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Posts posted by Noble_Cactus

  1. lol, Drakgoon is NOTHING like the Flakker. Now you've reminded me of the Flakker cult on the gbx forums. It's a good gun, though, I won't deny that.


    WF now has just about every gun unique to UT. Flak Cannon, Ripper, Link Gun (kind of), Shock Combo, Pulse Gun, BioRifle.


    And I'm not entirely certain about BL2's weapon system being outright better than WF's, depends on what you mean by that. Personally I like BL1's better but that's just me.

  2. The user who referenced that is still doing research with another player to see if this is true.


    Good to know, thanks.


    Alright, so I as messing around with my Dread today and noticed that I was getting a lot of procs. Mostly Slash, with some Magnetic or Corrosive (depending on what was equipped) in between. I wanted to know if anyone else noticed something similar, especially on fully-charged shots.

  3. There's also the fact that procs also deal double damage. It was mentioned in another thread the other day, think it was one of the Wraith Viper ones with evidence to back it up.


    Bows still need more than that, but that'd be a good start. I'd say fast projectiles and maybe innate punch-through on charge would also be sufficient.

  4. I feel Banshee's "uselessness" is overstated. She just needs a few tweaks like these to boost her into Desirable tier. With that said, my thoughts:


    1. I like Sonic Boom the way it is. It may not be flashy, but it's cheap, efficient, spammable CC that can clear the pod/reactor, can clear an O2 capsule, can make space around a downed ally so they can be revived, can keep a hallway locked down, and can grant some free kills once they're knocked down. I'm assuming the stagger at the ability's max range was meant to combine Sound Quake with the current Sonic Boom? The one change I'd like to see to it would be to maybe cause greater knockback/ragdolling closer to the move's point of origin, and at the fringes cause a small stagger or simple knockdown like you said. Because sending enemies flying into pits is really fun (and useful).


    2. This one is in a bit of a dilemma. Sonar already does its job well, and I wouldn't like to see it go. It softens up high-level mobs and allows people leveling weak weapons to actually do damage. At the same time, Silence is garbage and needs a rework, yet I like the idea of creating a vacuum of space on a sound/air-based frame. Perhaps the current Silence could provide those crit bonuses as well as increased projectile travel time/accuracy/some other traits? I understand you were trying to be efficient though by combining the best aspects of two support abilities, OP, and that's where I'm stumped as to what to do. If Sonar is to stay the way it currently is, it needs a few tweaks. These include making the orange splotches not appear on invulnerable areas on bosses like Kril and Lephantis, enemies actually showing up on the radar consistently, and one idea I saw in another thread that I liked that showed enemies through walls like the codex scanner. The only potential issues with that last tweak would be performance issues (would it cause framerate drops to have all those enemies show up at once?) and visual clutter, which is something this game already has issues with.


    3. I like this idea the most. The other day I was thinking about how odd it was for a sound-based frame called Banshee to not have a move that resembled a shriek or a scream, and my mind turned to how something like the frontal cone scream used by the Sirens in Killing Floor could be implemented in Warframe. Armor reduction would be very nice, as would a reasonable Slash DoT proc chance like the one mentioned above (the enemy's eardrums are being torn apart, why not?). My question is if this would have a target limit, or if it would work on downed enemies? Because Sonic Boom + Rending Voice could be a very strong combination when used on a pack of mobs.


    4. This ability sounds alright, but treads on the turf of other frames. And I'm not a big fan of how Fear is currently implemented in this game, because sending enemies running into other rooms only delays having to fight them again without being able to chase them down. Sound Quake is mostly fine as it is, and not only does it look cool but it also provides solid AoE CC when used around the pod or a chokepoint. The change I and many others would like to see would be to give it its old invincibility back, or at least a damage reduction while it's active. Maybe change its visual effect to send out pulses of sound with each ping on top of what it currently looks like. And fix that annoying bug where using it will rarely cause Banshee to remain stuck in the kneeling pose and unable to use abilities if she dies and is revived.

