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Posts posted by Ourobor

  1. So we have a nerf trinity or nerf nova thread on the first 5pages huh.

    And you don't think at this point it doesn't warrant merging the threads or starting to close them.

    Personally i don't care whether they nerf trinity or nova or both so far to the ground they disappear into the orokin void like banshee, i just want to see more posts about how weapons are becoming more and more useless and new weapons come out and how many warframes have falling out of viability.



    The only reason these threads are here is because of the controversy and because DE was talking about it.

    Also, when I said this is the only Nova/Trinity thread on the front page or the next five, I got bored of checking at page six. Closing a thread happens when it's bad or offensive or bad manner, which this thread is not. Merging threads happens when there are many active copies of the same thread, of which there isn't as I've said. Just because you don't care about it, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. If you want to talk about those other topics you've mentioned, make a thread or go to those forums and make a thread.

  2. /shrug
    I think sentinels are inconsistent with the aesthetic of warframe. I also think the new pets are. I have a very simple solution for it: I don't use them anymore. You'd be surprised at how little difference it made for me. I learned to pick things up for myself and I learned to avoid damage better so I didn't need the shield restore. 

  3. This is like the 1millionth post about, can we just make a mega thread about trinity and nova tears or just start closing them because i am seriously tired of seeing this S#&$ every waking moment i check the forums.

    I just checked, this is the only thread about this on the front page(and for the next 5 pages). This is a discussion forum, people discuss stuff. This is a hot topic because DE was talking about it and people all want to have their voice heard.

  4. Because this is a video game and attacking a rail is something to do. People who run rails are doing it because it's something interesting to do. I welcome it. As long as alliances get a fair shot at it and turnover is frequent, I'm completely fine with rail conflicts. They make the game more interesting, and they give you something to fight for. If you like 0% tax nodes, then go fight for them because you believe in it. If you don't, then don't. It's a video game, and dark sector conflicts are a gameplay element. Stop complaining because some people are choosing to play the game. Complaining about this is roughly equivalent to complaining about all the people who play red phantoms in Dark Souls. Instead of looking down on them, embrace them. Roleplay as your character. You can be good or evil and either way, you yourself isn't what your character is so you're free to behave as you wish.

    tl;dr: It's a game and people are playing it.

  5.  It wouldn't be so absolutely drastic a change to handle the balance patching that way that it'd cause trouble.


     The main reason that Trinity and Nova and any Frame with at least a single broken ability are so highly valued is because their effectiveness will be high either indefinitely OR for much longer then the typical Warframe.


     Why aren't we seeing people talking about that Wave 100 Endless Defense they carried their squad in playing as Ash on Ceres? Because he simply isn't going to be at his peak effectiveness for 100 Waves like a Trinity can be.



     However if you just start knocking down all the popular and useful options players have for reaching that higher level, crazier stuff you end up hurting things. 


      Working on the enemy scaling is a part of fixing Frame balance. They are extremely closely related.

    There aren't any alternative options for higher level, crazier stuff. Trinity is the only healer capable of keeping people alive for that long. Nerf her and no alternatives would be available to abuse and the fallout would be the same as if you changed everything. I personally welcome the idea that maybe hour long survivals shouldn't be possible. I'd rather play a 20 minute survival and have fun for all of it than wait for a half hour before I start having fun. And sure you could make the beginning bits of the survival "fun" by making the levels higher or whatever, but then what was the point of it scaling up at all?

    I don't think nova is over powered, she's just annoying at low levels. If all her ult did was multiply damage, she would be fine. We have another frame that can do that and she doesn't get abused. Take out the explosions and I'd do a 180 and actively welcome novas because instead of seeing a frame that will cause me to not get to play the game, I'll see a frame that makes me more awesome. Most "Pro" nova players I've seen claim AMD is a better nuke anyway.

    And the fact remains that changing a lot of things will result in frowns. That's what the scientific method's purpose is. We vary one thing and observe the outcome, then we vary something else.

  6. This makes me wonder about what would happen if every heavy unit got Dispel.

    I dunno. Dispel is an ability that has a good chance of annoying people. As a general rule, people don't like preforming an action and then having the game come back and tell them it was for nothing. A good example of this is the miss chance in Morrowind. Dispel is much like this. A tenno cast a spell and then a fairly common enemy just dispelled it. It'd make you feel like you just wasted your time. The stalker gets away with it because he's a unique rare enemy.


    I've seen some stuff about heavies that actively benefit from abilities cast at them, which interests me. Instead of removing a players ability, they force them to carefully consider casting them.

    Still doesn't change the fact that sustained invincibility is broken. The only counter is a Dispel, and a Dispel isn't fun.

  7.  My 2 cents?


     Leave Trinity and Nova and whomever else broken for now.


     Then you ready up a big patch. I mean a big beefy one.


     You address everything at once. You tone down the ridiculously broken Warframe Skill combos and techniques AND you tone down and add caps where necessary on enemy scaling so that having those broken abilities on standby is no longer entirely essential.



     More people would go further in Endless Defense and Survival settings if they knew that scaling was something they didn't have to rely on specific skills to counter. The game would properly improve this way.


