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Posts posted by BladeOfPersephone

  1. So, last night, some associates and I did some testing on various aspects of the Glassmaker Resonance Fissures, or whatever they are. Three runs, plus the runs I did alone today, and this is the whole of the info gathered.

    - The spawning of the fissure is not dependent on render distances, enemy counts, or where the player is

    -The fissure follows the players if there are no enemies nearby to be glassed

    -Any attack can break the crystal armor. Assuming the void damage required myth was started by people using void blast, meeting the previously stated criteria. Further void damage testing is required however to meet a full conclusion on that topic

    -The fissure will make five glassed enemies before permanently leaving, though this does apply with the secondary statement. Keep track of enemies and count the number of glassed enemies you killed

    -Resonance drop rate is not 100%, though it seems to be decently high

    -The fissure does not have enemy preference, affecting both corpus and grineer the same. Testing required on infested

    -Only one fissure spawns per mission/over world instance

    This is what the current amount of testing has yielded, more will be done and I will add it in when it is complete

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  2. Alright, I read through most of this forum page and will consolidate the info into one post here, plus some personal experience. Here goes:

    In any mission, there is a chance that a weird blue orb will spawn, though it seems to have some sway towards a more common spawn in open world scenarios (personal speculation is that it needs a certain amount of non-alerted enemies in a group, outside of the player's view, to spawn). The spawning of the orb will be matched with Nora saying a voice line about it's presence (And from my experience, it also seems she has some voice lines to indicate an orb disappearing or something, would need more info on that), which means you have to go look for it. Once the orb is found, either kill the glassed enemies nearby it or get enemies to get close enough for the orb to glass them. To kill them you must target their crystal weak point, which basically is  a cropping of crystals on them, pretty easy to see thanks to the monochrome glass coating enemies get in this state. I see a lot of people saying that void damage is needed, but it is not. The use of void blast may simply hit the crystals, since from my experience piercing shots work to get them. Guessing that, at least for now, the crystal counts as its own entity attached to the model, and not necessarily like a piece of it. After that, the enemy will either lose the armor and you can kill it, or it will go into frozen state like a synthesis target (That second half is my experience, may require some compounding). You will then get some Glassmaker points and a cephalite resonance.

    To finish this info pile, a small suggestion from me on farming it: The Orb Vallis seems like a good place to farm it (A lot of people are going there currently, your choice in the end). It is A) Not randomly generated, which goes into B) The enemies are in set spots. If my little theory is correct (Which it must partly since, if an orb can spawn anywhere, that would make getting the resonance WAY to rng based), then knowing where your little crystal farms are helps. C) Being in the open world zones helps to find them. Get on an archwing or high place, and you should easily see the orb after it spawns, since it renders at about the same distance enemies do (Again, needs compounding). The real choice of your open world you want is up to you, both have upsides and downside fundamentally, visually, etc. Pick your poison.

    (Final bit, if any knowledge is found en mass that goes against what I am saying, do qoute the wrong bit and post the right info. We all need to know how this little mechanic works okbye)

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