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Posts posted by (PSN)JBrez8

  1. Glad they are fixing the gender specific armor, but if they didnt do a gender specific armor they wouldnt have to fix it. None of the other armor sets are gender specific why start now. Such a unnecessary mistake. Hopefully the waistband on the "currently" female armor bishamo is coverted to an actual waistband option instead of being part of the body suit so that it can be customized with other operator suit options. Please DE.... so that you dont have to do another unnecessary hotfix when it can be fixed the first (second) time.   

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  2. On 2020-06-18 at 10:05 AM, Pendragon1951 said:

    In a few phases of Nightwave I noticed there were some tasks that could not be done for different reasons, for instance there was the one to kill a Kuva Thrall, which is fine if you have a Lich, but what if you don't have a Lich and don't want another one, thus you can't complete the task. Take also the current one, Kill or Capture a Hydrolyst. The problem with that is you have to go through two other Eidolons to get to the Hydro, but that isn't the main problem, the problem is getting a team to stay for all three and there in lies the problem, either a team gets frustrated and leaves you holding the bag alone against the second one or you just can't find a team. Unfortunately I'm not a player that can do Eidolon hunts alone. I'm just saying I wish they would think these tasks through and all that is involved in completing them.

    I just joined a friend who had a lich and was able to kill on thrall on their kuva lich locations. I thought i couldnt do it either until I realized that was an actually option.

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