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Posts posted by DonHoliday

  1. A little while back I made a quick post freaking out about something that was on Excalibur's neck, someone actually replied saying it looked like it was fully matured in the video ... So after looking ingame, they were right! A few days of waiting and I finally get to see my little Floss! Seriously happy with her :D but she doesn't look much like the one I met ingame yesterday, maybe there's some variants out there?


  2. Hello everyone! I'm back at it again with a bunch of questions this time, I really do want to master Warframe once and for all and before I can even begin to do that, I need to at least know a few things about the game ... 

    To put it simply, I made a video asking a load of questions about the game and what's changed over the last few years, funnily enough, I've still got so many more questions to ask, but for now, this will do! 

    Thanks for the continued support and all the help I've been getting from the forums, it has truly been helping me out :) and just a little update from my previous post, the thing on my neck, I did decide to go into some Earth missions and try freak out some low level players XD Won't go into too much detail, people were nice enough to try keep the post spoiler free, so I shall do the same :)

    Hope you're all having a great day,



  3. 7 hours ago, Wrum said:

    oh your really old school. they reworked saryn so that her abilities work much better. spore causes viral and can spread preexisting toxin procs. you can cast spore on molt so enemies trigger it when they attack molt or you can still pop them yourself. toxic lash now guarantee melee to pop a spore on each attack on an enemy. miasma deals an additional 100% damage to enemies afflicted with viral and again for enemies afflicted with toxin(300% damage total) but the base damage of miasma is lower than it used to be. and her passive increases status duration by 25%.

    combine with condition overload and drifting contact on a status melee for high damage melee saryn.

    Ok, that does sound very different ... So I'm assuming remove any mods that purposefully reduced duration, add power back on and since it sounds like you'll be combining several abilities together now efficiency might be worth investing into as well? I also read somewhere that Miasma does a certain amount of damage every tick now, instead of dealing all the damage in one single tick?

    I'm also curious how the rest of the community sees this change, has this made Saryn more or less shunned upon XD?

  4. 11 hours ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

    From the video, it looks like the cyst if fully matured.  You can either leave it, cure it, or create a Helminth Charger.

    Does it :o? I've only just noticed it, but now that you mention it, there is a little hair sticking out of it :L I'll give it a look tomorrow, really want a Helminth Charger!

  5. 43 minutes ago, IfritKajiTora said:

    Rushing Boltor building for 25plat..... O....M....G....

    In the game there are Warframe and Weapons slots, so you are limited.
    You could buy 2 Warframe slots for 20plat each, and then in the future get 2 plat from trading to buy 2 weapon slots for 12plat.

    But it's your second account, and just helping other players?

    I completely agree, I would NEVER recommend rushing something like a boltor, or, any weapon really. This is actually a third account haha, my second account I scrapped the second I found out about getting a referral link for a 7d affinity boost! With the 50 free plat you get, I think you're 100% right and 2 warframe slots is by far the best thing you can buy :)


    31 minutes ago, rechot said:

    new saryn is insane dps, best use is survival and defense missions the more enemies the better she is best used with a ignis with gas and range + spread to make sure you hit everything you see

    Is she!? Saryn was my main frame for a very long time, I haven't learnt how to mod her since rejoining! I'm glad to hear she's good in defence missions though, they are still my favourite to farm! Though, I'm working on a solo build for Octavia now, I think it's coming along well, but I want to test it with the help of a speed nova next x)


    13 minutes ago, Wrum said:

    for defense with her i like to use the zenistar, throw down a molt and occasionally cast spore on the molt.

    Molt? Spore :o? I rememeber using Miasma XD I'm really rusty, and I was never amazing back when I played a lot, but I do remember only using Miasma .-. Is that bad? 

  6. Hello everyone DonHoliday here,

    This time I'm not freaking out over a pink thing on my neck, but finally uploading part 2 of my Walkframe (Warframe Walkthrough ...) It's taking me a long time to get these out because I need to learn about everything that's changed and try reiterate it the best I can and so much has changed! Firstly, Rip Coptering, rip the old prime farming missions, and I'm still trying to not only get used to the changed Saryn (not sure if it's improved or not yet ...) but also learn all these new Warframes! I may have gone on an impulse after seeing someone playing Octavia and running around playing "Another one bites the dust" and bought her myself, so that's 1 warframe down, only 19 or so to go and I have them all! Once I finish the beginner section of this walkthrough, I really cannot wait to work towards getting all warframes and trying to find the one frame I'm going to main. 

