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Posts posted by (PSN)True_Reclaimer

  1. 18 hours ago, hortiSquash said:

    A bit like Overframe.gg does, i hate the website but this one feature is so great. If you cant sort them in the mod listing at least try to display how much each mod adds and would add to the DPS. Its like extremely useful when making a build. It may be really complex to implement though, maybe focus on updating whats left over from pre-melee 3.0 :)

    Yeah I agree. Overframe.gg is trash but they have a feature that shows the weighted DPS increase per mod and it changes as you add them

    For example, point strike would increase by 65%, but if you have a riven with high crit chance, the gain on point strike shifts to 30%, and other mods are weighted higher such as crit damage and fire rate

    It allows you to fully optimize the best build possible

  2. 35 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Yes you are exactly right! There were two issues happening at the same time as far as I could grasp from the replies here. 

    1. Certain PS5 players who were reporting here were getting this error code that required them to re-install the game: https://www.playstation.com/en-my/support/error-codes/ps5/ce-107938-8/ That was console side and the error message shared the solution to that particular problem. 

    2. PlayStation players (PS4 and PS5 alike it seemed) that were possibly located in the NY, US area were having connection issues to Warframe. Possibly related to reported PSN issues in those areas. I've read here that those issues seemed to have resolved themselves.

    In any case! I'm happy to hear you guys are able to connect now! We'll continue to monitor as we have been, but since this was first reported to now there was nothing actionable on our end. 

    Just wanted to report I was able to connect just now and download the rest of the update from Warframe servers

    I stayed up all night trying, and had no issues with PSN and I live outside of the blue dots on the map you linked, Im closer to Canada than NYC

    The issue you saw on Downdetector was Sony took the PS Store offline due to influx of Resident Evil 8 demo downloads causing lag, had nothing to do with connecting to Warframe servers. They also resolved that issue before we went to bed, yet I still could not connect to warframe

    The error I got at launch screen even said it was Warframe servers not sending me the entire update

    The fact is the issue "fixed itself without anything actionable on [your] end" despite not being fixed until the exact time DE employees woke up and started their work day

    My guess is someone needed to turn the NA East warframe server off and back on again this morning, it must have gotten overloaded yesterday from the update

    Either way, Im glad it is resolved now and Im going to try the new event!

  3. 5 hours ago, (PSN)TEAINSHENNON said:


    Mine is still stuck at "Connecting... 0%"

    then after 10 mins, "Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers"

    Let us know if reinstalling the entire game fixes the launcher's script error, or if we are gonna miss out on this event waiting for a fix

  4. 7 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Hmm... Okay, looking into this a bit deeper. It seems to be a region-related issue possibly. Discussing with team.

    Its a bad update on PS5. Im NA East (NY) and can no longer connect to warframe server after updating. I dont have any issues with other games, and I was able to play fine right before updating!

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

    Kinda weird to type a whole bit just to point out such a minor detail. 


    2 hours ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

    Hey, Danny (I hope you're ok with me calling you that),

    Glad we agree! 😂


    2 minutes ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

    Uhhhh. Did you play Heart of Deimos? Or the Nightwave updates? Those were all simultaneous releases. 

    Nightwave isnt a mainline update and Deimos was broken on the switch, did YOU play them?? Switch still hasnt even got the tennogen we had last year lmao


    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

    Hey, Danny (I hope you're ok with me calling you that), based on what I'm seeing at the beginning of the patch notes regarding there being one thread for all 5 consoles, will there be a synchronous release for all consoles with this update? 

    Kinda weird to call her that when you dont know her. Also Danielle is only 3 letters more than Danny 

    Typing out (I hope you're ok with me calling you that) took far more effort than simply typing 3 letters... 


    It'd very awesome if there was a simultaneous release. 

