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Posts posted by Dyrewulf

  1. I came to the forum to recommend something like this. Warframe could use a robust matchmaking system. There are so many maps, and you can only queue for one at a time. If no one else is playing that map, and you can't solo it you are tough out of luck. I am in a large clan, which is part of an alliance. Even still, I have a hard time putting together groups.


    Some categories that would be useful to be able to queue for:


    1) incomplete missions

    2) nightmare missions (based on your conclave)

    3) mission type

    4) any missions with X resource

  2. Today I failed a rescue mission. Lotus told me that I "let the hostage die." I object to the language. While I failed the mission, the language indicates that Lotus blames me for her death.


    I did not "let" the hostage die. I am not responsible for the actions of the Grineer, and I won't stand being guilt tripped by Lotus. I did my best. I was alone behind enemy territory and surrounded. I opened two of the three doors before I fell to enemy fire.


    Perhaps if the hostage yelled "I'm in here!" before I opened the first door, rather than after the second, she would still be alive today.


    Please, Lotus. The death of our ally and my failure to rescue her is on my conscience. But if you expect me to continue fighting for the Tenno please do not burden me with your scathing blame.


    Thank you.

  3. I just finished two games where the payout was 55K credits and the game ended prematurely because all of the opposing team quit. I never get my payout, and I presume the paying alliance/clan doesn't get the benefit of the win from it as well.


    There is no incentive to continue playing a losing game. The battle pay system is flawed in that it attracts players to the side offering the battle pay, and the side not offering it doesn't have an incentive.


    I would recommend that non clan/alliance members don't get to choose which side they join. Give all players a reward at the end of a complete match. Something minor, like a Fusion Core. The winning players get battle pay and a (minor reward) and the losing players only get a (minor reward.)

  4. It's a minor change I know. It may take too much time/resources to change for the return, but it IS a "quality of life" improvement. I don't think any quality of life improvement is pointless, regardless of how minor.


    Also, it may have an impact on other developments. I'm a noob at the game, but are there other 24 hr cooldowns that can be adjusted for quality of life? Will there be future additions to the game using a "once a day" mentality? If so, future development can be influenced today.


    On the same note, I played last night and got a daily login bonus. I logged in this morning to get the bonus, but did not get one. I don't think I will be able to play tonight (real life guys!) so I may miss out on the consecutive days login bonus. If that login bonus was on a timed reset, it would be easier for people go log in at different times of day to get it. Some people have erratic work schedules, or god-forbid a social life.

  5. If you want the rank test to be once a day, try making the time between tests a little less than 24 hours. Players may not be able to log on the same time every day, giving a few hours of flexibility would be nice.


    I recommend a 20 or 22 hour restriction.


    Another option would be to have the ability to take the test reset once a day, like 4 in the morning server time.


    Thank you


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