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Posts posted by Senjuro

  1. Most recent survival alert with Swindle Loki helmet on Phobos-Shlovsky could not be completed due to a bug where extraction would not show on map after 5 minutes have passed and if you do get to the extraction point the timer would not start with 2 players,nor finish it with 4.

    This happened on every retry.


  2. I'm very sorry, i keep hearing that... Kubrows aren't Dogs! Kubrow are some kind of catastrophic cancerous mutation that need constant gene therapy in the form of DNA Meth abuse to survive, like some form of Aberration Tool. I'm sorry if i can't feel bad for something that i feel would be begging me for death if it could.


    I know that if i were a Kubrow i would rather die then to live my days with such a powerful cancer eating away at me like they do. Think this trough, an existence so "unstable" that every day your very own molecules are violently trying to destroy you. And yeah, i'm aware this is a way to look at how life actually is, but they just age 10 years per day if that were the case... Seriously, they have the average life-span of a fly...


    He's not starving Goat... He's just letting him age...


    Kubrow hyperaging confirmed,my kubrow after 6 days:  



    Warning,image may be disturbing for some people.

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