    There never has and there wont be. And there is no cross-platform play and no cross-saves, so why does it matter. Why are you so hung up on a simultaneous release? You're on PS4 so you'll get it before Switch, just try to relax

  7. On 2020-06-15 at 5:54 PM, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    If they played their own game, they would know that before release.  Most of the longstanding players can have a really good idea of if a weapon will be worth anything other than MR from just a peek at the stats during the dev stream.  It takes leveling it to 30 once to determine if the mechanics of a weapon combined with the stats make it worth using.  If anyone in that whole company actually used any of the things they release outside of devmode, they would know before hand that this weapon is too strong, or this one is too weak, or this new mod is going to be broken or just a collector's item, or "this weapon is already really strong, it should have a lower dispo."  or "We're releasing this for lower level players and it has a low MR and mediocre stats, we should give it a really high dispo."

    Pick literally any 10 people off the forums to test a weapon and they could tell you in an hour if a weapon is going to be broken with a good riven or not.  Yet they don't have a clue, so they do this ridiculous thing that isn't going to solve squat.  I don't care how many of you have had such a lovely experience meeting a dev in the game.  They're not playing like we're playing.  That's why things like this keep happening.


    On 2020-06-15 at 9:00 PM, Traumtulpe said:

    "Playing a game", and occasionally streaming some level 50 missions with invincibility on (when they would die they get health instead, try to spot it) isn't the same. At least that's my opinion from watching the odd Devstream.

    Remember when Limbo meant you could do Scarlet Spear afk? It doesn't get more obvious than that. If you "play the game", you know stuff like that.


    On 2020-06-15 at 6:36 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    You bloody well stop that. We literally see them playing their own game every. single. week.

    If you're going to outright lie on the Forums, at least pick a topic that people might actually stand a chance of believing. Maybe like arguing that Umbral Redirection should be a thing... or that Loki is only good for Spy because all he does is go invisible...

    The representative for PS4 - DE Danielle had no clue that Archwings were missing Universal Blink or that the cost to build a railjack was too high because she didnt bother even testing the new content, blaming her ps4 for not working LMAO. The rep of a PS4 GAME COMPANY, only has access to a single PS4? 

    No wonder controls are broken EVERY update. Even now I cannot use my touchpad swipes for anything but abilities, and it took them 2 weeks to hotfix the hold ability button not working

    No, DE does NOT play the game like we do. But you know what they should do? Keep the test servers open for all platforms and get feedback/bug reports before launching major updates and nerfs

    • Like 3
  8. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Iconoclasm said:

    Speaking as a player since 2013... the riven system needs to go, there is no point to this system if I am going to farm Kuva for the perfect roll and then they nerf the weapon to death...

    But I am curious how do you allow a MR 7 to run around with a Kuva Bramma?

    And then tell me "the guy who busted his ass on a CC CD riven and getting a tox Brama 60% tox bonus"...

    "Oh well too many people are using this weapon"

    It seems like D.E. did this intentionally and its getting me to the point where (and I can't believe I'm saying this) I don't think I can support this game anymore.

    I can't support a company who nerfs me and my time SPENT playing the game, for the chance at attracting a new player...


    DE logic is letting the MR 7 have a Kuva Bramma, but locking his Braton riven to MR 16... galaxy brain balance 🧠🤯

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

    but if aperson uses plat he traded for to trade for a riven, then its not like people bought the plat to buy each trade now did they?

    dont give me "but someone payed"

    imagine if the plat was 3 years old plat that bought the very first riven a player ever traded for and thats same plat was being trded for another riven.... if plat isnt going down, then plat is being bought lol

    assuming that every time a riven is traded, that money is spent is a bad thought process 

    Imagine being ignorant but thinking its okay to tell others theyre wrong, yet messing up the entire concept

    When you buy items at a store, does the store complain if the money is 3 years old? lmao wow

    Yes every time plat is purchased, DE makes money. So if everyone stockpiled that plat and didnt buy more, then nobody could afford the millions of plat wasted on the riven slots 🤪

    8 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    That's not how it works at all. There are plenty plat sinks in the game.

    A normal player needs plat for a lot of stuff, expanding your riven capacity for example. He can either buy plat, or trade some rare and desired item to another player who bought plat. Either way, the plat was payed for and is gone in the end.

