • Like 2
  6. 20 hours ago, (PSN)Byakuya-Masuta said:

    Does this mean any ranked player like mr 17 etcetera, have to start over on the Ps5 version from unranked to whatever rank by mastering everything all over again? If so, is there a plan, or hope in the future for a limited time to migrate the players' account with the limitation of getting all the trophies again? So ranked players can experience everything in the Ps5 version without doing everything all over again. And very well decorated clans, if not high level clans dont have to start over from just an empty room. 

    Dont worry. If you are MR17 on ps4 and decide to play Warframe on PS5 you will retain your progress and even be able to play with your ps4 friends.

    • Like 1
  7. Curently In Open-matches on Railjack missions a player who has no or even negative skill at piloting can take the Pilot Seat and may never leave the Pilot Seat even if asked nicely (or not so nicely) by the entire crew to do so. This is what is making my Open-match missions on Veil-Proxima a 60min headache.

    If there was an option for players to assign roles either by a Crew vote or by the Captain to create a priority player for the Pilot-Seat and SideGuns. It would make Random matches with unskilled players less of a gamers nightmare for the rest of the team.

    For example: By a crew wote or from the Capitan of the Ship Roles can be given to players (or or be taken away). So If one has the piloting role he gets first picks for the Pilot Seat, if he leaves the Pilot Seat than others can take his seat, but if the Pilot wants to return he can remove the current pilot from the seat to reenter his original position. The same system can be used for SideGuns

    It would greatly help make random Railjack matches more enjoyable. Right now when the team is working together Railjack is really really fun 🙂 
    But it only takes that one bad player to mess it up.

    And one more thing... to the team at Digital Extremes, you did a great job with Railjack 👍

    Wolf Salut

    I have read your responses dear Tenno and I want to fix and clarify my original post in more detail:
    Voting to switch roles is meant as an ingame option. - By default there should be a role preference select menu for auto assigning roles, sencond there would be an ingame voting option (incase the auto assign gave an unexperienced pilot the piloting role), and a third - Host ability to assign roles but only if there are two players equaly interested for a role or if the remaining 3 players chose the neutral option (the "dont care" option) while voting.

    I did not mention Intrinsics because I dont believe it should be tied to your intrinsic rank. From my experience - a high level pilot can still be a crappy pilot, his 10 rank is just where he invested all his intrinsics. I believe new (and old) players should have the chance to learn how to pilot, but if they suck at it, than the team can just chose to give him/her a diferent role.

    I still stand behing the idea that the Role Holder should have his seat priority - (for example: The Pilot would be able to remove the Gunner from the Pilot seat in order to re-enter Piloting)

    The game should have an auto assign system - a role preference menu of sorts where you could chose what roles you want to fulfill. You would chose the order of the roles for yourself and from now on - everytime you enter a Railjack mission the game would assign roles to Players based on their preference. And you would always be able to switch up your preference order if you decide gunnery is more your thing but not mid-mission. This preference menu should not be accessible mid mission, but in your orbiter. In order to switch your role mid-mission, we should have a quick one time mid-mission role switch for this specific session. So that the team would have a chance to reorginise.

    Hopefully this clarifies my post.
    English is not my best language, but i try...
    Edited 11.02.2020 - 14.00 Berlin time

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