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Posts posted by Cyrionn

  1. Hi guys !

    I am an old Tenno that grew bored of the Solar system long ago, but now I'm back and ready to kick a bunch of a**es for the Lotus. I'm glad the game changed so much and that there so much more things to farm (well, mark those words, might change in few months...). Common, even Valkyr seems viable, at least her ult is finally less clunky...

    But I missed too much and I don't know where I should start so I'd like few pieces of advices. I'm mastery rank 12 soon to be 13 (never been much in the crappy weapon lvling), got all big mods and corrupted mods fully leveled, a bunch of 5-6 forma'ed weapons and frames,... but as I stopped playing not long after Melee 2.0, I missed a ton of things. The last frame I got was Hydroid, the last weapon was like Amprex...

    So if someone could tell me really quick what are the new weapons, the new warframes and the new mods (heard something about legendary mods ?) that are a must have for late game content so I could focus on somewhere to start farming that could be awesome.

    Thanks for your attention, Tenno.

  2.  Sorry but I have disagree with the "Loki" part. Nova would kill before you saw it, Saryn also (assuming we aren't talking about weaponry other than Melee and pure WF abilities). A Loki has to get in close, so no matter what the skill level it would never kill before people see it (unless everybody is walking).


    In my opinion, they should remove Stamina, put all frames to the same base speed of perhaps 1.3 and then raise lighter frame speed up higher. This would not be game breaking, we are space-ninja's, highly mobile and quick. Can't say I understand what the problem is with raising speed.

    Sorry for double posting, we are talking of killing, so we are talking of weaponry. Soma and speed makes your MPriming Nova useless.


    That said I agree with your point, they could keep stamina but disparity between frames pace shouldn't exist, or not on this scale.

  3. Speed is good that is why i say moar speed, but speed is tool not bullets or weapon.


    Speed makes reaching goal more fast.


    So why nerf it, we are ninja trained hyper inter galactic space unit, not snails.

    Speed help to reach your goal faster, it helps running in front of your team mates, it helps escaping, it helps aiming, it helps getting in or out of melee range, it helps picking up loot, it helps having more presence in "static" missions like defenses and mobile defenses, and so on...

    Having a good base speed is a good replacement to a mobility tool, where a Nova has Wormhole or Valkyr has Ripline Rhino just runs.


    Don't get me wrong this is good for him to fulfil his role of frontline frame, but please don't say that this is nothing and that he needs it so badly... common this one of the best frame in-game !



    yes,[...] over. 

    So you're either sarcastic or got no clue about "late game".

    Rhino not viable in late game ? Stomp useless ? Sorry but train a bit more before stating things like this... Rhino is the more polyvalent frame with Loki or Nyx I'd say, and his utility never falls off. Comparing it to Zephyr and saying Rhino is worse...such a joke !


    Now I think that once again there's a mistake with DE communication. It's the same as the "Valkyr is a berserker!" issue, they used the tank archetype name without thinking that players would have very precise expectations when hearing that.


    The tank archetype should be something that can absorb a lot of damage with a huge hp (or any ressource the game use) pool and attract aggro from ennemies to keep his team safe, and maybe have some crowd control on top of that.

    So we can all concurr on the fact that tanking through health or shield isn't something that is doable in Warframe, maybe with the exception of Valkyr for early/mid content. I won't speak much of Trinity there but Link makes her the best "tank" in game.

    We can observe that aggro management has been considered as a specific type of utility by DE giving frames like Loki and Nyx the upper hand on this part.

    And then we have crowd control that is owned by pretty much all frames in different degrees, matching their roles.


    I really love this way of doing things, DE decided to break through the conventionnal archetypes and roles you could expect from a type of character. This is one of the really good points in this game, please let's not be so Narrow Minded and keep thinking that "Huh, this one is a phatass dude, it's a tank so he should be like a tank is meant to be!".


    To resume, there are no real tanks, casters, berserkers or supporting roles, we should speak about front line and back line. DE gave us archetypes name so we could foresee the general orientation of the frame, nothing more.

