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Posts posted by iGnome21

  1. Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru a dit :

    I'm just not going to do any Lich related activities until DE inevitably patches out the grind.

    They always do, and people get offended that the hours they invested into the new systems are trivialized. Not this time for me. I refuse.

    Yep me neither.

    Ive learned my lesson when they destroyed PoE grind without reimbursing us the invested material and gems put in the crafting of arcanes.

    I'll just wait 2 years or more til they finally nerf this mess, or until the game dies out with this accumulation of anti-fun design and BS.

  2. Yep i'm very upset too with that lame rework and the slap in the face of only getting 3 formas to compensate for all the build broken by the changes.

    We should be compensated for every weapon that has a build problem to squeeze the mods since that godawful patch.

    Simplest thing : allow us to reset a weapon on demand with a button to its initial state, recover the potato and all built formas. Levelling it again is not much a hassle, but the resources put into these hundreds of weapons affected are not negligeable.

    I'm considering to drop the game after years because of this bad consideration for our efforts, and also that lich system that is a no-go for all the crappy rng involved and random freaking stats on them.

    • Like 2
  3. The irony of DE (in)competence to break the bounty thing exactly the week where we are supposed to do it for nightwave.



    Edit : well seems the regular bounties where you have to hack a console after infiltration is also broken. Another kudos for a lot of useless hotfixes.

  4. Guess the remaining days until a new predatory monetization comes up.


    Remember the database """""issues""""" for storing rng based rivens, that costs an arm in platinum, and are still limited to a hard ceiling of 120 (after spending thousands of plats).

    How long until this database space issue pops again to store those damn RNG stats kuva weapons ?

    Same for storing those captured liches as companions. Wild guess of few hundreds of plats to expand a closet to hang 3 liches in there.


    I give it a couple of weeks until they actually come up with that nonsense to take advantage of the grindoholics that are hunting few liches a day already.

  5. To all the people that are applauding they can now earn the stuff they missed on S1 and I1 at the expense of those who grinded it back then ; wait until you are in the same position we are today, forced to grind through useless levels and "rewards" that don't stack and join the hate train.

    It is now the right time to change this ugly intermission 2 and put all the repeats to the store, so those who missed it can PAY with creds for them, those who earned it should have something valuable for their time too, like a big bunch of credits, consumables, formas of all kind etc.

    It's an insult to have those dead rewards, and it has to be fixed ASAP.

  6. Best way to avoid this drama :

    - think better

    - make all the repeats rewards buyable in cred shop

    - therefore fill the gaps with a big bunch of creds

    - allow us to buy formas with creds, since we'll gonna need a lot with the new weapon exilus...


    In this state, it's an unacceptable spit to the face of those who grinded S1+I1+S2.

    Still happy the kuva is finally a permanent addition to the shop, but still 2 weeks too late.

    • Like 1
  7. il y a 1 minute, Jarriaga a dit :

    That would work towards addressing performance-related migrations, but not those caused by the host leaving for XYZ reason.

    Yes i added it in second points. Those ideas are cheap countermeasures to bad network code that doesnt involve dedicated servers if they keep refusing the idea.

    If those two were implemented it would be less of a hassle to rely on a gamble for good hosting, i agree with you.

    • Like 2
  8. First thing : we need a benchmark to assert computer power towards being host and having a "hosting score" which determines the priority in migration, but also the time you have to wait looking for matchmaking before becoming first host.

    Without this, toasters will continue to be hosts with good ping, it's far worse and cause so much more game latency.


    Second thing : also take into account the "quit mission" stats to determine who is the worst and potential leaver to not get the host priority.

  9. I agree too its scummy not having kuva for the last week as it is the best cred sink. Who needs these useless alt helmets and skins with a two weeks rotation when only one is needed. Another failed opportunity to end season 2 the right way and make the kuva offering a permanent entry in cred shop.

    Let's be vocal about it. There is a few days left so they make it right.

  10. il y a 2 minutes, (PS4)Dishinshoryuken a dit :

    I was not going to go back into Nightwave after I hit level 29 with 9900 points. I had gone a week and some days and was going to wait til the last week to snatch up all I did in game without looking at the list.

    And then somehow, I ended up going to get my Limbo Prime out of the Foundry and hit it on the Radio instead. Next, besides my cries of Nooooo...all I hear are the SHUNKS of level after level being taken. I was done then as I got the Void Demon skin and a few levels of Nora creds.

    That was when I was done- when my dream of collecting Level 30 and beyond had a premature ending thanks to me.


    W A T ?

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