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Posts posted by (PSN)ThatOthrPerson

  1. unlucky... I got the Detron in about 2 days, 2 encounters while not even farming. The Brakk was a little more frustrating to get though. 

    Exact opposite for me hahaha Brakk took 3 encounters in about 20 matches, but every time I fight the harvester I just get a blueprint or reciever, hardly ever see him.

  2. dafuq... dude seriously bragging about PvE leaderboards? *facepalm*


    We get it, you and your team are too advanced for the current bots in the game. Using Loki to disarm, and trinity for God Mode, and probably a Nova / Banshee is something that nobody on PS4 has ever thought of. My word, your parents must be so proud of you going for "6 hours" on a defense mission. 


    Nobody is jealous. People have fun playing the game their way. You have fun stroking at leaderboards, other people have fun playing the game. 


    Get over yourself, it's PvE.

    ^This. Precisely. This.

  3. "Update'll be out before the days out!"


    lol, in all seriousness, DE should take their time.  Any players they lose due to this need to learn that game development takes time!


    Hahahahaha Invader Zim always gets me.


    Oh, guess I should contribute to the subject at hand.



  4. I must be lucky, a friend got marked, the next mission they turned up we got the barrel, then I started an invasion the third missing the stalker came I was solo and he spanked me in about 3 seconds , then the fourth mission the g3 came as I said I was solo I wiped the floor with them. Rhino stamp and soma the to mush, I got a mod and bp and receiver. Complete gun in 30 mins. Well cooking overnight to complete it. It is an amazing weapon

    Wow! luckiest person I've heard so far as far as PS4 goes. Granted I got mine pretty quick. I never got 2 pieces in 1 encounter for the Brakk

  5. Most people know to have a Nekros, that's not the overall issue. Getting them to show up is the real problem. Since the patch, I've done a mix of 325 survival and invasion missions against the Grineer. Each one was with 4 marked players and I know they were marked because I always run 5 invasions with people I don't know or have never run with before. In that time I have seen the G3 four times, with a single blue print to show for it.

    I'm currently at 112 runs without seeing the G3. Never have I gone this long without seeing either the Stalker or Harvester.

    RNG MUST hate you cause I rarely go 10-15 games without seeing them with just 2-3 marked players.

  6. I got my Brakk after fighting them 5 times. Idk why anyone would try farming them without a competent Nekros in party. They don't like to drop without being Desecrated

    ^THIS. Had my Brakk in 4 runs with a Nekros in party. Why choose NOT to have a chance at even a SECOND part when you encounter them?

  7. I just wanted to confuse people in parties who were trying to tell someone my name.

    (Originated on Xbox LIVE, was fully spelled out at the time. Was taken on PSN)



    Host: "So who am I inviting?"

    Friend: "ThatOthrPerson"

    Host: "Who?"

    Friend: "ThatOthrPerson!"

    Host: "But what's his username?!""


    Corny as the example may seem, I've yet to join a party where this hasn't happened at least once.

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