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  1. Since I started playing in 2019, I have had dozens of moments where I wished things worked just a little differently, or dreamt up a feature that would make my game sessions flow more seamlessly. I want to put these 5 out in to the universe and hope they inspire some positive Quality of Life ideas. 1. Mission Complete Item Totals Items gathered AND items total owned on Mission Complete screen for farming. Total owned could be on hover over item to keep things clean. "Am I finally at 30,000 Cryotic?" 2. Item Goal List Set item goal lists - click a known or owned item to set. Item count will pop up as collected similar to quests or Nightwave. "I want to collect three Axi 05." 3. Mission Start Config Starting configs can be choosen after loading in, a starting circle. Loadout is set just config swapping once per. This opens up variety each mission without having to visit Loadout each time. "Damm I accidentally brought Slow Nova." 4. Favorite Missions Feature to "Favorite" missions with labels on a star chart tab. "Which place had that thing?" 5. Mission Queue/Playlist Probably a huge request. A configurable list of missions that would queue and proceed after each. Would be so much fun to set up mini campaigns/challenges of our own, possibly to share and time trial other players. Default: Mission Success = launch next mission, Option: launch next mission Success or Fail. Default: Loops playlist, Option: End on Last Mission. "Ordis, play Chill Missions playlist." P.S. Thanks so much for cross play and linked accounts.
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