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Posts posted by Xaentrick

  1. Ash, hands down for me. He is versatile, healthy, and he is my favorite. So many different build paths fur hun it is not funny. Sure I could go the spammy rout with blamestorm, but that is no fun. Ash can solo or be designed around a team. My usual build has him nice and well rounded. Another has max duration with very few harmful negatives. 

  2. We have seen new skins for both Oberon and Banshee. That prompts two questions from me. 

    The first is will either of those skins come with a rework to those frames? 

    Question number 2 is what is the status on skin concepts for other frames. Frames like ash!

    Now that last question takes me into my third and final question. A few devstreams ago we heard about a change to how Ash's bladestorm works. I am wondering if there has been any progress into that little venture?

  3. I like to think of it this way, most developers do not even say when an update might be released. When is the last time a game developer told you that they were sending something to be certified? As far as I am aware, very few if any do that on a console. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, kkinnison said:



    My bet is you have to do the Moon tilesets to get the Parts to build the new frame, or worse case you have to kill sentiants

    nothing worse then having a sentiant show up while your trying to hack in the vault room



    Steve said in the last devstream that it would most likely be a quest on phobos. mummy and sang go together. though they could throw us onto the moon as a twist.

  5. 1 minute ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Spring break can have many dates. Anyways, this is a pointless discussion right now -- rejoice together Tenno, give unto the void, purchase plat in advance for the new frame, skins, weapons, slots... Whatever you wish.

    You sir have a very good point. Mine does not start until the third week of March. Though I plan on killing my sleep schedule in order to play the new spy missions and start that new quest asap.

  6. The incubator upgrade helps a lot, as others have probably mentioned. As it doubles the time between stabilizers, places your kubrow into stasis if it becomes ill, and let's you rush the timer from stasis with credits. However getting a kubrow early on when you start playing is not recommended. The upkeep on them is a credit sink four new players. They are with it once you get them in the ling run however. As they are far healthier than a sentinel, can it damage them, and they are able to be revived.

    However they have their own flaws that need to be looked at. They're A.I. And pathing are horrible according to some. I habe never had the pathing problem, but I can agree on the A.I. Along with farming mods for them, this is horrible. The mods are either dropped by a feral kubrow or a drahk and even then they refuse to drop. When you get it though it is worth it. As my Chesa has over a thousand shields and over two thousand health with a nice chunk of armor.

  7. Everyone should rock pink until they put Baro back into the game. I have been looking for an excuse to color my Ash up in bright neon pink!

  8. We heard that Ash was having his Bladestorm ability changed to be more interactive. A few things have been mentioned before the end of last year. Some of the things we heard were that the camera popping would be eliminated, along with the possibilities of Ash just having clones do the work. I know this is something a lot of Ash players did not want. So I am wondering if anything progress had been made if not a finalized idea on what is going to be happening to Ash's fourth ability? Also I am wondering if his entire kit is being looked at for a rework? Another thing I am wondering is if there is any news on an Ash deux skin, as I need another reason to throw my wallet at the screen.

  9. I used to be a die hard Ash (Prime) fan as well. I played him exclusively for months. That changed when I stepped behind Ivara. Not only is she by far the best stealth frame now (debatable I imagine, but that's where I stand) and a very solid damage frame with a bow and Artemis bow, but some of her skills are very useful for team members as well. Her Prowl and Stealth bubble make rezzing allies very safe. Her sleep arrow is a nice CC component whether solo or in groups. And who doesn't like using zip lines? She's got those too.

    It may take a few months at least, but she'll be replacing Ash as my most used frame in no time.

    Ivara is a good one, thought she would replace ash. However soon I found myself switching back to ash, leaning Ivara to collect dust. As my Ash is still the most enjoyable frame for me going on a few years now.

  10. This is something simple and enjoyable. We all have that warframe that we prefer over others. The frame we go back to time and time again. How about sharing which frame that is and your favorite story to go along with it.

    Like with me it is Ash, they could hit him with the nerf bat to his skull is canned in and I would still pick him over others. His stealth and teleport have to be my two favorite abilities.

    My favorite time with him was way back with a buddy when we were doing a void run. A nice easy capture mission, which like airways it was nice and easy. Until I hit a radiation proc. Not knowing what it did back then I spammed shuriken as it was funny to watch enemy mobs due mud during from the bleed. However every single one hooked right into my buddies back and downed him. I laughed so hard I did not revive him in time.

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