    Please let's stop thinking in stereotypes videos games implemented in our minds and try to appreciate what makes Warframe a bit more unique than the others.

  4. To be honest I don't even know why abilities are mods in the first place. They should be already on your frame. Actually if you want a relevant build on any frame you need to forget about one or two of your abilities...

  5. If they "raised the difficulty" for Frames like Nova, Rhino, Trinity, and Loki, then practically every other game would find those modes unbelievably difficult.

    I say they do some balancing first.

    But balancing on which referential ? You need some base purpose for balancing, and actually a nicely modded/formaed frame (not only the scaling ones) have no real challenge to face except some artificial high tier obtained by silly scaling.


    So if you want to "balance" the frames for the actual content to be challenging, yup give us a hardcore overall nerf. And I'm not talking about weapons. And when some more hardcore difficulty will come you can buff again...


    Or maybe just start managing the difficulty properly, then try to balance the frames and how they fulfill their role in this new environnement.

  6. this is also not a thread about Nova or nerfing nova, this is a thread about warframe balance.

    Nice intentions, but people won't see it this way.


    You know how to compete with that with your Ash ? Try harder. Learn marksmanship, learn parkouring. Weapons deal damages, abilities are utilities.


    And don't compare your Ash to a nuker when going to a farming node like Xini...

    That said ok, Ash could use some love.

  7. Umm no speed doesnt affect your general gameplay and speed doesnt kill, unless you are Flash or Instant Transmision Goku (well that is more of teleport)


    So moar SPEED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Are you guys serious ?


    I mean, there are only two types of frames that, when played by a really good player, can actually kill everything before you even see it, they are Loki and Vanguard Rhino.

    I hear people crying about Nova killing everything, effin' noobs IMHO, but if you put such a tool in the hands of a real good marksman this is complete overkill...


    Stop thinking with numbers guys, whatever the game, the speed is one of the strongest characteristic if you actually know how to use it and there is a million good reasons for that.

    Rhino is already a very strong frame, Vanguard makes him even stronger, so now getting him to Loki's speed...trust me as soon as I get my hands on this one there will be some disappointed peeps in invasions, I may run them just for the fun and the taste of the tears the other team members will provide me with when reaching extraction...

  8. Well, fun is a thing, but let alone won't be able to keep a game like this alive. We need challenge, and not something obtainable after 50mins of a silly scaling mission.

    Those events could be a good way to try and implement some more difficulty, the Darvo mission was a good step in this way without being really hard but still offering a bit of challenge. This is just a walk in the park.

  9. Je pensais aux prix des mods rare maxés en disant ça, le truc demande plus de travail que quoi que ce soit d'autre dans le jeu et pourtant ça part pour 250 voire 300 plats, du moins sur le canal de trade européen. Mais en effet t'as carrément raison, tout est trop facile à avoir et essayer de rendre l'obtention plus dure en utilisant un RNG complètement craqué (je sors de sept T3 MD où j'ai eu sept Reaper Blade, un de mes accompagnateurs en été à 12 d'affilée) et juste le meilleur moyen de dégoûter les joueurs qui veulent farmer à la dure.

    On peut argumenter que c'est pour mieux vendre le prime acces mais je doute que ce soit un choix très viable sur le long terme.

  10. Bon alors pour le score ça garde le meilleur que tu aies fait, pour le voir il faut aller dans leaderboard (le classement que t'as dans le profil, je connais pas le nom français) et tu devrais trouver ton score aisément.


    Sinon ça consiste à escorter un gros objet le long d'un rail en se tenant à portée de lui. Il draine ton shield pour avancer donc faut pas s'éloigner, il faut aussi éviter qu'il se fasse taper.

    On a fait deux essais et au deuxième on a eu 814 points, on avait un Frost (peut être remplacé), un Rhino (lui aussi), une Nyx et une Nova. Les deux dernières en mode full range font le boulot sans soucis. J'ai pas testé avec une Trinity voire si Blessing bloque le drain de shield.


    Mais mince, c'est super simple quand même !

