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Posts posted by Serpentia

  1. Hi there.


    I made the Scoliac for the singular purpose of having a pseudo-tail on my CATFRAME. (those plastids.....)


    However, after making it I noticed that it _never_ extends for me. Not when sheathed. Not when attacking. Not when entering Hysteria. It acts precisely like a normal sword would.


    Did it get changed in the last update, or am I doing something wrong?



  2. Im from the old school FPS like Perfect Dark and Golden Eye 007 on N64. I've been playing COD series mostly but I've played Halo on the 5H!T Box 3 5H!TTy and Section 8 on the PS3. I live Warframe so far but its your typical Free to Play but Pay to Win style of game. You can build anything that you can buy but it would requires 100s of hours if not more. Please hit me up on the PS4

    1/10 troll

    But I had low hopes when I saw CoD. The CoD crowd's reputation is well earned and deserved.

    Warframe has issues but being pay-to-win isn't one of them. That's one of those inane phrases that people throw around like "epic" without actually knowing what it means.

    I've played like a week and I'm a hair away from building Synapse, one of the most powerful weapons in the game. I have two warframes and I'm almost done with 3 more, including a Prime. All farmed.

    So unless you think I haven't slept at all for 10 days and grinded solid the whole time, you're obviously misinformed.
  3. I thought this topic was more of the overall issue with people believing that damage is everything on a Warframe and why DE isn't doing anything to stop that...


    Like what?


    Should they send out a mass advisory e-mail to all players?


    Dear Warframer,


    We strongly suspect you value damage on weapons. You should not value it so much. Please value damage on weapons less.


    Thank you,

    - DE

  4. Both Warframe slots and weapon slots need to be taken out of the game. Their whole thing is just a money grab gimmick. They only hinder the game experience for players who can't afford to use money on virtual currency and want to grab a free to play game to play for free. Why make such an essential thing such as space for warframes and weapons be only obtainable through money purchases? Seriously, the excuse that you can "sell items so that you can make space" is just stupid, because I want to KEEP all the items that I take time to gather both the credits and the components to build them. For me, this slot system is worse than RGN or wait times.


    Points to consider:


    * The world runs on money. Nothing is totally, 100%, absolutely free for everyone with no strings attached. Not even love.

    * In order to make money, DE has to do something to make money.

    * At the moment, the only 3 things that arguably are "needed" to be bought are: color packs, weapon slots, warframe slots.


    I'm lower-middle class. I very rarely have money to spend on luxuries. That said, I managed to cough up a few dollars for a few slots and a color pack. And that's how DE stays in business. Now I don't need to buy anything else, unless I want more slots or color packs.


    The alternative? Sell stuff until you've gone through a lot of weapons and warframes, and then rebuild your favorites to stick with. Does it stink? Yes. Does it cater to a hoarder mentality? No. Does it exchange your time grinding for lack of real money spent? Yep!


    My suggestion is to save up $5, or ask your parents to do some chores for $5, and buy yourself some slots if you really want them. Wait until you get a 50-75% off coupon from a login reward.


    But if you just want to slide through life on total freebies, you need to learn to live with the limitations. You want food stamps each month? Deal with the paperwork and lines. You want free games? Deal with terrible graphics, or mini-market temptations. You want to ride around without spending gas money? You'd better have some good friends willing to carry you everywhere. Because the fact is someone, somewhere, is going to have to pay out of pocket for anything you're getting "free".


    Welcome to the world, basically.

  5. Why are there credit caches though, if I may ask?


    Getting 1,000 credits or w/e after 30+ minutes of constant fighting... it's like playing a song for someone, while they hold a $50 in their hand, and when you finish they toss a lint ball in your hat and kick dust in your face as they leave.

  6. They definitely need to add more tidbits of lore.


    So far all I've gleaned from playing and very casual research is that...


    * Grineer are humans who have degraded to xenophobic insanity from many generations of cloning.

    * Corpus are technophiles obsessed with building better technology, using tenno suits and sundry.

    * Tenno are... infected? Were humans, but became infected, and now the warframes vaguely match their original body?


    And mentions of Tenno Honor abound, but the Tenno I see are NOT honorable. Not at all. Not even remotely. They are vigilante war criminal profiteers, doing mercenary work to the highest bidder at the whim of a sort of "hive mother" named Lotus. They kill indiscriminately for nothing but money and shiny objects.


