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Posts posted by Tollomon

  1. Apparently, it has yet to be determined, what "hard" actually is, unless of course, I've been misinformed. The notion that various types of T4 keys are only availiable from T4 missions is insulting to the Warframe Ideal: Free To Play.


    For so long, it seemed that DE was redefining the Industry. Lately, I feel the sting of more and more corporate influence crushing their once fine vision.


    I shall never fully abandon DE, as long as they don't abandon me... (this offer is Limited)

  2. Soul Punch (first ability) is ridiculously fun and might help to prevent the need to use Terrify or Shadows of the Dead. It is good for clearing out trash mobs too when you need to reload or run out of ammo or perhaps need to revive a downed ally. Just try to line up the enemies and punch the first one into the rest and enjoy the ride!


    I personally use a 'Desecrate Build' but I almost always bring Soul Punch along for utility if not to break up the boredom of creating loot.


    Nekros is deffinitely a niche Frame but valuable none the less. Once you get into Voids, you'd be suprised how many teams will be asking for a Nekros!

  3. What is amazing to me, after everything we've been through, as players and even as collaborators, to (one of) the best free to play game(s) ever made; one that redefined the "FREE TO PLAY" model, is that suddenly, and, without any credence, we so certainly and unquestionably assume the worst of everyone and everything we had placed so much hope and trust in up to this very point.


    I mean seriously: do you have any faith at all in Digital Extremes? Because, I think they deserve a little credit here.


    Others have posted already about the various legalities and stipulations concerning not only digital property rights, but international law as well. There are so many lawyers in this thread I fear I might incriminate myself! Yikes.


    How about everybody just eases the fock back for a day or two.


    I believe we shall see, as things unfold, that DE has been strengthening their share of the market. If some S#&$ty marketer wants to dump tons of money into DE, then I say go for it!


    I, for one, do not think the powers that be at Digital Extremes are idiots. Nor do I think they would sell out their fanbase.


    So, let's just hang back from the edge of madness a bit and try not to become Infested....

  4. -Changed Cache Sharing to hide extension names so as to prevent any netnanny programs from getting caught on bad words in the program name.




    -Ash's Shuriken is now registered as a silent projectile.




    -Stamina is no longer consumed and can regenerate when the sprint button is held down but the player's avatar is in the air or in a non-mobile animation.


         OMFG AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!ELEVENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONE+ONE!11!!!!!!!


    -Nova’s Antimatter Drop now indicates damage increased if targeted by weapons.





    Another awesome hotfix, even if i don't understand it all!

    Thanks, DE!!!!

  5. I completely agree on the Founder's items and Closed Beta exclusives but, someday, I'd really like to see all of the events put together into some sort of campaign mode. Not only just for the rewards but, just to be able to replay the events themselves :+)


    This would not only be fun to replay but it would give players (veterans and newcomers alike) a chance to pick up these awesome items. I totally get why people who were present for the events and earned their rewards on the first go around might be a mite touchy about the subject though. Personally, I am only missing  four weapons from the aresenal: the 2 Closed Beta Vandals, the Snipetron Vandal and the Strun Wraith. I have everything else. And, I would not mind at all if other players, new or veteran, got the chance to acquire an 'exclusive' weapon I own as long as they are willing to put in the same effort everyone else did when the event in question was live.


    Which ever side of the debate you are on, I think we all must realize that "Exclusivity" is part of DE's business model, and that cannot be disregarded because: It Works! I can tell you, after taking like a 6 week break and missing the Wraith and the Snipe Vand, I sure as Hek keep an eye on the forums and what's happening in general Warframe land.


    In the end though, it just seems like a waste to not recycle the events in some matter because development time went into them. And they are freekin fun! So put me down in the "let's recycle events/rewards" column.


    Perhaps a temporal rift could open every 3 months or so that would allow a player to enter "Campaign Mode" and go through the events? Maybe it would require a clan room to be built? Might even add to player retention. Maybe offer chance at reward items but player must buy own slot for it...etc


    While it's impossible to please everyone, I'm sure there is some common ground to be found here somewhere...

  6. I have not had the opportunity to play much/at all since 13.3 dropped and could only read the forums from where I was but, now that I'm back, I see that 13.3.1 is already here.


    Once again you amaze me with your attention to the community's requests and your attention to the Game.


    Though, the changes in the various powers will upset some (myself included), I am sure you all will continue to re-work and re-balance things until Warframe truly fits the vision that inspired it.


    Many thanks for your continued endeavors!!!


  7. That one should avoid making Specters until DE makes its craft requirements more reasonable?


    Agreed. DE tends to release things a bit on the high side and then calibrates. It is better than the alternative, such as releasing things on the low side and then having to raise costs for the player. The fact that this update was delayed by a day shows that DE was trying to push the content out to us, but it wasn't ready. Lotus/Rebecca even said that this is a new concept that requires our feed-back, I think. (paraphrasing)


    It would be good of us gamers to just give them some time to bring things in line, I think.

  8. Would love to see the rare Nightmare mod called Vigor become upgradable to 10 ranks. (instead of only 5)


    Final mod stats:     (Rank 10)

         +220% Health

         +220% Shield


    Argument could be made that it would be too OP when used in conjunction with maxed Vitality and Redirection, however, I disagree for the following reasons:


    1. It is a Rare mod obtainable only through nightmare missions (and lately, alert missions once per month)

    2. The rarity of the mod itself would require the same metric fook-tons of cores and credits to max, thus inspiring more farming and future satisfaction for the player.

    3. Current enemies and their potential for scaling in various missions (survival/defense) seem to almost require more health/shield on the part of the Tenno.


    This is all debatable of course but, in the end, why not make Vigor a ten rank rare mod that would be fun/difficult to level and provide options for frames who don't rely on +440%shield/health for their builds. That is to say, I think this idea might offer some more diversity when it comes to fitting out a Frame in a solar system that is dictated by eight slots.

  9. I love it when people who are compulsive about post counts try to instruct everyone else. You will never be a Moderator. Realize it and leave us alone in our insignificant little threads.  


    Also, what this guy said:


    To be completely fair, though, single giant threads become havens for flame wars between two or three people rather than productive discussion (at least, from what I've seen). While new threads popping up endlessly is annoying, I've noticed that all too often, any good ideas that actually appear in giant threads are often lost and buried due to how fast the pages pile up.


    EDIT:69th Post!!! Wooo-hoooo! (this means....something)

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