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Posts posted by TehGMMan

  1. 9 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    So if you paid money for a look, and suddenly it looked different.. you have no problem there?
    If that's the case, then good for you.
    I'm not alright with this new frame gimmick, and I can't let that not be known. ..hence starting this topic.

    I'm sure the growth will run it's course and go away soon. It's not like the growth is changing your entire frame into something else entirely.

  2. Just now, kapn655321 said:

    To you, sure. Not to me.

    ...Has any other frame disfigured your frame before? Without warning? Ever?

    So naturally, it's a bit of a shock..
    A bit of a ugly, unsightly shock that I can't remove.
    From a brand new frame, that just magically messed with my 2 year old Hydroid main.

    People pay real money for cosmetics in this game, so it's not a mystery that the small details matter.

    Sorry but I don't see a problem.

  3. Just now, BCOOPS22 said:

    I pointed out the end game thing with T4, and the fact you could get good rewards from it, you don't with sorties.

    Not with RNG being the main issue. DE pls.

  4. Just now, BCOOPS22 said:

    But the rewards from sorties are so useless, they are just weapons I already have or I don't have for a reason, and I'll agree with your second point if you mean some of the god damn resource requirements.

    Sorties are part of the endgame so it makes sense you should forma and mod your weapons/frames better.

  5. Just now, BCOOPS22 said:

    So what is it you don't agree with? Like, do you wanna actually point out what is wrong about what I said there? Or are you just gonna quote it lol.

    1. Try bringing a badly modded weapon into Sorties/high level content then.

    2. Just because you got certain parts/items quicker than other people doesn't make the game any less grindy or "harder".

    DE should also take a look at the Synoid Simulor.

  6. Just now, BCOOPS22 said:

    Could you say what you don't agree with? Like it's kinda pointless just saying that, and I did add paragraphs after, they clearly didn't show lol.

    2. The game currently has no real end game/challenge/need for forma'ring weapons or making the best warframe builds or weapons

    3. The game is getting easier and easier, this point is fairly self explanatory but I'll explain it anyway, with the introduction of void fissures it has made getting prime parts VERY easy, you only have to look at the market to see why, but the fact that I could get the akstilleto prime, fragor prime and tigris prime ALL in under 3 hours kinda tells you how easy it's gotten. I mean, I see volt prime go for 20 platinum these days!

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