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Posts posted by deltas5

  1. 2 hours ago, Zelmen said:

    True, it says one person per account. This is not an account share but rather one event. As I said, it is not recommend for reasons i.e. Terms. DE does not allow people getting an unfair advantage but we are talking about cosmetics for a login.

    Yea I know you said not recommended, but I don't think It matters if it is a real account share or one event login just for a cosmetic item. DE does not know the intent of the 2nd user when they log into the account. Yea DE also won't know if it's just you logging into your own account from another IP, but if DE suspects something they can ban. Especially if they have evidence or believe the login is suspicious. That's what I have come to understand over the years with DE, but the only way to know for sure is asking Warframe Support about this.

    Of course OP could choose to do this but posting on the forums telling him this is an option could also give DE a reason. One thing I hate to see is someone asking on forum why they got banned and a few minutes later that topic gets deleted (Idk if this still happens, hardly go on forums anymore).

    To OP, I hope the Warframe App will allow you to collect the rewards.

    Hope you all have a good week!

  2. Originally from watching the devstream I thought this was to make it easier to allow melee combos in quick melee without having to switch to melee mode, but after playing I guess once we melee we are in melee mode and we leave it once we shoot (Mouse button 1). However, I still would like to have a dedicated melee mode to allow the use of mouse buttons 1 and 2 for channeling and blocking. Much easier key mapping for me b.c my only other mouse buttons are for alt fire and rolling. So before when I slide melee I could easily do MB1+SHIFT+W+CTRL+E. In the current state I can't switch my other mouse buttons out for channel meaning I have to find another key on the keyboard for my thumb and still keep my right hand on mouse for direction.

    Getting rid of the melee mode increases the buttons needed in the game for channel and block due to the inability to re-use buttons when in a dedicated melee mode. I am not sure how controller players feel about this change, but their options in their keybinds are more limited due to the design of the controller and buttons available.

  3. The core of the game is wrapped around farming, grinding, and co-op play. Why not create Competitive Co-op Missions. After all the core game is based off of Co-op play. The addition to Competitive Co-op Missions could add a sort of "end-game" or goal toward an "end-game" content to look forward to after amassing and maxing out a lot of the Warframe content.

    Competitive Co-Op missions would have a queue of either Solo/Duo or Full Team. Since this is inclusive towards end-game, there should either be a mastery restriction or restricted towards the number of warframes and weapons currently owned.

    After entering the queue and finding a match, the teams will arrange and the players will see both teams (similar to the Conclave lobby). The middle of the screen will randomize a tile set (planet), the mission type, and the level of enemies. After the Mission type is selected, the game will randomly choose 3-4 stats (that we always get to see in the end mission results, and also a chance to include time length of the mission) that will be tallied up through a point system to determine the winning team after the mission.

    After both of these are set, each player takes turns banning warframes, mods, and weapons (Not sure about the exact amount of bans per player). (This is why the game mode should either restrict off of Mastery Rank or Owned weapons, warframes)

    After the banning process each team is allowed one minute to set up their loadouts. If every player is ready before the timer, the mission will start.

    Each team is set in their own instance of the same tile set at the same time and the Primary mission goal (Mission type) is displayed and so is the 3-4 stats being tracked. Completing the overall mission and extracting is the main goal and adds a number of points to the team total, but to weigh in the additional stats that were tracked adds multipliers to the team total making it crucial to beat the other team in these stats.

    This could become the Competitive game mode that fits Warframe. There is a possibility that both teams will not complete the mission due to the level of enemies, what is banned, and the stats that are tracked. Like many games, this game mode can work as competitive seasons with breaks in between each season. I am unsure about how the player-base is dispersed and the average number of players per hour, so the competitive seasons could occur between events. Matching could be based off of a ranking system on the average amount of points the you gain per game and the number of wins. (The number of wins will weigh heavier than the average amount of points gained per game).


