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Posts posted by s3rial1

  1. I've got Oberon to 30, fixed his aura slot with a Forma, and I'm about to hit 30 a second time. 


    Smite: I think this joins a long list of #1 skills like Soul Punch and Freeze, leaving me wonder why it exists. Given the way damage abilities scale vs. the way gun damage scales, this is, at best, awkwardly burning up a resource to accomplish what any decent primary weapon can do in one click.


    Suggestion: Add utility. Make the projectiles home, and ragdoll enemies.


    Hallowed Ground: This suffers from the same problem as Smite - ability damage scaling. By the time you're off Mars, this isn't particularly dangerous to mobs. It's also a small area and chances are your teammates are just going to run right past it before it does the limited good it's capable of. It does stack with itself, but it's reduced by armor. You might as well be trying to tickle high-level mobs to death with this. 


    Suggestion: Make this into an area denial ability. Remove the stacking, add a slow, and make it a large cone (or at least have the width scale with Stretch, in addition to the length), and add a small HoT to allies standing in it. It would incentivize players to work around the area, much like Frost's Snowglobe, rather than to simply run right past it.


    Renewal: Given the amount of damage that can bypass shields, this is a very welcome ability. The heal is solid. I don't altogether understand the mechanics of enhancing this vis a vis healing vs. time, but it's a helpful ability.


    Suggestion: Speed up the projectiles. A lot. They can't even catch sprinting teammates.


    Reckoning: This feels pretty solid. While the damage isn't particularly high compared to similar AoE damage ultimates, the animation is fast, the ragdoll effect provides some crowd control on heavy mobs, and the health orbs are a nice touch. It's one of the better ultimates in the game - the closest comparison, I think, would be Rhino Stomp. Solid, dependable AoE damage and control, with a cool animation, without delving to Molecular Prime levels of cheese.


    Suggestion: It's great as-is!


    Overall I think Oberon's a solid frame. Definitely not a top-tier power frame like Nova or Rhino, but a good support frame that makes a good addition to the group. Other than the curse of damaging scaling rendering half of his abilities useless at higher-level play (which, let's face it: impacts most frames), he is relatively problem-free.

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