  11. Bah Nova c'est stronk, mais c'est squishy et sur des situations un peu tendues elle a pas énormément de solutions. Bon après ça fait vraiment très mal et quand t'as l'occasion d'utiliser AMD... y'a pas photo ça nettoie sévère. o.O

    Mais en effet, je suis d'avis que Rhino est beaucoup plus polyvalent et safe à jouer même si je suis pas un gros joueur de Rhino.

  12. C'est marrant je suis justement en train de préparer un petit roman pour la section internationale sur le même sujet à peu de choses prêt, mais ça prend du temps que j'ai plus tellement envie d'investir sur un forum beaucoup trop pollué, alors j'y vais pépère. J'essaie de rechercher les vieux posts traitant du sujet histoire de ne pas répéter ce qui a déjà été dit ou de quote ce qui a déjà du sens.


    Maintenant je suis entièrement d'accord, le manque de end-game, les problèmes d'AoE, les prix insensés du marché et même le RNG peuvent être réglés d'une seule et même manière, un gestion valable des niveaux de difficulté et les récompenses qu'ils offrent.


    Pour exemple ça n'a aucun sens d'avoir la même chance de toper Hammer Shot sur Venus que sur Pluton, ou encore pourquoi est-il presque aussi rentable de farmer de la survie sur Saturne que sur Pluton quand on veut rank up.

    Et je ne parle pas du fait que l'on puisse avoir tout son barda de mods rares en farmant uniquement de Mercure à la Terre, mon colloc' avait ses Barrel Diffusion, Split Chamber et Hell's Chamber avant moi alors que je farme uniquement au-delà d'Uranus dès que ma frame est rank 10 minimum.


    Je vais essayer de bacler mon post dans les jours qui viennent, ce soir j'en doute à cause de l'event et ce week end j'ai du monde qui débarque chez moi mais je vais faire de mon mieux. Et si tu es d'accord je te citerai aussi.

  13. She destroys Low Levels enemies like every other frame in the game, people use her a lot for her mobility but her 4 doesn't do more damage than your avg frame. Sick of people mindless bashing on her, btw I don't even remember the last I played her. 

    Exactly, any AoE has the same effect and moreover, any rank 30 frame with some forma on it is gonna roflstomp anything before you could aim S#&$ and this is the same in any game, get back to low levels with your high tier stuff and you're gonna stomp everything leaving low level characters to the role of spectators.


    The thing is that usually in any game going back in low level doesn't give you any benefit when in Warframe you will have nearly the same loot chances, and close to the same xp. The difficulty isn't rewarded or in a so poor way that there is no use to endure the pain other than having a challenging trial.

    For example one of my flatmate looted his Barrel Diffusion, Split Chamber and Hell's Chamber by farming defenses on Mercury, Venus and Earth and he got them way before me when I'm farming mostly passed Uranus (...hehe...) once my frame is ranked more than 10.

    Another example are Nightmare mods, you have strictly the same chances to acquire your Hammer Shot by doing a mission on Venus or on Pluto, this system won't encourage people to face challenge as we are all attracted by the easiest and fastest way.

    I'm preparing a long topic on this subject trying to bring something new and using what's been posted before, won't debate any longer on this here.


    That said, I hear about Xini and I think that's another source of the problem, this game mainly focuses on farming so we are all attracted to the same good farming spots, those spots where the more AoE damage you could get and the better it is giving Nova another strong utility, at least for beginners/young players.


    So basically we, once again..., come back to the point that Nova isn't really the problem in herself, but more the reflection of all the issues this game has, and in a shiny way.


    P.S.: God yes I want that 1812 Overture with MPrime, if I get that no problem you can nerf her to the ground, I would just love using her :3

  14. We already have weapons that are better than others, why not make warframes that have the same abilities, but are better with them. Frames like Nova and Valkyr can have upgraded versions as well, they just wouldn't be prime.

    Well weapons are weapons, warframes are kind of classes or archetypes or characters. And basically no game wants any class to be better than the other, except if (as said earlier by The-Ex-Wife) you have to rank up the original class in order to obtain the prime class.

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