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Posts posted by ThePredicament

  1. My suggestion is to move element selection to Ward (gives Ward helminth additional functionality) and make Spectral Scream have two uses. On hold press, it does the usual dragon things, breath fire like an Ignis (same distance, more damage), lightning in a straight line with range with a chance to stun and near infinite punchthrough, a cone of ice with a shorter range but can slow enemies, and toxin that sprays and inflicts toxin damage while leaving residuals that eat at armor BUT instead of toggling it the way it is now, Chroma would be in a "sentry" mode where he will only breathe at enemies at around a 120 degree angle without barring weapon use. Energy is only spent only when firing, doesn't block energy regen when not in use. Then on top of that, pressing the button (or backwards for holding to charge) will result in tier 2 shots like you've suggested, giant fireball with aoe and blind, shotgun ice that flash freezes enemies, laser shot ala Bahamut Zero that fully ignores defenses, and a giant lobbed acid ball that explodes and leaves a puddle. Casting in the air will make him ground smash at cursor based on the element AND how high the combo multiplier is.

    As for Ward, yes, let it be recast but as for the effect, this might sound crazy but why not all of them at the same time? There are so many frames that can press to be nigh invulnerable now that simple bonuses to health and shields isn't going to mean much. Start with the chosen element at 100% but then allow absorption of elements up to 120% of the values now, both singular and combinations, to stack up those bonuses. For instance, if shot with an explosive blast, add to both cold (armor) and heat (health), then when hit with magnetic add more armor and shields. Yes, there are IPS damage and most of the time enemies don't have elements, so those add very minor bonuses to random elements.

    Vex Armor is great outside of external overguard but that's seems to be on its way to be solved. Still think it should act as a shield until Scorn is full, then slowly fill up Fury, but killing stuff is a good middle ground.

    As for the the pelt, go all out with it's living armor theme. Disrobe on hold, channeling or health based. Have it full blown rage at enemies casting new and improved Spectral Scream tier 2 effects on press and natural elemental breathing, while smashing everything with a melee weapon based on the element that can be mildly modded. For instance, lance on electric for charging and dive bombing (see what I did there?), morningstar on cold for hulk style smashing and bashing, ultra great sword on fire for wide heavy arcs, and double bladed sword on toxin for quick poison procs stacks and blinking.

    His kit is great, it's just missing stuff that can make it not only effective but also fun and engaging.

  2. We all know that the Necramechs are designed to be cumbersome but very powerful, both the Bonewidow and the Voidrig have those aspects by the boatload, but the problem is, the Arquebex puts the Voidrig far and away above Bonewidow. Yes, the Arquebex is powerful, it can easily lay waste to a whole battlefield within seconds, not just because of it's ridiculous damage but also it's range. The Ironbride in comparison has the damage and the area of effect, but it's unwieldy nature really prevents good use of it, especially against enemies that can withstand the power of the three hit combo, and even if using the input delay to do a constant one-two combo.

    The answer is simple, make the robo version of Father's wife into a sleek and slender moving mech instead like DS3's Dancer of the Boreal Valley.

    1) Add lower leg movement while swinging, even at the third hit on the regular combo. No jumping or sliding.
    2) Remove the three hit combo on the neutral attack string, making it an infinite swing similar to the block+delay string.
    3) Move the three hit combo to the block combo, downward smash roots mech.
    4) Allow for quick ranged to melee swaps just like frames can do now.

    Giving Ironbride a bit more mobility will help it flow through the the battlefield and won't root on regular swings. The downward smash should also receive a bit more range.

    As for a slight rework suggestion, turn Ironbride into a dual wield weapon on hold. It'll do twice as much damage but will steadily drain more power and block/cancels out during usage of both Meathook and Shield for a more offensive oriented mode.

  3. 3 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:


    It's hilarious and shows how terrible your argument is when you keep flip flopping between "IT'S TOO POWERFUL IT'LL MAKE YOU A TERRIBLE PLAYER!" and "It's garbage and there are better alternatives (that no one actually uses) and won't even help that much..." then compare it to a skill that can be recast right away, instead of just killed and have a long cooldown.

