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Posts posted by mariberry-hearn

  1. To my knowledge these are some of the only figures we have on estimating how many Tenno there are:

    - Vor states in the tutorial quest that the Grineer are only millions strong. Our numbers couldn't have matched the number of registered losers - we would have already totally wiped them out of existence if that was the case


    Captain Vor: "We Grineer are millions strong, but with a flaw. We are diseased, rotting, sterile. But now, we have you!”

    - Vor's Prize

    - If event inbox and ARG messages are canon: The Business counts at least 30k of us, and Fibonacci makes mention of clans numbering in the thousands


    The Business: "The assault on V Prime was a resounding success. More than 30,000 of you came together to help us secure this shipment."

    - Fortuna ARG


    Fibonacci: "Thank you. All of you, from those clans numbering but one, to the mighty coalitions encompassing thousands."

    - Operation: Gargoyle's Cry


  2. 2 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

    or infested corpus ships?

    There's a short clip in the TennoCon 2023 recap that had Revenant using Danse Macabre in what is seemingly a reworked Infested Corpus ship tileset. They've been teasing infested liches for a while so I'd reckon they're redoing the infested Corpus ship tile with that update

  3. 1 hour ago, mr_GGF said:


    What if I don't want to run around with an epitaph? especially since other frames can get changes, but Frost can't?

    Think we're running into a misunderstanding here 😅
    Let me rephrase: my point is that the passive you proposed won't do much for Frost if you're *not* using Epitaph (and tbh even that is a stretch), because he's already more than capable of instant-freezing entire rooms of mobs with Avalanche and Snow Globe. It's a better passive than his current one, but just not enough in my eyes

  4. It's certainly a better passive that his borderline non-existent one but I also won't lie when I say that this won't add much for Frost (unless you're an avid Epitaph user), since Avalanche and Snow Globe already have mass instant freezing effects at the press of a button

  5. On 2024-01-03 at 9:53 PM, Merkranire said:

    I can’t 100% remember what exactly the quest entails in terms of skill requirement, but we have the means to practice actual skill-based stuff…? Even if the quest arranges things a little differently, it’s not such a different game or anything that they don’t share elements and thus allow transferable skills.

    I don’t think it’s worth being afraid to do it when they can practice enough to not get blindsided

    Not that I support the suggestion, but the bulk of TNW's combat systems only had their introduction in the quest - this isn't something you can really practice outside of the quest. Even Drifter combat is mechanically different compared to the one in Duviri.

  6. 18 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    I'm not saying they straight up said they won't be like normal syndicates, because they didn't say it directly...but they spent a good amount of time in the devstream dodging that word, making us expect a new leveling system or something...I'm quite confused...what's different? 

    everything is exactly the same as Zariman, Deimos, and the ones before them.

    I'd recommend refreshing your memory of the devstream because they never tried to avoid mentioning that there was a syndicate - moreso the fact that the syndicate's characters aren't people, but lab animals

  7. Something that fits with his trickster and stealth theme:
    Loki's presence in the mission causes alarm systems to malfunction, so they'll never do anything no matter what. Trip a laser in a spy vault? Nada.
    Retain his current passive in some way with a 30 second increase to wall latching *and* aim glides.

    Something more universally-applicable:
    Just give him an innate 30% parkour speed buff LOL

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, L3512 said:

    On a serious note it seems the interviewer is not a WF player and most the questions are nigh useless.

    The questions were pulled from a Reddit thread, so they're all genuine thoughts from Warframe players - but yeah the interviewer obviously has no experience with the game with the amount of discrepancies in the phrasing of the questions

  9. On 2023-08-18 at 2:55 AM, Vaml77 said:

    DE chose one of the ugliest and most irrelevant weapons in the game...could they at least have chosen a pangolin or a heat dagger which is more decent?


    Spend nw credits on this weapon I refuse....

    It's almost as if the whole point of the incarnon genesis system is to breathe life into irrelevant weapons...

    Give it a chance lol. Permanent 7x combo is a huge boon for frames that run stat sticks

  10. The Undercroft, being stated to be very close to the actual Void, is basically the backend code of Duviri. That pretty much explains why a lot of familiar enemies and environments can just casually show up there. Teshin also mentions that we can directly influence the history of the Origin System through the Undercroft, so with that, the Jackal's presence can be chalked up to either of these two things:

    - The Jackal is a manifestation directly from our Operator's memories

    - A similar case to Undercroft Defense, where we're fighting a void manifestation of the Jackal to undo the losses of Tenno fighting the real Jackal back in the Origin

    Another thing to take note: in an off-hand comment, Cavalero mentions that Granum tried to hire him, so it's already established that the Corpus was founded before the Zariman.

  11. Quote
    • Common Cambion Drift resources (Ganglion, Lucent Teroglobes, and Pustulite) no longer trigger the special resource notification when picked up in the landscape. 
      • These special resource notifications are meant to highlight uncommon or rare pick-ups in-mission. Players will still be able to see common Cambion Drift resources via the regular resource pick-up notification -- we’re just saving that special pop-up for harder to find items! 

    Any chance this change gets carried over to railjack too? It's much more egregious in that gamemode since every empyrean resource has the pop-up and can very casually drop just by casting seeker volley or shatter burst

    • Like 3
  12. Nezha
    - Make Fire Walker a more meaningful part of the kit by allowing it to slowly strip armor

    - Change Redline so that duration literally only increases its duration and not the proportionate amount of work needed to reach 100%

    - Allow Dread Mirror dunking to work on Overguard

    - Recasting Covenant while the crit buff is active removes the buff to restart another instance of invuln

    - Passive builds ability strength (or maybe duration?) instead of damage

    - Tail Wind's flight path follows your crosshair throughout the ability's duration

    - Uncap Ballistic Battery damage or convert gunshots buffed by BB into AoE blasts

    - Allow primary weapons on Merulina

    - Bake at least one of his augments into his base kit

    - Crystallize adds +300% crit chance instead of setting damage to a red crit

    - Bake Abating Link into the kit or increase how many enemies it grabs


    - Option to use grass over weed on Hallowed Ground

    • Like 1
  13. I do think Lua spy is a massive step up in difficulty compared to other spy tilesets but if you just use more than 2 braincells when it comes to observation and intuition? It's very much doable without having to get external help. Git gud, basically

    • Like 1
  14. Avid user of Incarnon Strun here.

    Base damage isn't the only stat that matters with weapons. Even though the base Strun gets a far higher base damage increase compared to Strun Prime, the latter still wounds up being the better of the two due to other factors like crit chance, crit damage, and fire rate

    When deciding on which variant to apply incarnon adapters on, generally the safest bet is the Prime. Other variants may seemingly get higher stat buffs but more often than not the Prime ends up with the highest numbers in the end

    • Like 1
  15. Duviri came out with a bunch of plant pot decorations, but there's like very little point to them since most plant decorations come pre-potted, and the only ones that aren't are kind of a PITA to obtain. In other words - add plants.

    Color channels and stencils for the Dormizone would be nice too.

    I'd also love to see them eventually extend voidshell skins to prime warframes and *maybe* even weapons.

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