     Fix scaling at the same time as Warframe skills. Not one and then the other. Both. That's the only way I see this all going smoothly for the people playing.

    I'd rather see them take their time and not change all of the game balance in one shot. It's a terrible idea to change multiple things at the same time because you have no idea how the changes will interact with each other. Changing scaling, skills, etc all at the same time is a good way to do it poorly. I'd much rather see DE fix one frame at a time and do it well, than fix at least 4 all at once, get overwhelmed by all of the mad from the playerbase(People will get mad either way. People don't like their favorite things being nerfed, even if the rest of the game is changed), and fail to balance any of them properly for many updates causing people's opinions of those frames to sour.

  8. I find it disturbing that someone wants to nerf the Warframes before resolving AI issues.........


    This is going to be like.......telling your girlfriend to "leave and never come back"...then as soon as she closes the door you're like "BABY PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOO PLEAAAAAAAAAASE I CAN EXPLAIN"

    I don't understand what this has to do with anything. Yes AI needs a rework, but no amount of good AI has a counter for invincible players.

  9. I just did a bit of physics. If we're generous and say that the arrow weighs a kilogram, the grineer weighs 200kg, the bow would have to launch the arrow at roughly 5 times the speed of some of the best bows on the planet at the moment to move the body one meter before it's head touched the floor. And that's being exceptionally generous. I treated the grineer body as if it didn't collide with the floor and cause friction, made the arrow much heavier than it is and the grineer much lighter than it is. The problem is simply that the arrow weighs so much less than a grineer and to make up for that it has to move waaaaaaayy faster, which a bow simply can't do. Not to mention the fact that because we can see the arrow in flight it's probably moving much slower than my assumption(60 m/s).

    I honestly don't care either way, but if you want to talk reality, a bow couldn't realistically do that without some kind of ridiculous explanation.

  10. What's funny is that with the recent T3 Buff all T3 enemies are now lvl30. While this is still easy without trinity. Survival is a different matter.

    30mins = lvl 30s

    40 mins = lvl 60s

    45 mins = lvl 70s

    50 mins = lvl 80s

    I actually can't see a squad going 45mins + without trinity

    What part of the game requires you to play the mission that long? There are no time based drops. The only reason people see this as a problem is because they've been using trinity for so long as a crutch and have grown to expect that they can (and feel entitled to) do 45 min + survivals.

  11. I use the Tigris as my main weapon.

    I mod it as follows:


    Core Mods:Mods I always have on it
    Point Blank(Max)
    Hells Chamber(Max)
    Seeking Force(Max)

    Tactical Pump(Max)


    Grineer Mods:Mods in addition to the core mods when fighting Grineer
    Charged Shell(Max)
    Incendiary Coat(Max)
    Shell Shock(Max)

    We're going for radiation damage here

    Corpus Mods:Mods in addition to the core mods when fighting Corpus
    Chilling Grasp(Max)
    Charged Shell(Max)
    Shell Shock(Max)

    Magnetic damage. You'll have to shuffle the blaze to the end so that the mods combine right

    Orokin Mods:You get it
    Charged Shell(Max)
    Shell Shock(Max)
    Toxic Barrage(Max) //I don't have Contagious Spread. It would probably be a better choice

    Corrosive damage. Once again, blaze needs to be moved to the back.

    Pro Tips

    1. Position your shots so that the pierce multiple enemies.

    2. I reload a lot and if I can't find an enemy to put the second shell in almost immediately, I just reload.
    3. I didn't like it until I potatoed it and put all of those mods on it. Before that I wasn't particularly happy with it.

    4. It isn't a rifle. You're going to have to engage enemies are medium to close range. Damage dropoff is ridiculous and you're even slightly out of range, your pellets are basically cotton candy.

    5. This doesn't damage like a rifle. If you're good you can kill lots of creeps really fast, but it doesn't have the sustained DPS of riles and such, so I tend to just focus down little creeps and heavies near me(close range) and leave everything else to other members of your cell. I typically tie or kill the most enemies, but I rarely have anywhere near the most damage because I just don't kill heavies all that much.
    6. Close range is no fun. Pick a tough frame if you use a shotgun. You get hit a lot. I use Zephyr because she can close distance very quickly, her health and shields, and because turbulence is a really good damage mitigation ability.

  12. Iron Skin doesn't effect your Syandana because Iron Skin is an armor coating for your frame to give it more protection. Covering your Syandana with the same coating would be like iron plating a cape. While it would provide marginally better protection, that same amount of material could be used elsewhere to greater effect(like just making the plating on Rhino a little thicker).

    Or you could look at it from a practical point of view

    Each Syandana is a separate model that would require a separate and thought out iron skin texture. DE probably just figures that the benefit of having them have iron skin effects is negligible in comparison to the amount of effort. There are 4 Rhino helmets total. There are at least 6 syandanas and they plan on making more.

  13. If it was implemented like that, I'd leave. I'm not making ultimatums or anything, just stating that the fact that WF doesn't do that is one of the biggest reasons I play this game. I do not want to play a PvE game with a bunch of people waving OP locked content over my head. I want to choose how I play the game, not get my choice funneled down into "Pick the best weapon with the best stats for my level". For me, this game is about choosing how you want to play the game and just having more and more OP stuff tied to higher MR ranks would entirely destroy that. If it was implemented as such, I wouldn't find the game attractive anymore and leave.