  4. 9 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    MR3, except that's not the whole picture, that's also Command Intrinsic rank 9 to unlock the on-call feature. That's 511 RJ intrinsics points spent in just that category assuming you would sink all of them in that, and not the rest of the Intrinsics. That alone in terms of mastery points puts you nearly at MR6.

    And? Having a full crew for solo RJ would be the first thing anyone should do and that's already more than half way there. Anyone with a clan

    9 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    So? Give them an aimbot companion that can outdps them?

    "That's not the whole picture" -> hyper focuses on the damage dealt instead of everything else.

    9 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    Players should not be able to clear content if they are not good enough for it. That's what games are about.

    Versus having a whole team of players nuking the whole map clearing it for them instead?

    What's hilarious about this whole thing is that ONE OTHER RANDOM PLAYER with a rounded out loadout and a smidge of skill would be a better companion to clear levels than a crewmate with, most likely, the same gun the player is using. Not only that, crew member target acquisition is on point but the way they handle their weapons is abysmal, missing some shots and getting mostly bodyshots at 5m, sometimes less like with the Acceltra P.

    9 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    But you refuse to see their point.

    Because "it's already too easy" is an absolute trash excuse for having a lopsided experience when it comes to playing with a full team versus playing solo, where people are either forced into it at the edges of the starchart or they voluntarily run solo so they don't get rushed while exploring. Do you sit there and watch a person as they explore tiles? Do you sit there and babysit them while looking for collectibles?

    I guess if you have that kind of mentality where you think EVERYONE is going to use it to go solo and somehow clear the starchart with it by abusing it or if you don't have the self control to NOT rely on it, this would be apocalyptic but do you even see people summoning all their specters into a game to AFK? I've never seen anything beyond ancients and maybe even a osprey, have never even seen a frame specter and I've been playing this game for more than a decade. Besides, why would you even care? If you don't use it, you'd NEVER EVER EVER EVER see it because it would only apply to solo games.

  5. 11 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    A misunderstanding


    I'm gonna be honest with you, I only picked out that because the rest of the stuff you said, mostly presumptuous, was bunk to begin with.

    Love how you speak in behalf of DE though.

    5 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    If you've done enough railjack to get a on call crew member, you should be good enough at the game to not "require" a bottomless ammunition aimbot that follows you around to clear niche/unpopular missions / the star chart.

    Like others said before, specters can already offer alot on that matter, as they scale with current enemy level. You're not even restricted to a single specter either, you can make up an entire squad of these things, you get one tenno specter and a bunch of random eximus units from syndicates, with Clem as well, on top of which you can add the on call crewmate.

    You can get an on-call crew member as early as mr3, so no. Not everyone is going to be good enough at the game to not "require" aid for clearing empty starchart areas.

    What you seem to be saying is that there should be a limit imposed on what can be summoned and you're partially right, but if somehow having an on call crew to be a companion is breaking the game, more than having another person or two join, then there's something inherently wrong with the systems mechanics, outside of bypassing the damage attenuation.

  6. On 2024-03-21 at 7:09 PM, AntifreezeUnder0 said:

    Its already too easy,


    What actually isn't is the fact that people complain about not having people to clear out the outer edges of the starchart with, so there's that.

    On 2024-03-21 at 7:09 PM, AntifreezeUnder0 said:

    To have permanent helper till death , you should invest in specters.

    But we know that the rj crew can use op weapons, so their draw back is the timer. Since afk/ macro play disease is a thing perma solo rj crew is a no go, since they would enable /encourage afk play more.

    This argument doesn't even make sense. The weapons and mods are limited to whatever the player has available, it would only be OP at endgame where an endgame player wouldn't even need to have assistance. A newer player or even a midgame player is most likely not going to have endgame gear and even if they did, a crewman will still not be more powerful than an actual player with a Frame in the team and absolutely nothing when it comes to two or more. It's basically just a clone of the player without powers, not as beefy, and with dumb somewhat cheaty ai holding the same weapon.