    The incentives to play Competitive Co-op are still unclear but could involve a number of "Tokens" and at the end of the season players can spend the tokens on: (In order of Most expensive to least)

    1 Random Riven mod with 600-750 Kuva. (Riven mod will cycle per competitive season. Rifle, Pistol, Melee). Limit 1 purchases per season

    Resource Booster pack (Able to use instantly or whenever you choose, lasts for 3 days, and includes both increase chance and double drop). Limit 1 purchase per season

    Void pack (that is either warframe, weapon, sentinel, or accessory based) this pack would include a faded picture of the purposed set with 75-90 void traces when purchased. Note: The void pack will have 2 of each relic, set that is not vaulted, and unknown set til purchased. This set is random for all players. Limit 2 purchases per season

    Rare Resource pack includes either a small amount of nitain (1-2), cryotic (500-1,200), or oxium (200-325). Limit 3 purchases per season

    Syndicate pack. Includes 4 random syndicate medallions for random syndicate you are at least level 3 with. Limit 4 purchases per season

    Ducat Pack that includes 25-75 ducats and 20-40 void traces. Limit 5 purchases per season

    Ayatan Sculpture pack includes 2 random sculptures and 3 random stars. Limit 5 purchases per season.

    Credit and Endo Pack includes 50,000-70,000 Credits and 200-450 endo. Limit 5 purchases per season.


  4. I have yet to finish this quest. I am a person who is scared/frightened easily at disturbing horror type stuff. I have had experience with some scary and creepy stuff (Along the lines of the Conjuring plot line I guess) and this has really prevented me from finishing this quest. I want to say I am not upset, complaining, or giving an all around negative review about the content or design of the quest, but I just wanted to share my experience of the quest so far.

    I would like to say from what I have done so far, the sound team has done an amazing job, the quest design was well done, pretty cool we get to dive a little deeper into syndicate lore of the Red Veil. Keep up the great work DE! I look forward to the next quest!

  5. To add on to what I have seen so far in this topic. I also would like to see secondary weapons included with all non-throwing melee weapons. This would definitely add some use to these one-handed weapons that get out-shined by their two-handed or dual-wielded counterparts.

  6. Welcome back the Warframe! Trade has evolved much over the time. Yes, the items you currently want are vaulted.

    At this time it is easier for the sellers to sell whole vaulted sets due to the growing number of people now who do not have any of the pieces at all (Newer players). Individual parts are a little pricey due to this trend, and in theory if you buy all the individual parts instead of the whole set you should pay more. However, some sellers out there believe one vaulted part equals 80% or more of the whole set. Personal experience some guy was trying to sell me Loki Prime Helmet for 400 plat and I bought the set a few minutes later for 350 plat.

    Some people have held on to these vaulted sets since the old Tier Void Keys (I still holding on to 1 and 1/2 Frost Prime set, and a couple others), or when DE un-vaults these primes for a limited time you can acquire the new Void Relics through missions and attempt to farm the parts again.

    You may not find anyone today selling the part you are currently looking for, but I will say be vigilant and keep checking every day. Some of these prices do seem outlandish since it has been quite some time since you last played, but as the player base grew and more platinum has circulated through the game prices have rose. Also over time I see less and less people actually trading parts.

  7. So far I prefer the original Silva and Aegis look over the Prime look. I liked the crazy flames and the sword. I would also like to ask when is there going to be a "toggle prime" for weapons since now we have the toggle for Warframes? Other than that can't wait for this prime access to come out!

  8. I don't know what happened, but the UI changes make my stuff blurry, smaller and wider. Which is weird seeing how everyone here is reporting the opposite. Max resolution for my monitor is 1440x900.

  9. I got about 8 of them when Baro had them. I did maybe 5 radshares and never got the link. If this was a study, my numbers definitely would not be statistically significant enough to really help you. You are possibly unlucky like me. I'm on PC and I haven't seen or remembered DE mentioning anything regarding to the AKLex Link's drop probability.

  10. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    Sound Quake is channeling ability, so yes Duration helps with Energy Efficiency during active SQ, while Transient Fortitude and Energy Siphon not.

    My life has changed, been playing for almost 4 years and always thought to decrease channeling energy cost I use energy efficiency mods. It sounded soo weird needing power duration mods for a channeling ability I never thought twice about it. You sir changed my whole view on Warframe modding. Thank you!

