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Posts posted by the_casual_exile

  1. For me as for asthete important to have well-coloured frame and accesories. But all of the time i have problems with colouring because colours look different on syandana nor on frame or they just have different materials. That's why i have idea to create possibility choose colours for syandana and armor parts separate and also to create material types. Materials may be like colour pallets and we will have to choose not only colour but also material for this part of skin or armor or syandana. There must be materials like steel, and etc. 
    If u like my idea hold on my post. Waiting for your vision and reply's.


  2. 1 hour ago, William3422 said:

    Hey, my in-game name is William3422, i'm Mastery rank 14 and a somewhat daily player. I have not used Discord before, but if i need to i will, though i'm not much of a talker. I'm mainly interested in researches and player activity. I will contribute to things as much as i can. I just came from a Mountain with about 110 members where over half were inactive and noone contributed to anything. I hope i can join :D. Also i'm European.

    Ok. I will invite you, but actually you need to leave your old clan.

  3. ec51f1e48458e7a712ebb8c4904a3501.png    Prime Squad Alliance is Recruiting.

    We are new alliance that looking for any tier friendly clans.
    For this moment we have 2 clan on:
    - Prime Sequence
    If you a warlord and u would like to join alliance, to became a part of friendly alliance give information in next form:
    (Remember only warlord can accept alliance invitation)
    Nickname in game
    Clan name
    Clan Tier

    - Any clan tier.
    - Clan must be filled by at least 50% of it's tier. If not warlord must create recruitment topic on forum.
    - Clan members must respect members from other clans.
    - Warlords must install Discord and communicate with me once a month.

    This is how Alliance emblem looks in game

    Here is invitation for Discord server

    If you have any question find me in game

  4. 1766e4cc022f123dd2d3ca797e3b5a5e.png   Prime Sequence recruiting people.

    If you looking for friendly and helpful clan you came in a right place.
    We are storm clan with pretty good dojo.
    All researches completed.
    We use Discord server to communicate.
    - Respect each other. If u have any controversy not about game or about your own preferences use private chat.
    - If u have microphone would be better to use Discord to communicate with each other.
    For my mind it's the most important things. I will look and notice what's going on and add or change this rules.

    This is like our Emblem looks in the game.

    Also we have facebook group where i'm posting my builds for warframes and weapons.

    Here is our Discord server adress.
    If u have any questions u can find me into the game and ask everything u wanna know about this Clan. 

    To join us give next information:
    - Nickname in game.
    - Mastery rank.
    - Is it possible fot you to use Discord (Yes or Not. If not - reason).
    - Why u wanna join this clan.

    Join us.

  5. Hi! I have Shadow clan with few people. I wanna Join this Alliance.



    Have emblem all researches and etc. 

    I'm LF for big community. 

    Thank u

    Hey i'm here again was waiting about few days but then join other ali. But i still wanna join this ali with my guys.

    Got shadow clan 16 people in.

    Clan name same, leader too. I'm still need big community and it will be pleasure if u inv me. Also i trying to catch 2ply online but i failed) So i'm witing for answer ty.

  6. barely engrishes and arrogant enough to name a clan after his ign? yup totally what i want as a clan leader send me invite mr warlord

    I name clan like that because of book of Enthony Berdgess 'Clockwork Orange'. So my nickname similar too not because i think that i'm great and etc. just in style of Clockwork ornage.

  7. Hello. If u wanna be officient player or u already officient. If u wanna have a people who will help u or u wanna help other. If u wanna be part of our clan, our small family. Join us!

    We are small Shadow clan. Have all researches in dojo. Full dojo buildings. Coloured rooms.We have facebook page with weapons and warframe builds. And most important we will help u and give u advice when u will need it.

    U must do following things to come:
    - U can be any mastery rank it doesn't matter.
    - U must be honest.
    - U must respect others.

    That's all u need to do.

    We also have an Emblem and Alliance.

    So if u intrested Tenno, Join us!

    How to join:

    Leave reply in this post.
    Or pm me in game. 

    There is our Facebook page
    ( Facebook).

    It will be pleasure to make u stronger!


  8. Приветствую. Хотел бы вступить в ваш альянс в лице моего клана :"CLOCKWORKTIMES", то есть в моем лице. Клан призрачный, фактических участников:1, полностью построено додзё, есть эмблема. Буду рад любой помощи в развитии клана, уже под крылом альянса. Смогу оперировать кланом завтра. Ник в игре CLOCKWORKGUY- Так же твинк: EMCXXA.

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