    As for people that afk, it's 100% better with them going solo and afking with a crewmate than leeching off a team.

    On 2024-03-21 at 7:55 PM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    This would be one of the fastest way to get On Call Crew nerfed. If you have them out longer? Their damage and stats will be tuned to compensate, so they'll essentially just become Spectres. You also want to be careful how you frame such points as well. Like the idea "they are dependent on players ability to build weapons"... well yeah, that applies to players and the star chart in general. Players who know how to mod better will have an easier and more effective time, therefore players who learn, test, follow guides, get community help, consider their builds, are rewarded. So using that as a selling point or argument can end up being counter productive/intuitive. 

    On Call Crew are very potent as they are. Personally? I think they are fine as is, but I also see many players argue that they need to be nerfed (though sometimes some of their arguments seem more out of spite), but and again personally, I would rather them not just turn into a Spectre. Being shorter term, more powerful versions is a decent compromise and way to distinguish them in my eyes.

    How does learning to build a weapon to give to a crewmate suddenly become "counter productive/intuitive?" People will still need to learn how to build, test, follow guides, get community help, consider builds, etc. Actually, how is joining a game with a player or two rolling the map with meta gear "productive/intuitive" to all that? Should we not play with other people then?

    Why would they even need to be nerfed? Do their weapons get bonuses that make them do more damage than the player that built them using the same weapon? Is the damage enough to compensate for missing three other frames, especially in SP where the spawn rates are adjusted for full teams or even in midgame where they have midgame weapons build with midgame mods? Would be better than another player with an incarnon form Phenmor or Laetum?

    On-call crew being more "powerful" than Cosmic Specters because of the mods in the gun is the fault of the Cosmic Specters' extremely outdated design rather than the on-call itself.

  7. With Orokin Eye and Kahl's air support charges use being fixed, besides their general ineffectiveness compared to readily available skills (Operator, Arcanes, etc), it really showed that one primary reason why those types of support weren't being used is because they didn't have infinite charges on top of having such a long cooldown time.

    Enter the Air Support Upgrades. Similar to the scanner upgrades, a set of upgrades can greatly enhance air support and make them a great compliment to the usual Warframe gameplay.

    The first would be infinite air support charges, does what it says on the tin, infinite charges as long as the player has one in their inventory.

    Second would be general effectiveness upgrades. Healing tower will heal more, Bombs more damage and wider area, Turret can do more damage and deploy more at a time, Override will last longer, Orokin eye will reach further (shorter range at start, tier 2 will be current range, tier 3 will be further), Kahl's will add more troops to just Kahl (T1 calls just Kahl, T2 calls Kahl+2, T3 calls Kahl+4), etc.

    Third would be cooldown time upgrades. While two and a half minutes does feel a bit short, ten minutes is definitely too long.

    We're at the point of the game where there's a broad range of rarity of materials, so to offset the power, maybe make the build cost and/or standing required high. Rarest diamonds for one upgrade and rarest fish parts for another, etc, although more realistic/attainable material requirements will boost the love from all players.

    • Like 1
  8. On-call crew members should not automatically withdraw the timer counts down to zero while playing solo or alone. This will make clearing starcharts in empty regions of the map a little easier and eases some of the problems solo players get into while playing higher level missions. Especially compared to having two or more allies out. While RJ crew members have infinite ammo, their weapons are still dependent on the player's ability to build weapons and they do not have frame powers like specters.

    If playing an open game and someone joins in and the timer does end up being zero, then they withdraw right away. If there is still some time left, then on-call will act regularly.

  9. To preface, I love Railjack, love the idea of it, and aside from not having that much content, I think it's a great evolution of the original way WF is played. Still, it's far from perfect, there are some complaints from the community and sadly, some people are turned away by some of the rougher edges. By smoothing out the rougher edges, especially those that would provide quality of life, would make the game mode much more enticing to play.

