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Posts posted by Cipherid

  1. To be honest I don't really care for the Excal helmets (although I like Arturius) since he has like eleventy million and I don't use Mag so no hype there. Volt on the other hand, I despised his alt helmets. I use Volt Prime's default but if they can match up well enough with his PBR I'd buy one. Which one is the killer question.


    The weapons skins though...meh.


    Although Claymire looks like a really big loosely curved kris and now that makes me want katar daggers.

  2. And invisibility is fine, I can see Loki just fine, even with black energy because of the blur effect, if you don't want a piss yellow screen, turn off color correction!


    Loki's "predator shimmer" (if that's what you're talking about by blur effect) isn't visible if you have a certain setting turned off, just a heads up. Can't remember if its blur or DoF or something else though. Perhaps an alternate toggle so we can see a different effect - an outline or...something... - wouldn't go amiss.


    However I agree with the general consensus that Loki is mostly fine, although his Switch Teleport could do with a bit of fine tuning and his Decoy made out of stronger stuff than space toilet paper.

  3. I spent my starter plat on the Yomo - this was in the days when Misa Prime was the best looking syandana out of "tapeworm", "facepalm scarf" and "wtf is that".


    I purchased the What Stalker set and Nyx because I didn't know how to get them. In my defense though, they had JUST removed the infested from the starchart for the Invasion mechanic at the time.


    I sold my starter weapons...before I finished capping them. The hell I went through to level them again. *shudders at Lato*


    I also sold the Despair from said What Stalker pack. I never saw them again for like a year and a half.


    I still don't have a maxed Serration.


    I have Rebecca on my friends list but I'm so shy I'm scared to message her like she's gonna eat me or something lol :c

  4. I don't think they should enable ciphers since they're supposed to be high level. Corpus puzzles are easy if you work your way from the outside in.


    However the Grineer ones have been known to be a problem for those with low FPS or poor reflexes; in those cases, you could always ask for someone who is good at hacking to join you for Spy Sorties.

  5. it's not really a spoiler to those who haven't done the quest and still think the tenno are the... .uh... 


    Not exactly correct. If the thread said "show off your frames" there'd be no problems but its "show off your Tenno". It's implying customisations outside of 'frames and it can be a spoiler.

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