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Posts posted by (PSN)UmbralParadox

  1. The game is undoubtably criptic but many of them don't tell you anything unless you go search it when you need it. And i don't think that's bad, it helps immersion a bit, you go get something you wanted after researching about it and knowing where to find it, that's just the basic iteration for anything in any game. Only, the reasearch is done irl and not by reading the codex, that's not really an issue to me.

    What's needed is the dedication that new players can't possibly have, and that's the entry wall right there, the requirements for gittin gud

  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)AleDiorio said:

    So that is not a progression systema problem!! 

    Go see Markiplier play it, he shows how it is pretty well (it's an ad for DE tho)

  3. Oh c'mon, thats called smurfing and i think no one would see any meaning to it in this game, MR 6 represents the new guys when they transition to a bit of a higher level content, if people are smurfing that's a deterrent for them i guess.

    I do get your point ofc, as MR counts less than nothing since almost no skill is needed to pass most of the tests

  4. I do agree, altho i think cetus is A-OK for new guys, as long as they steer away from high lvl bounties. Fortuna tho should be off limits until they are powerful enough, i think MR 6 should be good, easy to get to, and you have some basic knowledge to survive.

    I do think a nice add-on to the game would be a quick guide to levels in the game since it works in a different way from every other game, and maybe push ppl to do the story more, I personally love and enjoy it, plus, they would gain new frames and weaps pretty fast. (aside limbo-like quests)

  5. Hi everyone, I've been playing since 5 years ago on the ps4 and had a lotta fun, I am now going to build my own gaming pc so i was wondering if I could transfer all of my stuff into the pc version of the game, or if it's at least being thought about, I remember they gave us that chance when ps4frame first came out all those years ago.

    Walk steady and lift together.

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