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Posts posted by jmforeman02

  1. I was talking about the latron sheets. I'm not exactly certain how much the IPS mods should be increased or whether they should apply to base damage or the specific damage type. That would require some stat juggling and trial and error to find out, which would be much easier for DE to do. With a little effort they could find a balance that would make IPS mods useful in at least some builds all the way to endgame without making it a game breaker. For example the sawtooth clip on the dread might be a good mod at the current 30% of slash IF it were calculated into the elements but still wouldn't be useful for many other weapons. Or maybe it would take a 60% bonus. Not sure and don't really want to punch all the numbers, but as it stands it's worthless.  The assumptions you made for the latron graph that showed a 60+% increase in damage made some assumptions I thought were unrealistic. It depended on a 100% base damage increase which I would never have recommended be the new IPS mod stat and because you calculated headshots only, the headshot multiplier artificially inflated the dps difference by the factor of the headshot bonus. We may all aim for headshots, but its unrealistic to think that we always get them and they usually require more time aiming than body shots which mitigates the bonus dps in reality.


    As for the miter, you're results were close enough to mine. I simply assumed no damage bonus or penalty and compared the effect of giving slash 100%+ damage versus giving all base damage 90%+. The results were almost identical at the time, but now I see that I made an error before because they actually ARE identical. Either way not making the miter OP with that mod.


    With slash mod worth 100%+ of base slash: (Impact 6.25 + puncture 6.25 + (slash 112.5 * 2) = 237.5

    with elemental:   (Impact 6.25 + puncture 6.25 +  slash 112.5) * 1.9 = 237.5


    I'm not sure however why you think the miter should have a gas build. I realize that gas has a damage proc but I think building it toward the factions elemental combo would be more effective. The gas proc goes off of the base damage according to the wiki so it won't scale with the mods. a 75% damage bonus will however. Also magnetic and corrosive procs may not deal damage directly like gas but magnetic does deal effective damage by reducing shields and corrosive acts like a damage multiplier by reducing armor to corpus and grineer respectively (though I usually use radiation against grineer). In fact those procs should scale better with enemy level if the wiki is correct about the gas proc.

  2. I think it'd be cool to have a primary-secondary combo weapon much like having an assault rifle with an under-slung grenade launcher. The advantage being that just pressing the change weapon button would immediately fire the secondary without the time it takes to switch weapons. The disadvantage would be that they are inseparable so choosing one necessarily chooses the other. Also you could make it so both use the same set of mods so that you can't set them up with different element combos. Of course it doesn't need to be the traditional assault rifle with under-slung grenade launcher, in fact I'm hoping for something more creative, that was just an example.

  3. I want cross-breeding. It'd be cool to mate say a Huras with a Raksa and get a cross-breed that could replenish shields AND cloak you.


    Also only being able to make 2 genetic imprints from a kubrow makes no sense. I mean biologically that would mean that any one kubrow could only have one kubrow child or that any 2 could have only 2 kubrow children. This means their population is completely incapable of growth, and since not all children will survive, this means that their population would steadily diminish until they go extinct.

  4. Whats your argument Quizel? I see all that you did but I don't see your point. Also who said anything about doubling the base damage of a weapon. Right now the IPS mods only give 30% damage to primaries max and it doesn't figure into elementals. Even if we were to double it to 60% boost max and make it multiply by elementals we wouldn't be getting the numbers you're talking about. You'd have to increase it to 100% increase times ALL base damage types AND make it multiply by the elements to get the results you got. Fortunately I never suggested anything of the sort so I'm not really sure who you're arguing against. And even then you only considered headshots which multiplies any difference considerably and isn't a realistic assumption for in-game play. Have you ever heard of a straw-man argument Quizel?

  5. Problem with your suggestion is that it drives too far from what the Mitter is.


    You see, this weapon goes all the way back to 1998, Unreal Tournament. That is why we have the Goo Gun and the Drakgoon and various other weapons, they are from that game which DE has worked on in collaboration. They might've even worked on the gun themselves, we don't know.


    The Mitter should be pushed to be more viable and powerful but your suggestion on the secondary attack is a no-go in my bag of goodies :)


    (sorry if date is wrong XD)

    The problem with this logic is that it means the miter should stay the way it is in this game because it worked in a completely different one. Doesn't make much sense to me but one of my suggestions would allow you to keep your miter and allow me to have mine too. They could release my version as the Miter Mk 2 as tenno lab clan research.


