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Posts posted by Shalade

  1. As a veteran myself, I feel like DE needs more comprehension right now from the players. The problem of the New Player Experience has been noticed quite a few times, and in a pretty insistent way (Twitter, Forums, Reddit, etc...) and they have then felt obliged to change the way new players experience the game, as a player-base that can recycle is really important in a game such as Warframe, given to the burnout feeling some of us have experienced multiple times along the years.

    The Star Chart feels easier on the eyes, and guides you better than the old one, in my opinion, as the former system just gave you a lot of nodes with no direction for you to take. The Relic system is debatable, as I think a mixture between Relic and the old Keys system should be implemented, but right now it's still easier for new players to assimilate Relic missions than to play cookie-cutter almost-mandatory builds to cheese through hours of endless void missions. This system is the right direction overall, and they've done an excellent job at implementing it, something that they should be proud of, even if it still needs severe changes.

    Seems a bit ironic that pretty much the same people complaining about the lack of New Player Experience are the same that are asking for useful end-game content now, while blaming DE for doing the thing they had asked for in the first place. I'm worried that the support system that has existed pretty much since Closed beta, where players are heard and the correct changes are implemented, at the moment seems to be exploited by people who don't care about the game's experience overall, and who feel that them, as players, have to be heard for the sake of being heard, instead of asking for improvements because a system needs an specific change.

    This game has gone a long way since it began, but I don't know why, the last changes they've implemented this last year feel too far off the tone of the game as it was sold in the beginning. Yes, I am one of those who dislike the existence of the Tenno as demi-god-eternal-teens with thousands of years, even if I still respect those who do like it. I don't think the game should have taken such a turn in the way the game is shown to the public, and I think that has drawn away a lot of Founders and veterans who played the game because they wanted to feel like a badass space ninja, even if it may seem to be cliché to some. Warframe is changing, it has always changed, but I feel some of the last changes that have been added are hurting the game, instead of improving it.

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