    There are people who trade a lot and accumulate a lot of platinum, these people are in the minority, they are statistically irrelevant. They are also more likely to waste plat on rushing, and usually their plat just sits there collecting dust, since they already have everything.

    Back to rivens; The standard scenario is some rich kid buying a riven from a trader for 10000 plat. Resulting in money in DE's pocket, and a slightly richer trader.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity to appreciate Warframes trading system. It allows DE to sell power, without giving the appearance of pay to win.

    Perfectly stated. And the fact you recognize that warframe is indirectly pay2win, DE wont sell the rivens but they sell the slots and allow the players to sell the rivens lol

  10. On 2020-06-10 at 12:54 PM, Malziel said:

    Have you considered, perhaps, merely not gambling instead?


    On 2020-06-12 at 2:35 AM, Kaizal said:

    Have you considered, that the fact that sinking in a large amount of money in a particular item in the game is a gamble speaks poorly of the game. And that the whole point of the forums is to help fixed the game?


    On 2020-06-12 at 6:45 AM, (PS4)caoshen0625 said:

    To be fair "do not participate" also speaks volume too.....So yall are on the same side


    On 2020-06-12 at 11:40 AM, Kaizal said:

    I never put a dime into a riven, but i think its a S#&$ty system that resembles a casino, and the design makes it so every purchase feels like a bet, this is incredibly toxic to some people, so i'd rather rivens don't even be in the game if they are gonna work like this.

    At least all sides agree rivens are gambling, and gambling is bad = rivens are bad.

    And since DE made rivens and put RNG into everything = DE is bad, and Warframe = gambling

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    As long as they don’t ruin the dispo of my existing rivens I’m fine.

    Well thats coming too, all "popular" rivens are getting nerfed in the June balance pass, just like all the other times

    Just now, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    Seems to me like a first step in shifting away from rivens all together. I suspect this will be a very gradual process 

    Yeah it seems like it doesnt it? DE is stubborn and refuses to admit failures, they prefer to drag them out to the point of kicking a dead horse then suddenly remove them when enough players finally give up - like with Solar Rail Conflicts and Raids. Conclave is next on the chopping block

  12. 6 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

    I only mean to clear up the possible misconception of "DE must be raking in the cash with Rivens selling for thousands of plat!" Much of that plat can be recycled, so the actual amounts purchased are probably a lot less than appearances might denote.

    Only purchased plat can be traded. So DE received payment prior to the trade, recycled or not. Rivens push Prime Access sales up as well.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

    A few nitpicks:

    Connor says that "In the past, we’ve only changed Riven dispositions by up to 0.2 at a time", then adds that Prime Access will buff Rivens by greater amounts when warranted (and doesn't give a specific number). So that 0.5-0.7 is what we get now (and what we'll keep getting with nerfs, as he points out). What we get in those cases is stated to be more, but by how much remains unspecified.

    Also, the phrasing that this "extra boost" is limited to Prime Access doesn't preclude more frequent buffs. It does mean those more massive buffs are going to be rare, but we could still see frequent, smaller Riven disposition changes.

    I would say to calculate riven stats post-modding, or on weapon base stats, so that Rivens even of lower dispositions are acceptable. IMO, it's one of the easier, less stomp-on-people's-toes fixes.

    Given the goal is to make weaker / less popular (they are working off both metrics now IIRC) weapons perform up to par, removing dispositions wouldn't really help. Not to mention people with Rivens above 1.0 would get the short end of the stick. Others have said to set it to 5/5 for this particular reason.

    It would be nice to have exilus / augment sort of features to Rivens, but that also runs the risk of balking at current player investment. I.e., if you did that, what would you do for the Rivens people have? If they're added to the pool, that seems perfectly acceptable, but it also doesn't really fix the issues brought up by the other stats.

    Important to keep in mind is that in the Riven system only Riven slots are Platinum sinks. The massive amounts of Platinum some Rivens can fetch aren't actually exhausted on those Rivens.

    You make a lot of great points

    One nitpick though, 


    The massive amounts of Platinum some Rivens can fetch aren't actually exhausted on those Rivens.