    My personal list, just off the top of my head:

    • Limit the "hacking" sub-mission to only a maximum of 1 per mission. Currently, it can easily take around five minutes each and having two of them instead of one of the other types (nodes or crewship) ruins the pacing of the mission.
    • To make it fall in line closer to the other sub-missions without changing the actual mechanics, set the hack timer to five minutes (backend, 100% frontend) and spawned the drones don't completely stop the timer. Drones spawn every fifteen to twenty seconds when there aren't any drones already spawned and every drone killed will result in a 20 to 30 second hastening of the timer. This will result in an average closer to about two to three crewship EVA destructions, more players in the objective area will make it faster.
    • The sub-objectives before boarding the main ship should always be nodes+the hacking or crewship objectives. Not only are nodes the faster objectives, it makes more thematic sense to disable main ship defenses.
    • Those hacking sub-objectives should always spawn (like they seem to do now) but optionally tackling them should reward an A rotation reward on top of the award currently given. It doesn't have to affect the main objective, although players would most likely be more engaged with the mode if it did. Something like AABC if not done but it would be ABC (5/10/15) if it is. This will make RJ more enticing for longer games than the normal ground version.
    • Orphix needs a slightly slower timer at two and three Orphix spawns, this will take into account the travel time between areas, with the tiles being heavily reliant on RNG. Currently the success of getting to rotation C (12 kills) is a bit too rough, even when playing solo with absolutely maxed gear (fluctus, corrosive ironbride, meathook, rage) or with a good team.
    • Last but not least, a button in the RJ's starmap console that completes and closes the mode properly so people don't have to go the host's drydocks with a chance of falling into an infinite loading loop. Just completes the missions, boots everyone to their own individual ships or wherever they started their RJ session.
    • Like 1
  10. As an Excal main, yeah, it needs some of that qol.

    The tennokai attack is absolutely underwhelming, too. All that pizzazz but has garbage range/width, the thing should be a Tenet Plasmor size shot and have the air slam have a 5/10/15m radius like a smaller Caliban's Wrath.

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  11. Think the best middle ground solution of is: make semis automatic but only to a point where they don't supersede similar tiered automatics while also allowing for "tap as fast as you can" trigger pulls.

    While this limits auto-shot players from full dps potential, that shouldn't be the goal in the first place. It's about making the weapon both comfortable and functional, limiting the fire rate would prevent crazy muzzle climb and recoil, things that would invalidate an auto-shot option by requiring someone to release and press again for accuracy.

    This also has the added benefit of preventing things like Vasto's fire rate change, so it wouldn't have lost its overall "feel" leaving the option open for newer weapons to have the same behavior AND the ability for everyone to use the "fire as fast as you can tap" capability of some of those weapons. This also makes it easier to balance the current and future lineup of weapons because it doesn't automatically make semis automatic spray and pray types, so similar tiered automatics still have their own niche and the effectiveness of auto-shooting will be in line with those that have the option turned off and firing at a regular rate. No mods needed, no advantages, no real disadvantages.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    It blows my mind that almost 11 years on we still don't have this.

    To be fair, the unprimed skins on primed frames didn't happen until a bit more than halfway into those eleven years. This has been requested just as long as that though and with variant base skins like the solstice cosmetics using the same models, it's probably one of those "inevitable" things.

    • Like 1
  13. Her whole kit is great, it's just the game's changes to who and what gets affected pretty much dated it.

    Let her Chaos skill affect overguarded enemies (there are some CC skills that have effect on overguarded enemies but not the queen of CC?), remove the target limit on Bolts, add the infinite timer on Mind Control, remove invulnerability but mark as ally so they can get killed (with appropriate health tweaks) by enemies but not teammates, and yes, bake Assimilate into Absorb or even let her move just like the Stalker's Absorb (which is also pretty garbage).

    My idea for the Mind Control rework is to have enemies "form up" with Nyx similar to Mirage's Mirrors, add a target limit like four or five (scales with str). Press ability button to mind control enemies, hold to have them "form up" with her and take damage, while firing independently, hold again to drop formation. Can have damage reduction, makes target list nice and varied, like taking over a shield drone, or an eximus with defensive skills. Remove timer since it's mostly useless anyway.