  5. You do realize that in endgame content, Iron Skin gets shredded by enemies who can easily pass its absorption threshold, right? What you're describing is really only a "problem" in low-to-mid level content.


    Sure, the game isn't all about 100 wave Defense, but Rhino's strength at lower levels (and his relative strength at higher levels) just highlights the need for improvements to weak frames. Because as stated before, he's a solid frame with good tools. They're not OP, just not mediocre.

  6. Sonar's targeting issues are apparent on bosses like Kril and Lephantis, and yes, that does need to be addressed. In all my times fighting Lephantis, I've had the orange blotch appear on his hittable spots maybe... 3-4 times? It's almost always on the back of one of his heads or somethign dumb like that. Making enemies actually show up on the minimap all the time would be nice as well. I wouldn't say it's completely useless at early-midgame, though, since as mentioned above it still helps people level up weak gear.


    I have no idea how to address SIlence, unless Stealth were to be completely reworked (how did Metal Gear Online implement stealth? Maybe something could be learned from that game). Perhaps it could improve accuracy and crit rate along with its current effects?

  7. Depends on if you're willing to spend $20 on a frame. If you can get a good group together, you can knock out a few Derelict defenses per night. A friend of mine also had the helmet drop from Phorid, which I didn't know was possible. Loot table bug?





    Um... No. Sonar is the SINGLE most useful power I have used with the POSSIBLE exception of Snow Globe. That power ALONE makes it not trash, but then Sonic Boom throws enemies back. (The OMGWTF button)  Sound Quake kicks butt on lower levels and staggers even on upper levels.


    Silence is a situational power, mainly used for stealth and since people don't generally even TRY stealth in this game, it is only for solo or clan runs. I don't even try it with random PUGs.


    Banshee has been my main since I got her and will remain my main. Sniper rifle or Bow + Banshee = One shot, one kill.



    Or rapid fire/AoE weapon Banshee after a Sonic Boom = Many shots/One shot, many kills! Ogris/Penta don't target crit spots, so weapons like a Soma/Synapse/Grakata/Despair/etc. work great with Sonar. Sniping is fun, though, I will admit, and it's also helpful for setting off Molecular Prime chains if your Nova missed a few stragglers. Banshee may not have the raw, flashy killing power of other frames, but she's a solid asset to a team due to Sonar and good CC options.


    There is a bad bug with Sound Quake that I have only gotten once, and I'm not sure how it's triggered. I was doing some Void Survival with friends and I Sound Quaked near the capsule for my teammates to activate it. Shade cloaked me and by the time the cloak wore off, I was stuck in the Sound Quake pose with no way to cancel it. After I died, my friends were able to revive me, but I wasn't able to use any skills. The wiki says this is associated with alt+tabbing out of the game while it's active, but I was in the game the entire time. I've never had that happen again, thankfully.

  8. No.


    Nerfing things in an ARPG is almost always a bad idea unless the weapon/class/etc. in question is blatantly overpowered, which Rhino is not. If he were to be nerfed, another class would just take his place. He just has better tools compared to most of the cast's (many of the abilities in this game are mediocre). If anything, he highlights the need for buffs to other classes

  9. I brought up the idea of elemental/utility arrow mods in the other thread, and I'm sure others had thought of them long before I did. I'm all for them.


    One idea that I really like that I've seen thrown around lately is guaranteed punch-through on a fully charged arrow. Doing loads of damage to a single target is great, but as the Penta/Soma/Synapse/etc. can attest, doing loads of damage to multiple targets in that same timespan is even better. An arrow that has a small amount of penetration - enough to go through 2-3 targets - could help dps and teamwork immensely. As for how this would work with Thunderbolt and potential utility bow mods, maybe it could just proc on the first hit. Speaking of which, Thunderbolt needs damage scaling. A chance for a Blast proc or a stagger would be icing on the cake. Because let's face it, for all the gimmicks and utility DE could give snipers and bows, they're still probably not going to outdamage the current favorites.

