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Posts posted by Namelessra

  1. Excuse me? Try using a Loki after Rhino. No offensive skills whatsoever. It requires creativity, which many players lack.

    Or in that matter, try using even Volt. Know when to use Shock, when to put a shield down or use that once-per-room 4th ability wisely.

    Trinity. You gotta watch your team's health carefully so you can cast Blessing just in time. Constantly ask if anyone needs Energy.

    Valkyr, to save your teammates by reeling them in from knockdowns or rockets. Or when to cut your shields to half just to give your team enough time to get away from the bombards.


    These were just a few examples of the other frames. Yeah, every single Warframe requires skill to master.

    Except fukin Rhino.

    Press 2&4 to win&clear the room.

    Wow, such skill.

    Many OP.

    Much nerf needed.


    And pressing 2&4 to win isn't the same for other frames? Loki, Trinity, Nova, Nyx, and many others. Get off your high horse.

  2. Holy crap this guy. You just FILL the "Console Peasant" stereotype (which is obviously bad). Consoles are bringing down the Videogame market anyways. But we're getting off topic.


    Warframe COULD work with Xbox if Microsoft can get their money-grubbing hands off.


    Linux? Linux! Linux.

  3. There are all sorts of small ways to do "some" stealth, but doing stealth full time in all games modes isn't viable, also the amount of enemies that spawn in a room will notice you stealth killing one of there fellows and be on alert.

    Because a single playstyle shouldn't be able to cover all areas. (Besides the traditional kill everything). Don't really know why you put quotes around "some", you can stealth just fine, just needs a serious rework. I advise doing research before making threads as Stealth 2.0 has been an idea for quite a bit of time now.


    You're really not using the word "viable" correctly.

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