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Posts posted by Darksinger

  1. 2 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

    If it's too hard to fix can we possibly get a 24hr alert or something with 10 codes? It'd at least be a temporary fix until the solution is found (I only got the 1 code too. Haven't seen any other kitty alerts yet) 


    Well it is most likely one of those Alerts there only come once in a 2 week period, like the Kubrow egg one.

  2. 28 minutes ago, goatwithbenefits said:

    I'm curious how DE will handle this one. Compensation through a script? An extra alert? Nothing at all while we're called entitled and that we should be thankful a kavat code alert popped up at all?

    But I jest. Let's wait and see.

    Well they might do the good old one, by making a new 24 hours alert for 10x or the promotion code for a kit that everyone can enter... that is what they did back when they screwed up with the Kubrow back in the day.

  3. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Stanicek3 said:

    Sounds almost as disappointing as 10 void traces alerts... Only 10 traces? They're not worth it.

    Well 10 kavat genetic codes are the same as 1 kubrow egg... and since kavat genetic codes are so much harder to get than the kubrow eggs, then it is actually worth it.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

    I was upset when I saw that cross my twitter while here at work. Sort of glad I didn't do it, since it was bugged. So.. uh... that does need to be fixed though. I want new kitties.

    And then you will be sad again, when they run the script there gives those there did the alert 9 more codes.

  5. 6 hours ago, infinateeff said:

    Same here, I submitted a trouble ticket.

    Was mid quest when the hotfix came in, completed the quest before relogging. and no inbox message...

    Additional note: if the choice has something to do with it, I chose neutral for the first question, the rest where light.

    Doesn't look like the hotfix fixed it as I just completed it and no reward.

  6. Have in mind that CS has quite a few players and I have a lot of friends that play it, I seriously doubt that many of them left because of flashbangs, it's my opinion though. 

    I get it, it's annoying and that is why it's used if it dropped roses they wouldn't implement it and enemies wouldn't use it. 


    BTW flashbangs are not a common thing and I think making it such a big thing is overreacting.


    Just wait till we get flooded with the new enemies and it goes off every second or two.

  7. Wat?

    Why in the World shouldnt Tomb of the sentient contain the sentients?

    maybe they get introduced by an event, but after seeing the trailer i really do believe there comming and staying.


    Now if you knew something about Warhammer 40K you might know why.


    Chances are that the Tombs are where they entered stasis when they were about to lose the war against the Orokin and Tenno. Now that the Orokin are gone and the Tenno weakened they are coming out of their stasis tombs once more to finish off what they started back at the war.

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