  11. Old void system:

    • everyone got the same reward usually had to party up with others to do the endless missions "keyshare" to make it go easier and allow the party to go on longer and do the mission multiple times.
    • You had the possibility of someone mooching off of your group without using their key and leaving after the first run or two.
    • Endless mission gave orokin cells and fusion cores in the rotations as well. So it was possible to go through a T4 Surv or Def and get 1 Orokin Cell or Fusion Core.
    • All the rewards obviously had a set probability to drop, so there was no way to "even the odds" of the rewards.
    • The Keys were all mission specific so I hardly ever did T4 Endless mission, but when I did I hardly ever did 2 rotations of C.
    • <Insert Pro or Con I forgot here>

    New system:

    • downside is farming the relics and getting void traces for radiant. Can't say I actually farmed intently for the relics yet but I do usually buy one to two relic packs from the syndicates per day.
    • I can choose what mission type I want to play. If I want to I can "rad share" and basically get a total of 4 opportunities in one mission or cycle for what I want (in endless).
    • If I decide to go public party I might end up getting a rare or uncommon I wasn't specifically farming at the time and finish or start another set.
    • At the end of the mission everyone used their relic (unless someone didn't pick up all their void traces :sadcry:)
    • Endless missions I can choose a new relic every rotation if I want which can be bad if I don't have enough of the relic or good because I can keep going for the same reward. Same with my group members if "rad-share" or in public I can change it up and go for a different prime part.
    • Not a big fan of the fact there is a cap on void traces
    • EDIT: <Insert Pro or Con I forgot here>

    Overall in my opinion I say I like the new system more than the old one based on the fact I get to choose what mission I want, I can "even the odds" a little for what I want, can basically get a total of 4 opportunities in one mission to get what I want (if rad-share), or get something I wasn't farming for but was something I haven't gotten or what I need for a different prime.

    Also I don't like endless mission styles at all. No matter what time of day it is I always end up nodding off and/or falling asleep. I can honestly say I actually slept with my eyes open in a solo survival mission. Weirdest experience EVER.

  12. On 12/13/2016 at 1:17 PM, [DE]Drew said:

    Riven Mod Additions/Changes/Fixes:

    • For those of you who have reached the max Riven Capacity, you can now increase your Riven Capacity by purchasing additional Slots. Visit the market to get a bundle of three slots for 60 Platinum. The maximum capacity is still capped at 60 Riven Slots total for technical reasons. 

    Wow, people are getting riven mods, huh? I haven't traded for them b/c apparently these are common drops in Sorties and I don't want to use my plat to trade for something that is commonly dropped.

    Recent runs (in order) I have done since I completed TWW: Nitain, Nitain, 2k Endo, 2k Endo, Lens, Lens, Forma, Forma, 2k Endo, 2k Endo, Nitain.

  13. Hey everyone, I have a question. I am currently puzzled if Unairu passives will activate with Ash's bladestorm. I have Medusa's Skin ( 20-50% chance to petrify enemies when striking with melee) and Mighty Blows (Attacks with melee weapons reduce enemy's armor by 5-15%), as of now I am still rank one in both these passives. So, It's confusing because Ash is using, striking, and attacking with melee weapons while in bladestorm, but I am not sure if the passives actually proc from exclusively using the equipment melee weapons. So to clarify, does Ash's ult work with the Unairu passives?

  14. Hey everyone, I hope all is well. It has been quite sometime since I have seen a devstream or played the game. Felt like it was time for me to hop back on.

    Anyways... One of the first things I noticed was the "Accent" color customization option. I think it is pretty cool because for my primes it allows me to change the color of the Gold pieces. However, I noticed on my Ember Prime Immortal Skin it does more than just change the color of the gold pieces, it also changes the color on the frame, too. I just noticed this for Ember prime Immortal skin. Not sure what else it messes with. I think it is cool, but at the same time bothersome, because I do like how the gold pieces fit on the frame and how the gold pieces fit into my color schemes. It would be nice to have the ability to only change the color of the Prime pieces on the frame and not have it mess with actual colors on the warframe.

  15. this game doesn't make sense from the start....and I see no plans from DE to change anything about him, since some time ago, some people wanted 'challenge' and now they're chewing more than they can swallow 

    and the strawberry on top of the cake is that this manic (which has a spawn of 1-2 per mission) drops the new rare stance......now isn't that a surprise or what? :D

    Very true I knew quite a few people wanting a "challenge"... I did not know about the stance o.o

    This gives some identity to manic and a reason to farm him

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