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Posts posted by (PSN)DanteVincent

  1. I have came up with another idea. 

    We currently are able to use 2 arcane sets, one tied to warframe, one moveable through syandanas.

    With that in mind:

    - We should have another piece of equipment that would function like a cosmetic, in the sense it can be replaced, but not be visible. (Name it however you want) that would replace the function of an enhanced syandana. For example: Energize bracelet, Fury bracelet, etc (assuming it would be named bracelet).

    - The second arcane set would be installed into a warframe's core, replacing the current funcion of a helmet, that would not be moveable, tied to each warframe, and that's where distillers would keep their current funcion, removing arcanes from a warframe's arcane core.

    Simple solutions, everything would function just as it does now, even the distiller, but give us cosmetic freedom.

    I spent a lot on prime accesses, own currently every one, but am not able to enjoy them to their fullest since form > function. A choice I shouldn't have to make, that no one has to make on other F2P games...

    And even for those who haven't spent that much or anything at all, it is still unfair to limit their spoil of their efforts.

    And lastly let's not forget Tennogen, an infinite stream of cosmetic possibilities (which sadly we on ps4 can't enjoy, yet) that are also limited by this system.

  2. On 04/06/2016 at 8:46 PM, gir240 said:

    I understand nerfing in a pvp game but this is a mob based shooter with horrible enemy scaling. 

    nerfing frames so its fair for the enemies is not well thought out. we already have enemies that are anti fun. (nullifiers and bursa) There is no skill in being oneshotted.



    How many thousand times will it need to be said that devs are working on enemies as well?

  3. 1 hour ago, LilithLovett said:

    True, but I'm pretty sure getting 1-hit killed, facing a mob of Nullifiers, Sapping Ospreys & Bursas, raids that are essentially puzzle simulators, outrageous armor scaling is pretty much objectively anti-fun.


    Out of everything you said, i can agree with that. But see, tweaking these things so they can be fun needs to start somewhere, they started with frames and rightfully so.

    They already stated enemies and scaling are being looked at, i seriously can't understand all this drama. 

    Having the mindless fun you talk about will seriously hurt this game in the long term; you don't feel like accomplishing anything. How can that be possibly fun?

    It's like winning against your 7 year old nephew and when it isn't that kind of effortless win you are being killed with all kinds of cheese, like you mention in the post i quoted you.

    Both these have to stop, and they will. Both enemies and us have to be nerfed where needed.

  4. That's one of warframe's problems if you ask me. There's so much stuff going on at once that it's humanly impossible to know how to react, which enemy to pick and so on.

    There should be less but smarter enemies on screen on endless missions. After warframes' and enemies' balance pass that is.

    I find it funny when some people go 'Oh take the Ancient healer first' when there's 248 enemies on scree with all forms of CC, shield bypass damage and disruption. That's why people resort to tonkor and simulor. 


  5. 12 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    *sigh* yeah warframe is losing it's identity again because you can't run around perma invulnerable / stunlock the whole map indefinitely anymore... o, woe is us, everything's falling apart, oh the humanity omfg etc blah blah...

    So this lol, seriously, such topics need to be locked, i don't know  whether to cringe, laugh or pity.

    WF will never be cod and using the cool thing of the moment, the 'cod hatred', doesn't change that. (even if cod IS indeed a terrible game IMO and many others').

    There was even another thread saying that playing valkyr isn't easy, like, WTF, yeah, for a kindergardener maybe it isn't but as soon as you can match geometrical forms valkyr was a joke.

  6. lol 'slap in the face', terrible english what else you are gonna bring to the discussion?

    I actually suggested WF would borrow some of ME3 MP balance mechanics in another thread and someone disagreed because that game took 'great skills' to be played in the hardest difficulty.

    If that's the people that are supposed to shape the future of warframe I am seriously out. But I know it isn't the case and these nerfs are proof of that. Devs are serious about what they want of their game and their game was a joke balance wise and had many people like me quitting to play something that actually requires a brain, in my case, Paragon.

    Keep at it DE, can't wait to get balance pass on ps4 and see what comes next; times like these i see my time and money investment paying even more off.

  7. On 5/29/2016 at 1:19 AM, achromos said:

    Thinking about it, It would help DE get a coherent platform to base all of their buffs and nerfs off of.  I do know that it is fun to fight enemies in the level 266+ range, and I have spent time in Survivals and it is exhilarating having to utilize everything at my disposal to survive and be successful.  However, that's "My" end-game.  it's not Mister MR 5's End game, it's not the next player over's end-game.  Not everyone has the same idea of what the "End" is though some will defend their belief of what "End-Game" is religiously .  Some say that the Sortie-3 Level range should be the end, others say raid/trial level.  So, what is it DE?  What is End-game.  Let's stop beating around the bush as I feel like I am not wrong in guessing that you have a idea of how far you want players to go. 

