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Posts posted by nzzero

  1. This is the stupidest idea ever! I have a better proposal: Go private.


    How come when explorers complain about rushers we get a speed nerf, but when its the other way around, suddenly going private solves all the issues?


    You see the hypocrisy in this?

  2. What about adding a little upgradeable bonus to the dojo's oracle?


    A clan could upgrade the oracle to give them a 10/20/30 minute heads up on upcoming alerts.

    The alert could appear greyed-out on the menus screen with timer counting down till it becomes active.


    Its an oracle for crying out loud.

  3. Was it intentional to not have armor penetration on the Dread bow?

    Some people say it wasn't intentional, and they're going to add it later.  Others say it was because of it already having higher damage than Paris.


    Either way it's still a great weapon, and i'm still going to continue using it regardless.


    Grineeer (Dev) said "Dread is working as intended"

  4. I think Rebecca should attempt to obtain a Reaper Blade and Latron Prime Receiver, on a live stream, she'll have infinite tries until she does this, and we get to watch and see if she can make those weapons first, or some programmers lose their manhood.


    You made my day.


    Lets fund it, ill bring popcorn.

  5. Never heard of anybody getting keys from missions which are not Defenses. Can't give you a proper answer though, 'cause I never got any key whatsoever since U8 came out, so... bummer. lol

    Best bet is doing defenses over and over, changing place from time to time, bringing a strong team with you so that you can last longer, and so on.


    It is confirmed that they drop from raids, even M Prime

  6. Whats there to discuss? Slap the same mods you slap on any other rifle, with the priority of reload speed.


    I dont get these "builds" threads. There are no builds. There is only one way to max each rifle, being serration, multishot, attack speed, ap + elements. Crit mods are S#&$. There are no other options.

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