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Posts posted by xX_1390Hardscope_Xx

  1. This is the second time that a defeat Lephantis and then get stuck in the elevator, a classic glitch that make your warframe through the wall, but in another elevators, you can go outside and the call it again, but no in this mission, the doors does'nt open, make it impossible to end this mission and the /unstuck does'nt work, I hope someone fix this.

  2. En 1/5/2020 a las 9:21, [DE]Megan dijo:

    Damn bro, now with the revolite change, is cool that now we can make 100 revolite instead of 50 to 63 for the engineer, but a catastrofic failure uses 100 of revolite instead of the 30, and happens more frequently cause' of the damage. You got your pros and counters, and for solo players like me is difficult, even with the tactical menu, to ship the railjack, go to the forge to make more revolite, and repair the catastrofic failure in the nerfed time to respond to that failure, and gets worst, because you got a time to wait to reuse the forge, 3 minutes when you can get more than 4 catastrofic failures. I hope the new update can change that or even bring with us the commander intrinsec for solo players, but is just speculations. 

    So, thanks for the update DE, I apreciate.


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