    Edit: The reason why I think it woudln't be wise to give IPS mods to scale off total base dmg is because weapons like Latron Prime (high proc chance weapon) would benefit from it too much.  Giving Latron a reasonable slash proc chance (slightly higher than 50% of the other IPS procs) would push its usefulness beyond over powered. Especially if the pure proc chance mods get buffed in tandem.

    I didn't say they should scale off of total base damage but even if they did elements usually do FAR more damage than base damage types once a weapon is fully modded. I think you are a little too worried about something small. And proc chance is unrelated to these mods.

  7.  even so ill have to admit its only for certain weapons, but far from useless.


    critical delay serves to get even more red critical hits on any bow, or in my case i use it to slightly reduce fire rate on some weapons thus reducing recoil and increasing control.


    and ill give you that the regular stat only are kinda worthless.


    even so if you are after a build that:


    note the "superlative", there can be only one superlative and as such your mod options are by definition limited, it makes no sense to believe you can get that with several choices.

    If you can find me a primary or secondary weapon build that uses an impact, puncture, or slash mod and that I can't make better by removing it I'll be impressed and retract my comment about them being useless. But, until then, I maintain that they are.


    And yes there is only one "superlative" for any given weapon, but since there are many weapons with many different starting stats there are many "superlatives". As of right now though none that I have seen use the mods I mentioned in my original post. If I've missed one please point it out. But if the stats of those mods were tweaked a little then they would be used for some weapons maximum DPS loadouts.

  8. I kind of like how IPS mods don't actually add to base dmg and increase elemental dmg and proc dmg.  The way they're implemented I think is perfectly fine so that you can keep build variety among the weapons (ex: dread vs paris prime).  


    My only issue is that minor 30% boost.  Make that 90% or better yet 100% , and improve the status mods to be at a minimum of 60 but better to be 90 to 100.


    Do this and the miter won't actually need a buff pretty sure.

    Apparently, you haven't done the math. Even if you could to add 100% slash to the the miter with a slah mod, it wouldn't be as good as a 90% element mod multiplied over ALL the miter damage (though it would be very close) and the miter fairs much better than most weapons in that regard. The vast majority of weapons would be far worse with a 100% impact, slash, or puncture mod than a 90% elemental mod because the extra IPS damage doesn't get multiplied by any elements you add on top or by any of the other base damage types.

  9. Take the puncture, impact, and slash multiplier mods for the non-melee weapons like sawtooth clip and rupture for example. At max rank they only add 30% damage and only to one of the three damage types. You might think that its worth it on a weapon that has all or most of its damage concentrated into one of those categories like the bows do but not once you consider that that damage (unlike serration and split chamber added damage) does not get factored into the elemental damage. In fact you are ALWAYS better off putting on another element or a fire rate mod or something than one of these. It makes them absolutely useless once you reach the point of having elemental mods. If the percentage increase was somewhat higher (like the max 60% for the pistol versions or 90% for the melee) AND the elements factored them in they could be useful all the way to end-game for certain weapons. As it stands though even the higher 60% damage increase in secondaries is never worth more than an element and the 90% for melee is only very rarely worth it without the damage being able to be multiplied by elements.


    Status only mods like Rifle Aptitude and Sure Shot are in a similar boat. They cap at 15% status increase which is almost unnoticeable for most weapons while the event mods provide 60% status increase + 60% elemental damage. As it stands, these mods are practically useless. Even Stunning Speed which is a nightmare mod is only useful because of the reload speed increase. The status boost is only 10% at max which for most weapons means less than 2.5% added proc chance.


    In some cases even corrupt and nightmare mods which are hard to get seem useless. I haven't found a build for example where the corrupt mod critical delay would be better than some other alternative for DPS. And similarly I haven't yet found a build where the nightmare mod Hammershot could help you get the highest DPS and I was checking crit build weapons like the soma and amprex. Hammershot is made even worse once you realize that good crit chance and good status chance are rarely found on the same weapon in the primary slot.


    Edit: I just found that the dread CAN use hammershot in a max DPS build. It beats an element out by a difference of less than a 1% though, and as far as I can tell it is the only time that hammershot is the best option on any weapon.