  14. This would be a great qol change and deserves more traction than it currently gets since this suggestion pops up quite a lot. Programmatically, it's not that hard to add another flag for favorites just like do with the color picker, so unfortunately, it's probably "working as intended." Hopefully down the line they do add this future, the roster for both frames and weapons is getting huge and it's only going to get bigger.

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  15. Corinth Prime's alt fire mode has a 1 to 1.25 second delay after manually detonating that prevents any shots from going out, compared to the base version having a very slight fire rate delay, which really hampers the Corinth line's ability to adapt to any situation that may come up.

    A good solution would be to remove that trailing delay after the manual det or better yet, change the trigger type from press to shoot, press to detonate to on-hold with a base minimum automatic explosion on press. This would allow for quick explosions in close/tight situations, preserving the natural feel of the base Corinth, but also add the option of being able to deliver the air detonation, manually, at any range that the Primed version currently has.

  16. Surprisingly love Grendel (also has a cute ant head), really fun frame to play and while he isn't going to be doing any endless missions, he just generally has a great mechanic. There are some issues and QoL I'd like to point out:

    1) Mostly fine, although it could use a slight boost on the "fullness" threshold, from five to seven.
    2) Switching buffs is clunky, either automatically cast buffs that haven't been cast followed by the lowest time ones when available or cast all three buffs when held and a random one on press.
    3) Holding the key roots Grendel but gives him a large armor buff based on how many enemies are in his stomach, which also powers up a shot that consumes more and more eaten enemies, which then shoot out like a tight shotgun blast.
    4) Update "step height" so it rolls through doorways that open up and down, preventing from being stopped by the lower door. This will also solve other "low" obstacle problems. Also maybe allow syandanas to hover stick to the back of the ball for coolness.

    As for his passive, allow him to gain a few points of armor for every enemy that actually dies in his stomach. It still isn't going to make him as tanky as Inaros or any of the other 90% DR frames but he'll get closer to it by actually using his skillset.

  17. This has been posted before, probably plenty of times, he's a sword master, add heavy blades and sword and board into the fold.

    "But... but.. Scindo is in it!"

    Dual swords has Zoren (mini scindos), Raza, Kamas, Ichor, Cleavers, Basolk.

    Since signature weapons is becoming a fully committed thing, Galatine, on top of EB and Skana or Skiajati (vanilla/prime and umbra, respectively), should have a slightly higher boost of fifteen to twenty percent, based off combo counter. This gives a slight passive boost to his signature weapons but also promotes/rewards heavy melee use, especially using EB as a real sword instead of a fluctus prototype.

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  18. Been asking for an Atlas rework for YEARS.

    1) No stat sticks and have it's own mods. Buff damage to accommodate losing mods like Blade of Truth and rivens. Add mechanic (holding 1) that allows the skill to override melee that does current combos and only costs energy when used similar to Hildryn's. Combo up to 8 for better energy efficiency and range. "But the damage needs to be insane to balance losing mods!" Yes and that's fine, Landslide is amazing but it's also a clunky melee skill.

    2) Would rather have it shatter like a shotgun (super wide) blast with each piece acting like a Plasmor style shot, punch through, damage multiplied by current combo meter. Casting Petrify will stud the wall with spikes (cheval de frise), bleeding enemies rubbing against it and punching it will cause bleed damage on top of it's normal thing.

    3) Lower cost, maybe lower freeze time to balance.

    4) Basically do what Wukong's clone does when skills are used but with slightly weaker skills. Landslide causes them slide punch into enemies, damage mult by combo. Tectonic causes them to roll into each other while picking up enemies, collecting them into one spot and damaging them based of average health numbers. Petrify releases a petrifying blast similar to what happens when Rumblers are cast but slightly larger radius.

  19. Damage being split between the initial hit and the delayed explosion makes the gun very unreliable especially during forward momentum situations (which is most of the game). Making the explosions instant or buffing the initial damage to even 80% of the vanilla version would balance it out better, hell even a secondary mode that toggles between this mode and then non-explosive bolts would be a better qol change.

    Yes, it technically DOES proc status twice but that is very situational, so there really isn't any point except for the aoe spread.

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