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Posts posted by (PSN)D-onlinekilla-4D

  1. I would love to help you out buddy, as the group I run with take at least one "raid virgin" each time we run.


    PS4 here though unfortunately :(


    I would love DE to make a solo version of the multiplayer raid, for the solo players.

    I myself enjoy solo play too..


    I wish you luck Tenno on any raid shenanigans that shall occur :)

  2. Alright. Where would be a good place to find eximus enemies? Btw the highest planets I have access to right now are Europa and Jupiter.

    • Below is taken from the link NovusNova offered in the earlier  post. Good luck Tenno.
    • Update 13.7 increased the spawn rate of Eximus enemies in Survival, gradually increasing to up to 20% at 60 minutes. On Infested survival, this can cause players to be overwhelmed by several Eximi at once during the entire mission due to Infested having a higher spawn and rushing rate.
  3. So the title kinda explains it all, but i would like to know what the best latron prime build is for pretty much one shotting everything I can(I would even take 2 shot kills since you can't get a 100% crit chance).Also I don't have the wraith version so I would like it if we could focus on just latron prime builds

    I'd suggest to try out this site Here hit search builds on the left.


    Although IMO their is no "best" build,, only what is best or more suitable for you in a given situation.


    For example I like punch thru, mainly because I play mainly endless/crowded game modes.


    Plus you can always test your build in the relay.


    I hope this offers some help Tenno & I wish you luck, the Latron Prime is a real nice weapon to use :)

  4. I approve of this,

    reviving is a big issue in most AW games I play.


    +1 OP

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