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Posts posted by (PSN)vI_Roxas_Iv

  1. I just created a clan and I'm trying to add a trading post, but the option for one is not in the decorations. I don't know if this is a bug or if I need to add more power rooms or whatever they're called. I haven't done this before so if there's something I'm missing please let me know as I wouldn't have known otherwise.


    EDIT: I restarted the game a few times and it's working now. disregard this thread.

  2. I've been playing capture missions ALL DAY ever since ember prime came to PS4 and the only piece I managed to get was the systems. The reason why I think there's an issue with it is because I usually see the ember prime blueprint in ODD (added in recent update) as I normal drop. It doesn't come up often but at least every 15-30 runs. I must have over 200 captures and I have yet to see one ember prime piece. I feel like it isn't THAT rare, I should have gotten something by now. Anyone else having the same issue or is it really that rare and I just haven't had any luck lately?

  3. I'm thinking it's just an optimization issue, but I really do hope they figure it out soon. I've been getting on the PC version a lot more lately (even though I have no where near as much stuff as I do on the PS4 version) because I'd like to enjoy the game without my frames dropping to 5. The graphics mean nothing to me, I drop graphics all the time on PC to achieve a consistent 60fps and I prefer it that way. Most gamers still prefer graphics to gameplay which I think is just silly; graphics don't mean nothing when your game starts playing like a slideshow.

  4. I'm not transmuting anymore until someone comes out and explains whether or not it's just out bad luck if there's something up with transmutation. This isn't the first time there has been a problem with it if I remember correctly.

  5. I think the framerate drop is from having over thirty enemies in the same room. Kill them all as quickly as possible, and hopefully there won't be more respawning as soon as you kill those! (Or just start running through the crowd to the next area.)


    Anyway, nice job, DE- I think a lot of my nitpicks are gone. I guess the one other thing that can happen is to see improved loading times- the game on my PC loads from start in about five seconds compared to ~ 1 minute on PS4.

    Well I know what causes the frame drops lol I'm just wondering if there's a way to avoid it completely.

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