    It just seems silly to have these useless mods floating around when just a little tweaking to the numbers would make them useful at least some of the time and add more dimensions to weapon building.

  10. The miter is such a unique weapon and has the potential to be really cool but falls short for a number of reasons. As it stands it acts like a strange sniper rifle or bow, but we could make it much more unique. I think that the disc should be bigger to counter the bullet travel time and so that it has a little more CC ability. Or, even better: you could make it so that the charge shot fired 2 discs instead of 1 attached by a cable so that the discs are simultaneously rotating and revolving around each other in flight like a bolo of sorts increasing the width but would consume twice the ammo .Or the 2 rails of the gun could each fire a small disc all the time. If you want to spice it up even more you could make it so that the cable attaching the two discs unwound as it travels making it larger and larger the further the discs go or you could make it the opposite so that the cable wound up as it traveled.  Also could the ricochet vs. punch through action be made a little more predictable?


    And since the miter isn't capable of critting but can achieve 100+% status, it would be nice to use all of it. Right now it caps at 100% but what if you changed it to be more like the crits are now where you can use more than 100%. In this case if you had say 125% status, then you'd proc a random status 100% of the time and proc another random status 25% of the time. 


    With just a little reworking this weapon could be even more interesting to play with and MUCH more effective. If you like you could release this version as a Tenno research Mark 2 model or something.

  11. Dear DE,


          First I have to get the obvious out of the way: ability balance.  Some abilities such as Bladestorm, Hysteria, Bastille, and others are completely OP. I think the best way to fix that without completely changing the nature or effectiveness of the abilities is to put in cooldowns. Bladestorm would still be just as effective as a nuke with a 1 minute cooldown but couldn't be spammed to make sure that no one could make it more than 30 feet without spontaneously dying. Instead it would become a strategic decision whether or not to use it. You would save it for the right circumstances or for when your in a bind. Valkyr would still be very effective but wouldn't be permanently invincible if hysteria had a 30 second cooldown and so on. You could justify it in lore with a "dampening field device" or some such nonsense that each side uses against the other. I see as I'm typing this that you just updated to reduce the effectiveness of abilities like bastille, iron skin, hysteria, and bladestorm. That is the wrong way to go. Cooldowns would require less tweaking and provide better balance. The problem isn't the abilities effectiveness. It's the spammability. And cooldowns would add an element of strategy instead of reinforcing button mashing.


          Next but still in the obvious category is spawn camping the attackers. Not having a protected spawn for the attackers adds nothing to the game. It only serves to completely unbalance the match. Three seconds of invulnerability won't help you when you're spawning with 0 energy into a bastille with 4 ready tenno waiting to unload all of their abilities on you. This is easy enough to fix. Use force fields, or air cover from the ships, or even better have the attackers start at their adjacent partially built rail which has their defenses on board and they can attack as a boarding party. It doesn't really matter how but this really needs to be fixed for the sake of balance and fun.


          Now for the more interesting ideas that aren't already common consensus among the players. Since the dark sector conflicts are essentially a MOBA style game from a different point of view, i think we should go all the way. Create larger maps, but not too large, with multiple paths. The traditional 3 paths would be good: some options but not too many to defend. Have at least one of those paths require some acrobatic/parkour skill or a mobility/teleportation frame (zephyr, loki, nova, etc) to cross but have it provide more cover or stealth. This would make attacking from that path take some skill or a frame with the necessary abilities equipped and enabled but would give you more protection. It would introduce a little more variety in play style and strategy plus parkour is always fun.


         And continuing in the MOBA style, please add a secondary objective chosen at random from several possibles for each mission.  These secondary objectives would help you to achieve the primary objective. For example you could disable your enemies AA defenses to launch periodic airstrikes, disrupt their dampening field device to reduce all cooldowns by 25% *clears throat*, or activate a radar tower to give you a complete battlefield map with enemies on it. It would add yet another element of strategy to the conflicts and make them a lot more engaging.


         And finally, could you please give some of the dark sector missions a one-time armistice extension of varying lengths so that the whole solar system won't be in conflict or at peace at the same time. Ideally at least one zone should be in conflict at any time.


    Thank you in advance DE and players who comment on this for your feedback.

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