    Anyway, here's the video, I discuss my take on the void style missions and I also hit MR3 towards the end and try my best to explain syndicates, hopefully they haven't changed since I last played either! Once again, a big thank you to everyone on the forums for giving me all these tips and trying to get me back up to speed :) Really appreciate it! If anyone wants to watch a "semi-noob" play a warframe for the first time, just give me a frame to play and say nothing more!

    Thank you so much, 


    (Edit: Don't know why it's not showing my thumbnail >:)

  7. I feel so lost in Warframe now it's crazy XD I remember back when I thought I was amazing just copter-ing through void missions pressing 4 occasionally! Now there's so many new Warframes I don't even know what they do ... But one seems to run around playing "Another one bites the dust" which, seems pretty damn epic. So much so I might've bought her XD

  8. Hello,

    My name is Matt or DonHoliday and recently I made a warframe guides video and after posting it to the forums I got some really great feedback. It made me realise that I can't just hop back into warframe after a very long break and so I went back to the beginning and started on a fresh account to not only learn all the new changes but to record it and turn it into more of a walkthrough than a guides video. Not only that but I've completely refound my love for Warframe, the changes to mods, the rewards for finishing a map, it all feels like a compeltely new and polished game. Although the first episode may not contain much gameplay, I'm hoping the edits make up for it, as there wasn't much new stuff I had to learn, I found it quite easy to get all the information I wanted into a short-ish space of time! The next episode will contain some footage of me trying out the new "Void" and although I haven't fully got the hang of how it works yet, I'm looking forward to learning what feels like an all new Warframe!

    Here's the first episode for anyone who's interested, any and all feedback is really, REALLY appreicated! Thank you :) Matt/DonHoliday


  9. 18 hours ago, (PS4)Agent_CHAR said:

    Volt -- buy from a dojo

    Mag -- farm on a mid level planet by killing the easiest boss in the game

    Excalibur -- grind through an absolute horrible farm on the highest corpus planet needing a resource just to fight the boss


    If you don't take Excal as your starter you are a fool.  Let's be honest and say that all three starting warframes *should* be in the dojo and swap Mag and Excal on the star chart with any of the oddballs in there now like Zyphr or Wukong or Banshee.  But doing the sensible thing isn't always the DE method.


    Loki was removed as a starter because the Vor's Prize quest (starting tutorial) requires a frame with a #1 power that does damage.  He's also not a good frame for a new player because he relies heavily on having good mods.

    I can't believe I completely forgot to add in how to obtain them later on, to be honest, I didn't even look up how to get them, I've owned Excalibur and Volt for so long it didn't even cross my mind that they might not be that easy to obtain ... atleast not that easy for Excalibur. 

    Again, i don't actually remember not having decent mods, or the last time I played Loki ... I think in short, if I'm going to be carrying on with the guides I had in mind, perhaps I should start a new account to really get a feel for what the game is like for new players!

    Thanks for the info, so much about this game I just completely overlooked! Really appreciate it :)


  10. Hello everyone,

    Firstly I'm going to be upfront from the start, I'm about to post a link to my YouTube video that I just spent a few days on. I checked the rules just to make sure I'm not breaking any, and I'm hoping I'm posting to the right section. If not, I do apologise and please do not hesitate to move it!

    A long time a go I made a Warframe Guides video on a more comfortable setup for the controls and I was amazed at all the positive feedback it received, so a few years later when I tried the game again I noticed that the starter warframes had been swapped around a few times and with the help of my girlfriend we had a really gorgeous edit in our minds and it was to be the most complicated edit, I have ever tried. In the end, it's not flawless which I'm very disappointed by, but it's quite close to what we had in mind. Hopefully it looks as good as the hours I put into it (literal days) and I hope that it helps someone. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you :)


  11. Hey, me and a mate have been playing through this game and we've found it takes us for ever to even level up. We are both level 1 so far and have compeleted all of Mercuary and working on Saturn and Venus. (I think, trying to remember of the top of my head). As much as we collect mods and sell useless ones, we also seem to have very little money, took me a day of grinding to get 50k.

    Are we doing things right? I want to get to level 2,3 to get the weapons I want, but I barely seem to get any experience at all (I don't mean on my weapons or WarFrame, I mean my character level, top left of the screen). Even if I manage to get to the level, I don't want to have to run through the first mission earning 1k a time just to get the money I need.

    Thanks for reading, please let me know of faster ways to level up and earn money!

    Grately Appriciated,


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