    Does this mean I am advocating for the end of Endless?  Yes.  Though it isn't as simple as that, because some people farm endless and these people go not just 40 minutes but also 60 minutes or higher in something like survival to stretch out their keys and get the best chance at the loot that they want.  I believe that DE should employ the "Sortie Mechanic" to Void missions.  Meaning?: did you already get this item in this rotation?  Then YOU cannot get it again until the "Season" changes  (let's just say that the season will change after every login reset).  What this would help ensure is that you don't get 7 haiku prime pouches when you really want a Vauban piece.  It will make it feel like you are progressing through the loot table, instead of fully being at the mercy of RNGesus.


    So, what should the caps be, how difficult should enemies be, what should their health values be? armor? strength?  I'm not a game designer, and I'm not employed at DE or any other type of company.  Though I do believe that there needs to be a sturdy foundation that everyone can stand on and grow upwards from, instead of having other players stand on top of a mountain and say to others that they must climb... or  Instead of having other players at the base/middle of the mountain saying that others need to get up to or down to their difficulty and complaining when the people enjoy being in content that suits their own personal preferences.


    On 5/29/2016 at 1:57 AM, Blatantfool said:

     I couldn't agree more. 

     A completely rescaling of enemies is absolutely necessary. Including the introduction of a maximum enemy level. No more soft caps. No more infinite scaling. No more insanely steep scaling. 

     DE needs to finally create a middle tier, instead of weapons either "Working in the DPS meta" or being "Mastery Fodder".


    Claps to you both.

    I will have to insist on Mass Effect 3's multiplayer as being the closest thing to Warframe. We had bronze, silver and gold tiers (t1, t2, t3) and due to player request we got platinum difficulty (t4), what a coincidence, right? So, in that game the scaling of everything would still revolve around the highest difficulty (platinum) and the wave system would get harder not only because of damage and resistance (the least of our worries) but an increase of their stronger, smarter and more dangerous unities, same could be done here. Those hellish eximi combo, arctic nullifier should be the new 'level 200' enemies as an example, which, after a revision of scaling and whatnot, would provide a challenge based on their on mechanics, which today only lead to frustration.


    Take Proxy weekend: I was complaining of the difficulty on that mission, the false difficulty that is, present on that mission. The 2 answers i got were:


    'Use Loki' and 'Use Naramon'; great, two things i consider broken op and just refuse to use (except on spy). So great my options are either cheese all the way through or endure 20 minutes of frustration. Game lacks fun, we need fun to keep playing, it just isn't fun to either cheese or get frustrated. I am good at video games, really good, but there isn't 'being good' at warframe, you are either op or being tortured by enemies.

  8. 1 hour ago, Obviousclone said:

    dev workshop part 3 stated they will be toning down enemy scalings


    and I personally would like some of the power creep that this game has gone through over the past year to be undone. To both enemy and ally.


    And let's be honest, nerfing enemies first (scaling, their CC that removes our control from the game, one hit skills, hit-scan) would turn the game into a snooze fest.

  9. I want to understand the minds of people that like to play frames that require little to no brain activity such as: Previous Valkyr, previous Trin, current Ash, first Mesa, old Mag, previous Mirage. Anyways, all these people being dramatic right now, explain to me, help us feel empathic to your cause. Why play something that requires no challenge.

    Mag was straight up buffed, so was volt, if you fail to see this then I'm sorry, pressing more than a button is too much of a challenge to you.

    That said, things need to be done to accommodate these 'nerfs' in order to ultimately provide an ambient where fun and challenge are present rather than the mindless press of a button or frustration; though reverting or stopping nerfs on frames that needs/needed them are certainly not among these things.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Ketec said:

    You forget the part where you now take damage when  Hysteria  runs out - imagine high lvl survival/def - impossible to clear out the 20m area around you. A scrambus or eximus or nullifier or bursa etc comes - wipes energy/skill - you take full damage.

    That's why DE needs to seriously look up enemies next, their disposition, cheap moves made even cheaper in combination (hook + tar/ hook + ice eximus and many others).


    All enemies made to counter cheapness with cheapness were left cheap while ours were rightfully so removed.

  11. 1 hour ago, Momo93 said:

    Revert it, it's disgusting.

    I did a test with Narrow Minded and Primed Flow alone. Before the nerf I was able to stay in Hysteria for 3 mins and 20 seconds (didn't do anything).

    After the nerf I was only able to stay in Hysteria for one minute (again I didn't do anything). The suicide bubble is no longer affected by negative range so you can't even get rid of it now.

