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Posts posted by crisisavatar

  1. She destroys Low Levels enemies like every other frame in the game, people use her a lot for her mobility but her 4 doesn't do more damage than your avg frame. Sick of people mindless bashing on her, btw I don't even remember the last I played her. 

  2. I will be updating this from time to time with what I have in stock, posting a couple of mods just to get started. I'll organize better later.


    Whirlwind 35p

    Firestorm 20p

    Rifle Amp 10p

    Steel Charge 15p

    Seeker 15p

    Max Vigor 40p

    Fired up 15p


    Rare 5 cores  3p

  3. This weapon is just bad design, It's a lot better than anything else by a significant margin and only this small group gets to have it in a world where anything goes for pvp. It needs to be taken down to near whats best available or have it resurface again. 


    People claiming they "earned" it, just please. Playing the game is nothing special. 

  4. Ogris has a bigger radius than penta, wrong on that and that is it's advantage. 


    Both weapons are outstanding and you need to go ... do something if you think either one needs to be adjusted because of the other. 


    Also lol at the people who pretend penta is hard to use in any way, got to aim up derp derp skill derp hard. Using the ogris is x10 harder for the simple fact that this large numbers of factors will result in it blowing up on your face unapologetically . 

  5. You've completely missed the point of this thread. *slow clap*





    Arbitrary number is not the color I like, let's change it to my favorite color. Why don't you understand me !


    The most any conversation regarding ammo for explosive weapons will accomplish is force people to add ammo mutation, and that accomplishes a lot if you like &!$$ing people off and not doing anything meaningful. These are the only viable endgame weapon and if you're using them anywhere else given their suicide component for most, you probably need to rethink a few things.


    Want to pursue a worthy topic ? How about ammo for high fire rate weapons with low base damage, I don't think those should be spent at the normal rate. 




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