    Only purchased plat can be traded, while free plat can be used for slots, therefore DE recieved payment for that traded plat before it was traded. Without rivens then people would have noting to buy plat for trading massive amounts, and can subsist on free plat/free slots

  14. 4 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    They are increasing the buff from about 0.1-0.2 to higher value to make the buff over time faster and more significant.
    You probably misread "In the past, we’ve only changed Riven dispositions by up to 0.2 at a time" as "increasing the changing value to 0.2", which is a lot different.

    The idea here is to check how popular and usable a new weapon is without riven and rapidely buff rivens for said riven if it's needed, rather than nerfing the riven is the weapon is overpopular to later buff when when they realise the weapon is not good anymore without riven.

    But majority of the past buffs were LESS than 0.1 

    Acceltra: 0.8->0.7

    Astilla: 1.1->1.15

    Battacor: 1->1.05

    Baza: 1->1.05
    Baza Prime: 1->0.95

    Boar: 1.4->1.45

    Boltor: 1.2->1.25
    Telos Boltor: 1.1->1.15
    Boltor Prime: 1.1->1.15

    Braton: 1.3->1.35


    So thats good now they will increase it from a max of .2 to a max of .3 but still only buff by .1 as I described

  15. Quote

    going forward, all new weapons will be released with the minimum Riven disposition of 0.5. For The Deadlock Protocol, this includes the dispositions on newly added primary kitguns, in addition to regular weapons -DE Connor: Riven Disposition Procedure for New Weapons

    Now Connor claims this is because "player feedback" was negative when DE "balanced" rivens people invested time, kuva, and platinum into by nerfing them to be unusable

    So to "fix" that, DE decided all rivens will come 'pre-nerfed' and unusable out of the gate. This will discourage plat sales and largely decrease any interest in the riven system going forward... "balanced"

    Connor is aware how bad of a move this is.


    This change leads us directly to another common piece of player feedback: weapons with very low dispositions are sometimes not worth equipping unless you get a very good roll, and if a weapon is way off of where it should be disposition-wise, it can take several waves of changes for it to reach an appropriate power level. 

    And according to him, DE is raising the amount they selectively buff rivens from 0.1 to 0.2. That means an unusable new riven at 0.5 will be buffed to also unusable 0.7 in several months.

    Connor also further invalidated his own logic by admitting


    we planned to give new weapons a disposition of 1 (the “average”), or matching the lowest member of the weapon family if it already had a disposition lower than 1.

    So that means if 1.0 is "average"... anything less than that is below average (0.9), poor (0.7), or unusable (0.5)

    Also that means if Riven buffs only happen once every few months, it will take a YEAR minimum for a new weapon to reach "Average" disposition!

    Now there are several ways to actually fix rivens, that dont involve massive nerfs

    • Remove disposition - originally rivens were all the same dispo of 1.0, and things were much better
    • Remove stat variance - if all stat rolls were standardized (for example a crit chance roll would always be 120%) this would eliminate these so called "power spikes" and also remove the need to buy slots with platinum "due to server issues with riven stat variance"
    • Replace numeric stats with exilus/augment type abilities - completely revamp rivens to go from adding flat percent buffs to DPS, to having unique exotic effects based on the riven type. Shotgun rivens could roll things like "30% chance to instant reload on hit" "every 4th shot stuns and opens to finishers", Rifle rivens could roll "heal on headshots" "double magazine on empty", Pistols could roll "30% chance lifesteal on hits" "double movement speed on kill", melee could roll "chance to turn invisible on kill" "pull enemies on hit"
    • Or you know, stop basing all future weapon riven nerfs on outliers like Kuva Bramma
    • Rivens should never be based on "popularity" - that makes for a system that punishes players for using whats best and disrespects player investment
    • While we're on topic - an entire Sortie's worth of 6000 kuva for one single 3500 roll is awful, especially when theres no way to "lock-in" a specific stat when rerolling

    DE - Fix rivens, or simply admit failure and remove them with compensation. But nerfing them into oblivion will only drop player interest in them, and further decrease overall platinum sales and profits. Feels bad for players, will feel worse for shareholders

    • Like 11
  16. On 2020-05-31 at 8:19 AM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    As for the four weird exit ports, yes it's a little strange that all factions have a similar extraction design

    Just remnants of old DEsign from the pre-alpha days. Devs are more worried about pretty colors and increasing the size of warframe booty than to fix bad level design. We still have windows that break and elevators that slow us down, and those useless "friendship" doors

    • Like 1
  17. I've always hated the idea of rushing to extraction. Extraction being conveniently placed cutouts in the wall of any base no matter how reinforced, or an open spot outside to hop in your landing craft.