    You need a ridiculously expensive build to make her useful for ONE minute BUT if ONE energy leech creeps up on you then you are finished. You can't channel without losing precious TIME. You can't do anything about the suicide bubble. You still can't steer her during Hysteria combos.

    She is effectively useless now.

    Only 60 seconds of Immortality and ridiculously high damage, yeah, she's useless now. /sarcasm

    But I do agree on the 'stacking nerf'; Actually, all of these nerfs are IMO very much welcome BUT it seems that the cheapness from our enemies were forgotten.

    Removing the mindless part of your strategies which trivialized the game but not removing the frustration posed by the many enemies which were made in the first place to counter this trivialization is only half the way.

    Armor scaling, cheap CC of all sorts (rollers, a thousand hooks, slow recover animation), flamethrowers from lv 30 enemies that kills most warframes in less than a sec, one hit killing snipers, drain during channel, all these will need a looking at as well before we can call this a balance.

  12. 4 hours ago, MirageKnight said:


    I think you guys might have posted in the wrong thread.

    We made it better by talking about a weapon which actually needs a buff of some sort.


    Akstilettos are great; Anyone knows a weapon with as low as 10% crit chance and 2.0 multiplier benefits more from crit build withour even accounting headshots.

    Know the game better and you'll see how silly it is to ask for an akstiletto buff.

  13. So disappointed with ember. Devstream itself led us to believe it was the other way around: Embers specializes at inducing heat procs, hence she should benefit from that, y'know, like Ash, which you guys on ther other hand made have a useful passive that synergizes with what he does, bleed procs. Now God knows how long it'll take for ember have a useful passive, let alone a rework which she's been starving for for over 2 years.

    The rest bar a few other passives is awesome just so i don't completely sound salty but she's my favorite warframe. Sad day for ember fans.

  14. Oh young padawan, you'll soon learn that you are giving way more credit to the meta than it deserves.

    The only thing that fits your description is Strun Wraith.

    Best shotguns in the game are: Sancti Tigris, Vaykor Hek, they happen to need MR12; If you are under that, their not so beautiful cousins Tigris and Hek will do the job almost as fine.

    Honored mentions which happen also to be a little on the exotic side: Phage and Kohm, both these weapons to shine need specific mods that you will only use for them so they should be a very long term goal for when you are bored. I could give you in depth explanations on how to build these two to be at their max potential but it wouldn't serve you at this stage.

  15. 6 hours ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

    You know what else needs a buff?


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    Call for buffs when they're actually needed, OP.

    It's sad that something as banal as an attack speed of 1.0 would make this weapon ejoyable, nothing more. No status weapon should be slow; it's on my list of 'i hope primed fury will make it better to use'.

  16. On 5/16/2016 at 8:07 PM, (PS4)Double991 said:

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    It's still quite active on PS4 with the occasional slow downs. Nerfing mobility would make it easier to hit people but nerfing it too much would take away what makes Warframe PvP unique.

    All they need is more objective game modes ( NO, not Lunaro ) where players can get score and only kill when necessary such as Interception ( known as Domination in other games ). Killing players while attacking or defending your objective would yield more points and would promote more head on fights instead of cat and mouse chases.

    Couldn't agree more; On ps4 it's VERY difficult to deal with mobility at its current state but before it was indeed too slow. I am by no means the best but i've 14k kills and a k/d of 2.3 so I'm quite above average. It needs change. Having all of its rewards I don't feel like coming back.

  17. 9 hours ago, Mr.Lube said:

    Which thread are you referring to? I would like to take a looksy.

    I tried to find it again but couldn't, which is weird since i upvoted it less than 24h ago. It was in the 120ish upvote mark and addressed pretty much what I said, but more deeply. I'll edit this if I find it.

  18. Came in ready to bash but was actually surprised. IMO these are valid critics and the problems I 'suffer' with as well in the condition of a veteran who has everything one could want.

    The best fix to this, and i've said this for a while, is fixing the gameplay itself, damage across the board, ours, our enemies', fix CC, again, ours and our enemies'; tone everything the F down, so we can actually have variety in builds, so we can stop getting cheap kills AND being cheap killed. When all of these are toned down, what's left is a challenge, we'll have time to react (being a ninja, right) time to see our builds showing their strengths and weaknesses and so on.

    If the gameplay is fun, long lasting fun, it needs to be challenging and not cheap.

    Take GTA for example, San Andreas if you will. We all have good memories, hella fun game BUT how long would that fun burst last before we changed the game? Not very long. Mindless fun doesn't last, I'm sorry, neither does frustration; Warframe seems to go from one to another, mindless fun to frustration. 

    Thankfuly more and more people are noticing this, TP, headsh0t, quiette and others talked about this. We got a thread with more than 120 upvotes on it as well. 

    When that is done we can even get rid of that Beta status I am sure.


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