  14. "PS4 Update 13 

    Practice your controller katas, Tenno! Melee 2.0 is approaching. 
    We have a build heading to Sony for certification soon™. The certification process will probably take a little longer than usual because of the size of the update, and we’ve packed in a few hotfixes as well. The build we are sending is, that includes some recent Dark Sector changes. We are aiming for a Monday, April 28th, submission, and will inform you when this takes place. For those of you who were upset that you missed out on the Shamrock/Easter Colour Picker, we’ve got an exclusive PS4 Colour Picker on the way."

    From the Official "April 25th Community Hot Topics!" thread that apparently no one ever reads. They're(/They have) going to submit it, but it might or might not get bounced back by Sony's QA so there most likely isn't going to be a definitive date announced for a while.
  15. Instead of running away from the fight, stay and help him clear out the room, and shut off alarms to stop the spawns. That's how you keep him from "going rambo" - if you try to rush, you'll fail.

    I'd much rather have a hetic get away with my speed through the level limited to his speed then sit around and kill every, single enemy in the room. I have more fun guiding him through the level shooting stuff as they come while he moves as fast as he can than when I give him and gun and just go back to playing normal warframe. It would be so much nicer if he still pathed to you, but took potshots as he did so and when you slow down and he catches up he goes into rambo mode until you start moving again.

  16. No I dont think so. I just did another run and a straight 1 bullet headshots still gets heard.


    Just now I also had a problem with ice in the prison area. Apparantly while the wardens are walking across it they cant be stealth killed just like the issue I had with the stairs. Although I noticed something else in that run. I had killed the other two wardens quietly and when the third one spotted me I kept staggering her with my Galatine and yet she was still able to sound the alarm and kill the hostage


    I like the ideas in this update but I also think many of them have been implimented poorly. Even though Ive been successful using Volt twice I feel like this is really a loki/ash only event. Its possible to do it with other warframes but youre going to loose a lot more then you succeed

    I run through the levels with a Latron Prime with full hush and no enemy ever hears it.

  17. Nothing new really, every game that has a escorting type mission is very lackluster or just plain bad

    I'm playing RE4(again) and defending Ashley isn't that bad. She always stands behind you though, and you can tell her to follow you or wait somewhere until it's safe. It's difficult and actually makes you actually think about what you're doing. Do you want her to wait in a previous room and potentially get captured if someone comes in behind you, or do you want her to follow you and possibly get hurt? It's fairly interesting.

  18. After playing a few of the rescues(both easy medium and hard) i learned other than the prison block its self there is no need to be stealthy what so ever, i can go rhino plow through everything till the prision block and as long as i can stealth around in there unhindered by other enemies then i will get full points, the change is in a good direction but its such a minor step that stealth is still pointless through 3/4 of a mission designed for stealth


    And yes I am aware if they made it so the entire mission you couldnt trip a alarm it would be extreamly difficult but point is its a band aid to this game and a very small band aid to keep players playing at that. I'm starting to think that its time for me to uninstall and move on but I've been reluctant due to friends and hope the game gets better in bigger ways but so far it has not so that was my 2 cents

    To be honest, it would be nice if you got the third bonus point not from preventing the wardens from tripping an alarm, but from not tripping one at all. That way its not debilitating to the overall gameplay and there's still a bonus to stealthing the entire mission.

  19. The ones we get from the Rescues is to be used in Missions, we have some of those in the Orokin Lab, it seems THOSE are for Rails. have to wait 2 more days to see if we will see those Spectres in battle(researchresearchresearchresearchCLANresearchNOTALLIANCEresearch).


    "What can you do with these Tenno Specters?

    If you’re in a Clan or Alliance that wants to add greater challenge and defenses to your Solar Rail, you can create Tenno Specters to give to your Clan/Alliance’s Tactician to begin building an army for strategic deployment!

    If you’re a player that wants added help in your regular missions, you can bring Tenno Specters in your gear slots to deploy!

    Or, maybe you’re both! Have fun in the field with a Tenno Specter at your side!"

    Why would they do this? It makes no sense. In the dev stream they talked about how they wanted to tie endgame stuff to normal content like rescue2.0 so we'd do them. I was actually pretty happy with that. I was farming them for the rails, not for my own use...

  20. I played it solo. It seemed alright without anyone to mess it up for me. I will say that the most annoying part of trying to stealth through a level is that (as someone already mentioned) enemies automatically alert other enemies nearby instantly and without doing anything. It would be nice to be able accidentally bump into an enemy, stare at each other for a second and right as they were about to alert the other grineer in the room, you kill them. The actual rescue room and the wardens were pretty good. You can fairly reliably kill them with a melee execution(I killed mine with a rank 15 Fang Prime with no issues) and the fact that they take bonus damage from melee execution makes me actually stealth around the room. The set paths allow me to be a ninja about it and actually wallrun and slide to move around the room quickly and quietly

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