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Posts posted by WingKiller

  1. just a running list of what i keep hearing people complain about and i do agree with most of it.


    - lack of labels on planets 

    - having to spin the planets to find missions/ unclear mission route (flat over view map!!!!!! now!!)

    - leave squad is practically hidden (when in a squad hover over you name)

    - solo hidden (ESC key then bottom right match making)

    - ship mute (the ship gets annoying fast)

    - angled menus 

    - chat contrast hard to read in ship

    - when clicking on dojo don't give the clan window. just a play button 

    Can't pause in Hidden solo mode.

    - chat window needs love to

    - can't see planet's recourses without clicking on it.

    - planets all the same size and almost the same colors. Can't distinguish them without reading lables.

    - When menu is tilted (mod menus) I can't read texts because they are too small.

    - modding and fusion are on the different teminals

    - How many void keys do i have?? i can only tell when im makeing keys for vault runs

    - you click though the chat window when you want to click on it

    - painful to look at alerts

    -unable to kick people from squad (still)

    - only 1 row of view able mods 




    new good things

    - can use anyone's key in the squads for the void not just the host






    feel free to contribute

  2. running though the prolog i got up to the point where you need to craft your 1st item (inhibitor or whatever) and it not in my inventory at all. I have tried reloging and restarting client with no luck and i am now stuck in my ship because it wont let me use the nav to go anywhere.

  3. Hay, i'm not to posting on the forums and all this but ive been playing for a while and "lurking" in the forums. Any way i like to stream on twitch and would like to encourage some of the warframe community to come and give me feed back or join in with me and being seen on the stream. I usually have a voice chat going that I am willing to add some more people in to regularly play with.


    Now as my stream grows i will being having some give aways for various in game items. But dont let the only reason you watch is in hopes of free stuff.


    any way  look up    wingkiller      on twitch 




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