  10. I was under the impression that the Tigris' reload speed/delay were what were holding it back. Making big numbers on the screen looks fine, but doing it at half the rate of every other shogun available is not. Especially against Infested.

  11. What kind of damage would Corpse Explosion do? I'm thinking either Blast or Viral, since you're, well, exploding a corpse. Even if damage scaled poorly in the later levels, it'd at least be useful for proccing one of those elements, and that'd make Nekros even stronger in Survival missions while also making him more than the Thief frame. It'd allow him to hold off chokepoints and hallways by killing off a weak mob like a Butcher and setting off a Diablo 2-style chain reaction (would it do that?).


    Terrify, as has been discussed elsewhere, could stand for an improvement. You fear a group of mobs surrounding the pod or a teammate and they go running off. And? You either have to go hunting them down, or they just end up returning and smacking you down again anyway. It also has a target limit, which is bad for CC and makes it completely inferior to Nyx's Chaos. One of my favorite ideas that I've seen here is that it would only repel enemies far away from Nekros. Those who are close to him would receive a slow debuff similar to Molecular Prime. Feared enemies would also do less damage and attack slower. Perhaps this could even freeze some enemies out of pure fright. For a Necromancer/Warlock-type frame, he certainly doesn't have many curses or debuffs. But that's up to DE's discretion.

  12. Paris Prime also sounds like someone's hawking a loogie whenever you charge it.


    Actually all the Primes sound awful when fired, but that's a discussion for another thread.

  13. But I want my space elf to be able compete :(


    Snipers and bows work great for run and gun maps if you can stay ahead of the pack, though, I agree.

  14. I like the idea for more arrow mods. Thunderbolt needs a re-rework, as noted above. I still like my blast proc idea but that's just me (proper scaling like Momaw noted would also be necessary). Maybe a poison arrow mutation that had a chance to proc a Gas cloud on hitting a target? To prevent it from treading on the Torid's turf (a weapon that could also stand to see a buff, though that's more to do with how damage works than anything), maybe it could only proc on crit or headshot. Might be a bad idea, but it'd fit in line with the theme of bows, and it's a starting point for better ideas. Other ideas I just cobbled together while eating lunch were a lightning arrow that procced a chain arc on crit, a fire arrow that spawned a puddle of flame on crit, an ice arrow that created a small AoE freeze, etc. Something to give them more utility if they truly cannot be brought up to par - or close to it - with the big boy guns. The best part? It'd give bow users freedom of choice, as they'd be able to decide what role they want to fill. The biggest problem here, though, is the question of equipping multiples of these mods.


    Inherent punch-through could also be nice. In fact, I thought the Dread did when I first saw it due to how the arrows look and work. It'd also save a mod space. Metal Auger and Shred work great when the conditions line up just right, but there are plenty of situations where enemies are by their lonesome running to the pod or they're not lined up perfectly and the mod is wasted. I just can't justify running it over Point Strike or Vital Sense/Hammer Shot on my Vectis right now. Penetration on snipers is how the Left 4 Dead series attempts to make them viable when fighting hordes of mobs, as an offhanded reference.

  15. The problem with bows is not that they don't do their job (being silent, powerful, long range weapons). They manage to do it very, very well.


    It's just that there's no place for that niche in the game as it is.


    Pretty much this.


    Sustain will almost always outdamage burst/spike damage in the long run. It's a fact of RPG life. Where single target, high-powered weapons would shine is when you need to take out an important enemy so he doesn't whomp your teammate, or to neutralize the threat from a distance before he even becomes one.


