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Posts posted by PandemicLegions

  1. On 2020-01-13 at 1:37 AM, Foo_Prime said:

    It's just a UI bug which doesn't effect the HP pool so there is no way to be turned into an exploit.

    As far as I know, it only happens after an index host migration but, like I said, it doesn't effect gameplay.


    That's 100% wrong.

    Just happened to me. Round starts, financial stress modifier of 25.  It does effect gameplay. 10 health, 1 shields, and energy drain so fast that you cant even use 1 abilities.

    DE needs to look into this; makes it virtually unplayable and costs us credits when we lose.

  2. Encountered on the nitain alert after hotfix 22.5.1, interception progress shows at 0% for the entire match (but you are able to complete the mission). Similarly, you can't see the percent when you are capturing/neutralizing a point.

    EDIT - Confirmed with all other players in the session, added picture of the halfway point in round 1. Note missing UI elements and 0% score.


  3. Bazaar/Boards are for greasy MMO's like WoW they don't belong in Warframe. An yes the trading issue has been solved with player hubs no reason to ruin a good game with a terrible game mechanic lol.


    Please elaborate on how player hubs will fix the trade system? As I've said, the only confirmed trade system change that hubs will bring is that players without clans can use hubs to trade. By extension, this will only allow more players to 'spam' trade chat, making trade even harder to do.


    "greasy MMOs"? Care to explain what you mean? Essentially you're saying that the OP's idea is a bad one without really explaining why you think so.


    That is exactly what he is doing. There is a reason why WoW is one, if not, the top MMO of all time. Warframe could take some hints as the trade system that is currently in place is clunky and will only get more clunky as more players attempt to trade (since it is all chat based).


    EDIT: If a mod could move this to the proper feedback category, please...

  4. I like the mastery rank system. It directly represents a players progress in the game, hence why it's called the 'mastery rank'.  It tells you exactly how far a player has gone in regards to weapons.


    What I do agree with, however, is mastery rank needs more rewards. After 8, the only thing you get are loadout slots. DE keeps adding new weapons and frames (and by extension, higher mastery ranks), without fairly rewarding players who invest the massive amount of time required to reach max MR. I believe many weapons should be pushed to a higher mastery rank as to prevent players from burning out once they reach MR8. With the current system, with powerhouse weapons like the soma and bolter prime being accessible after MR8, it only lets other not so 'op' weapons in the dust and never built unless grinding for mastery.

  5. The game is getting player hubs, problem solved. As for a bazaar/board never gonna happen lol.


    Erm, no.


    From what has been released in devstreams thusfar, there is nothing related to trade improvements besides being able to initiate trades at the hub instead of having to go through the tedious process of starting a dojo instance and inviting the person to the dojo. Sure, this will allow players without a clan to trade more easily, but is by no means a fix to the cluster---- that is trade chat. 


    Why would a bazaar/board never happen? It'd be relatively easy to implement, and players could use a search bar to browse through the items and get find what they are looking for. 

  6. For the Warframe economy, I know it's possible to trade platinum for Prime Blueprints, Mods, and More. But I've noticed there's more people selling than buying at all really. So I was curious, could there be a way to maybe get plat in circulation in the Warframe economy? Perhaps a credits to platinum conversion method where people can spend credits small portions of platinum just so plat is now in circulation? 


    No, no, and no.


    A 'credit to platinum' conversion is a horrible idea. But why?


    1. Dark Sectors. Using a loophole in the system, it is possible for large alliances to give millions in alliance funds to a single squad of players for battlepay. Given that some alliances have BILLIONS in credits from nodes, this serves as a virtually infinite source of platinum.


    2. Game-obtained platinum is untradeable. The only platinum that you see being traded in the trade chat is purchased using IRL funds. Platinum won by events, give-aways during a stream, or starter platinum, can only be used on game market transactions. 