    Which is fine and all. But not very honorable. :)


    But maybe my observations are all wrong. It's kind of hard to follow.

  7. I guess the prices are out of necessity. If someone is going to shortcut by paying rather than grinding for something, they can afford to charge a markup.


    While I'm not privvy to DE's financial resources, I have a feeling they aren't swimming in endless profit with this game. If they were making more money, I imagine they would be able to have more sales and cheaper prices. Steam for example couldn't afford to sell games at 50-90% off if they weren't making so much collective income that they could absorb the loss by sheer number of broad spectrum sales.


    But some of the items are pretty oddly priced, I agree. I think in lieu of researching interest, someone just made judgement call on some of them.

  8. The world is full of things you can't obtain unless you're in the right place, at the right time, with the right currency/effort/etc.


    Embrace it.


    I don't mind seeing veterans and Founders with things I can never have. Good for them I say. I hope others will be mature enough to look at me the same when I manage to get my hands on "exclusive" stuff.

  9. I'm wasting my 9001st post to tell you that your joke is bad, and you should feel bad :P


    How does one even get that many posts on a relatively small forum? o_o


    Do you keep a live feed of the entire forum and respond to everything in real time?

  10. I actually haven't had anyone AFK in any games yet... I've only played like a week, but I've been binge gaming.


    What I do see is a lot of people complaining because someone is 10 seconds late to extract, or accusing people of being AFK when they are opening canisters and stuff.


    Not everyone is an ADHD 15 year old on a meth-like energy drink frenzy.


    I usually get there first, or second, but I'm not about to pass up a bunch of mods and components on the way to extraction just to save 22 seconds of someone's life.


    Edit -- Actually, I think BlueQuail just said everything that needs to be said.

  11. My friend took a photo of me wearing his movie glasses in class and photo shopped it.

    He hasn't been seen since, OH WELL...

    VG9Y5Bj.jpg No, I don't actually watch hentai. Hes just a pleb like that ;-;


    The glasses make this epic though. =D

  12. Didn't see such a thread on the front page so thought I would start it. I admit I didn't search... I don't care _that_ much.


    Thanks. :) Cicero was a hellish grind as a new player, but I am very happy with the reward. The mods are nice, as I'm doing a poison theme. And the wraith vipers look nice and seem pretty balanced to my limited experience anyway. Vipers actually look like staple guns, but that's okay. Oh, and I haz badge now... woot! ;P


    Anyway, it was a really cool welcome to the game. I think more events, albeit smaller and less rewarding (maybe once every 1-2 months?) would be great to keep things fresh too.

  13. being kind is all well and good, but "helping" bambi players get to places they have no right being, does nothing but hurt them and anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in the same game with them.


    I made it to Sedna at rank 1 to farm for Saryn parts. I had a driving desire to make that frame when I started. There's always at least one overpowered person in every game, so the dead weight isn't even noticed.


    To compensate, I helped out by reviving people, using Pull for crowd control, and in survival missions making sure to slide around and grab health when it was getting low so the powerful people could just keep shooting.


    I'm now a lowly rank 4, but already helping in return by carrying others through missions.


    Not saying everyone is competent, but it's best not to generalize. And lets be serious... 99 out of 100 regular planetary missions have at least 1 person in it who just blasts through everything in sight within seconds, so very rarely is it an issue of dead weight.


    But I bet you're one of those who starts complaining if someone is 9 seconds behind reaching Extraction too, right? :P


    Edit -- and none of that is me bragging, by any means. Moreso outlining why generalizing is terrible.

  14. does it really matter? at the end of the day, you're playing the same game >_> the slight graphical enhancements of the PC is not whats important. its the frames and how fluid the game is. im pretty sure with abit more optimization the PS4 version can be brought to amazing levels. a port of course is not going to be as good as the original


    Some people like getting the best graphics they can.


    Otherwise we would all just play MUD's, right?

  15. I have yet to see a PC game at max settings get out-beautified by a console.


    Consoles are just mid-grade or lower PCs with limited proprietary software and hardware. Even a "next gen" console is half or less the price of a good gaming PC, which very frequently range from 1-3000 USD.


    And you do get what you pay for with technology (assuming you are savvy enough to build a properly researched system).

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