    That would work great, except that in ARPGs, you're often fighting hordes of enemies. My Vectis can currently one-shot anything up to about lv50 or maybe even higher before Sonar, and it's not completely modded out yet. I can put big pretty numbers on the screen and take out a Napalm or tech quickly but that doesn't matter when my friend next to me with a Penta is doing the same and much more. So weapons with moderate to high power that can take out groups of enemies will almost always win and will always be more efficient. Thunderbolt seems to have been created to compensate for this lack in bows, but now that it does a flat 250 damage, it falls short past level 30 or so (and why use that when you could Penta/Ogris the crowd anyway?). Perhaps if it had its old damage back and had a high Blast knockdown or stagger proc rate it would be of more use? *shrug*


    Bows and snipers are caught in a predicament where they're hampered by how the game works, and I don't see them becoming more desirable than a Synapse/Penta/etc. any time soon unless drastic changes were made to core mechanics. And if that were to happen, I'm sure it would upset a lot of people, considering past feedback to most everything DE's done lately.


    As an aside, the above-mentioned stealth missions are a potential nightmare in multiplayer with Randoms. Though I'm not sure. How did games like Metal Gear Online implement it? If steath was a viable, successful option in that game, there might be lessons to learn from it.

  16. The menu damage values are really buggy. It consistently says my weapons have far lower elemental damage on them than they should, or sometimes even none at all. Going into another menu or moving your mouse over the piece of gear sometimes displays the correct numbers.

  17. Banshee has a lot more utility than people give her credit for. Is she outclassed by many other frames? Sure. Could she use some tweaking to bring Sonar back up to par and give her more utility? Definitely. But with the right mods, Sonic Boom offers cheap, efficient CC for clearing the reactor or staggering groups, or for creating easy kills with a sniper or for something with a powerful AoE. Mag's Pull does way more damage and can yank crowds away from the pod at long ranges, but it scatters enemies around, which may not always be desirable. SB is more predictable since it knocks enemies down in a line. Sonar still helps teammates with lacking firepower at lower levels. Silence is garbage and needs a complete rework, but having at least one useless skill is common to nearly every frame. Sound Quake doesn't shine next to abilities like Rhino Stomp in terms of what it does and how safe it keeps Banshee, but it does stagger and knock down foes in a wide radius and can be used to clear crowds of mobs before they start hitting Lv40 or so. And ability damage scaling affects every frame, really. It's an issue with the game's rules rather than individual characters. I'd like to see some changes to make her stand out more, though; there's honestly not much reason to run her over Mag unless you just really like the frame.


    The effort required to get her helmet compared to obtaining the components of every other frame is kind of silly, I will agree.

  18. This is my current build. I added a - polarity to where Stormbringer is currently:




    I'm able to one-shot anything up to about Lv.45-50 or so at the moment, where heavier units like Gunners/Bombards/Techs require a couple shots to take down. Serration is two levels from being maxed and my elements are a few points from being maxed as well. Against Corpus, I switch out the Infected Clip for a Cryo Rounds, and against Infested I do the same with a Hellfire. This is also before Sonar, though I am aware of how that ability's effectiveness drops off toward the higher levels as of recent patches. I do have a few questions in regards to things that were asked earlier:


    1. Should I drop Hammershot for a third element? From what I understand, building elemental gives better returns in the long run than building crit, generally. When I do drop Hammershot for a third element, my crits are hitting for far less (~15k as opposed to ~20-23k). Hammershot and Viral element is really tempting, but I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice slots and damage just for that.

    2. In light of the Metal Auger talk earlier, is it worth the extra two or so Forma required to max it out with everything else? Would Shred work better in its place, because I have one of those too. My line of thinking is that one-shotting beefy enemies is great, but one-shotting several in a row is even better. I don't expect to outdamage people running around with Somas, but killing a bulky target on its way to the pod along with his friends in one shot can be valuable. And given how AI works in this game, enemies like to file into single lines for whatever reason, ripe for the picking. If I add Shred, I will experiment with and without using Fast Hands.


    EDIT: After swapping out Fast Hands for Shred, I got a general taste of punch through. Killing five enemies in a row - including a Heavy Gunner - is immensely gratifying. When enemies line up just right to get that penetration, it feels great and saves some bullets/relaoding time. But for practical use, I'm not sure it's worth it.

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