    There are many issues here.

    Game-play wise - it feels bad to be this magic space ninja that has to haul over to a designated exit, rather than making your own. Sitting at extraction for 60 seconds also is anticlimactic to the completion of any mission. We can instantly summon air support, archguns, and archwings yet cannot extract ourselves. Extraction is usually 500m+ away, and it's a waste of time navigating through to leave a mission you finished, plus you gotta wait even longer for teammates to come to the exit!

    Lore wise - Tenno can teleport themselves and their frames. They have no need for a physical exit, by the power of the void. Also most bases are heavily fortified and have many anti-aircraft turrets. Hard to believe a Liset can come over and dock without trouble every time. And there is not a single guard at the exits, yet any enemy can lock all doors to the whole map just by hitting a panel??

    Physics wise - the extraction holes don't even cause any pressure vacuum or sound loss despite usually being in space, yet breaking a Corpus window does?? Makes no sense DE. How did the extraction points even get there to begin with? If our ship carved them open, no alarms went off? Or if every faction has conveniently placed Warframe sized exit ports for 4 people, then why are they not secured with electronic lock?

    My solution is to completely rework extraction. Allow it to be an equip-able gear item that we can use to ex-filtrate ourselves quickly, stealthily, and with a little more razzle-dazzle than standing at some impossible door that breaks physics and immersion. A confirmation or timer can still be added, to prevent accidental extraction. Also this would allow players to freely explore and loot maps without having to backtrack to leave, as they could self-extract from any place they choose and at any time they want - especially appreciated in Cetus/Fortuna and any upcoming open areas!

    Edit - adding clarification by u/Crimson561010 "the objective NEEDS to be completed BEFORE the extract tool is used, or else it counts as aborting the mission. To fix the multiplayer aspect, say maybe a person tries unwanted piggybacking, then it requires every player to confirm extraction, and if not every player decides on yes, the mission carries on as normal" (unless it is a mission that allows solo extraction like survival or defense)

    • Like 8
  18. 2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    ou just want to add 4 more slots to our Warframes, based on what? Because the game is difficult, and we need these slots?

    To increase build variety and Quality of life. Most augment mods should have been part of the original abilities, but its cool to have O P T I O N S

    3 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Why should DE be interested in your idea?

    Because most augments are unused

    Also plat sales

    Also good incentive to grind content for the bp rewards, so more playercount and longer playtime

    5 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    How would your idea benefit the game? 

    More build variety. Nobody can argue with optional mods (besides you of course)

    Many underused frames and abilities will see some light - more tennogen and deluxe skin sales

    Overall not a single negative besides you dont like it because you think everything is powercreep, which even if it was, will still be a benefit to all players and hurt nobody

  19. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Yes, even QOL would be power creep. Exilus slot is also power creep.

    I realized the problem. You dont know what "powercreep" even means

    Exilus slots were designed to NOT add any, and Quality of Life is not even related to power

    Ill explain it for you, since Im nice

    Power is your ability to complete content - usually in this case its the ability to kill enemies

    Powercreep is when something is added that overtunes your power, allowing you to trivialize content

    Seeing enemies on radar doesnt break the game. Being able to recast an ability or roll or any of the hundreds of QOL improvements, does nothing to nuke the map of enemies.

    Therefore it is NOT powercreep, and you are hereby banned from using the word again since even the devs will tell you that youre wrong.

    Please stop trolling and telling people that enemy radar is powercreep, its laughably pathetic to anyone that actually plays Warframe

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