    3. Market prices dropping. As brought up above, credit bought platinum would devalue IRL funded platinum and would take that difference directly out of DE's pocket. People who pay for platinum IRL would get more bang for their buck and by extension, wouldn't have to buy platinum as often.


    Overall, just a very bad idea.

  7. As the title says, I cannot start a mastery test. The normal 'rank up' button isn't popping up yet it says I've got 0 XP till my next level (on my profile). The affinity bar, however, is stuck at ~95% when I scroll over my name. Screenshots below.





  8. Your resource income that you get every 4 hours and is a fraction of what you get if you just play?


    Actually, not really. Depending on the extractor you have, each extractor can yield the resources equivalent to a 30 minute game. Spread across 4 reactors, that equals 90 to 120 minutes worth of resources every 4 hours.


    But I'm with everyone else, just complete the new nodes. What is it, 1-2 nodes per planet? No more than an hour worth of gameplay to clear the planets that you put extractors on.

  9. Can any body tell me how long you can go invisible with the narrow minded mod maxed? And is it really worth it? I love invisibility and radial disarm, but it's either one or the other, I'm rather comfortable with the invis and radial disarm build, it's very diverse. Though this all might change in the next update, just wondering if the build is worth all those fusion cores.


    Why is it one or the other? My build has 14 seconds of invis, maxed range radial disarm, and maxed efficiency, all with no forma spent. While it may be fun to you, you'll be a liability to your team and you will ALWAYS get flak if you ever decide to join a void game with the intention of running a perma-invis build.

  10. I do have limit here aswell howeever it is something like 100 Gigabit a month (despite having download heavy months never managed to achieve that).


    If you wish to compare it to cap then it is set to 1 gigabit (i remember living for a year in village with microwave net even there the cap was 6 gigabits around 2000).


    I'd say that a 6GB cap back in 2000 is pretty reasonable. That was when dial-up was still a thing and where streaming videos/downloading games online just wasn't possible.


    You'd be surprised how little you use when you take online game downloads and online streaming of any kind out of the equation.

  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not already a thing in places like the US and Canada? I know on my bill, I get a set amount of GB downloaded per month (300GB), and if I go over, I get my internet throttled. I could pay more per month to get an increased cap, but I've never actually reached my limit. 


    I know the US/Canada aren't the shining examples in the world of telecommunication companies, but I was under the impression that data caps are becoming a big thing with telecommunications companies around the world?

  12. i agreed


    Is this what you called Fair answer? lol that s ridiculous.

     My solution>> payment should have been pain when the one started mission. then returned it back to alliance when mission failed or host has disconnected. 


    And by doing so, you deny battle pay to fast, organized squads who joined the conflict after a slow pug squad gets promised pay simply because they joined sooner. 


    The funny part? If implemented, even if the organized squad joined after the pug squad and finished before them, the pug squad would still be chosen for pay over them. 

  13. No. Slightly different stats make a prime better than its basic already, and only Rhino on have gotten that treatment. Ember, Mag, and Frost have no stat bonus. But giving them two extra mod slots will make primes flat out better than all other frames and it'll lead to people running voids demanding "Primes only!!!111111!!!" which you know, to get a prime you have to do voids in the first place.


    I mean, people are already demanding prime frames over their non-prime'd counterpart, so I really don't see an issue besides the fact that it will add to the already existing 'prime or GTFO'.

  14. I had the same issue where I accidentally sold an exclusive weapon. I submitted a support ticket a day later after realizing what I had done and they put the weapon back on my account the next day.


    Ignore those above who are saying no. Submit a support ticket and let them know the situation. However, over a year later might be pushing the limits.


    Good luck!

  15. Why does it matter? Why should I care? I use all the abilties at max rank anyway.


    Because many advanced builds require a little more thought then throwing a bunch of maxed mods at a frame and seeing if it works.


    And as far as the OP, I don't understand why all abilities don't just cost 2-5p to buy from the market. It would serve as an excellent platinum sink and would solve the issue completely.

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