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Posts posted by NjaII

  1. Each one is faction-specific design indeed, but I think they are all Tenno-made.


    They are not trophies for me.


    "Displays of honor", that's what Hek said in the GrineerSystems website.


    I think they have the design they have because it is more easier to produce something when you already know the ... style you want to use.

  2. Also, if you have a Sentinel, and you have spare parts, try to max spare parts, and equip it on your sentinel, maxed out you get a 40+% chance of item drop, which helps.


    Spare parts doesn't work that way.


    40% chance to drop something when the sentinel dies. That's all.

  3. I liked Phobos more when I was farming it.


    Always in pick up groups. You can expect more skill from a player on Phobos than on Earth, in general.


    I tried Wendell, got my Tranquil Cleave on Kepler (Defense) because I was tired of running everywhere in Survival.

  4. Was anything ever said about compensation? I just see a bit linking to another thread that says nothing about it at all, only about the other things mentioned.

    Since 12.4.6 on the PS4 I have been having crazy login issues and have lost a good 1.5 days (so, half) of my booster time, of which I had all 4 up and running at once. :(.

    Still not fixed, I often get "Unable to connect to server" or get told my login info is wrong for a good 30 minutes by which time I've given up. I'm very knowledgable when it comes to technology and nothing on my end seems to fix the issue.

    I jus want to play when I want to! :P.


    I am a little surprised that this post is only in the PC category.


    I don't see a reason why PS4 players should not be compensated for the time lost on boosters.

    Please, send a support ticket here. The support open in a few hours.


    You should also report your connectivity issues.


    Also, you can consult this part of the forum, maybe you will find something about your problem.

  5. You can buy used woman's panties on the internet.


    Pay to win irl.


    About Tranquil Cleave, seriously, this thing was really hard to farm.


    I was tired of running around in survival so I decided to go on Kepler, Phobos. Got my tranquil cleave here.

  6. This has been going on a Week. DE, really? You are lucky Derp Troll isn't DDoS you. If he was the entire Network of Warframe would be down. You guys are getting DDoS from a Amatuer hacker who thinks he has a new hot topic on 4chan with the title of "Took down Warframe with my DDoS for 3 minutes TROLOLOLOL" I STILL have issues with my Cosmetics. Can you actually Hire someone with a decent History of Anti-Hacking and Networking? I am about to pick up Planetside 2 again. :/ 


    Are you still experiencing problems related to the servers ?


    I don't.


    What do you mean by "Issues with cosmectics" ?

  7. What kind of proof would I be able to present though? I have no screenshots since I was so overjoyed at actually getting the mod that I wouldn't even think this would happen. Basically, it's as if I never got it.


    If you have the name of the others players, maybe.


    Check your Friends tab, Recently met players.


    Look if you see something familiar.


    Approximate date of the mission is also important.

  8. Wait a second... Darvo has a mission for us ?

    It's not just that lame fusion core deal?

    Can someone explain?._.




    It was weeks ago.


    Maybe 2 months....


    The mission was an alert, rescue mission that lasted for 24 or 48h. The reward was a Forma.


    You can watch the mission here :

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