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Posts posted by Luchasion

  1. Perhaps it should be counted as a matchmaking issue. I was in a SP Lone Story mission with another 3 players, I wasn't the host, we encountered trouble during a phase (it's another bug, see this link for details: Royale Chest in The Agora Cannot Interact), then came a host migration, when in the ''Flying Kaithe'' loading screen, there came another, finally I was with the only remaining player who's hosting, we completed the mission. Then I found that I gained the standing of the syndicates I'm not pledging:


    Obviously -44,000 standing shows that I left these 2 syndicates opposite, I suppose this player was pledging Arbiters of Hexis, while I pledge Red Veil as usual. But why I gained standing from his pledging syndicate?

    Please fix!

  2. I finally was able to get the 2nd SKANA Incarnon Genesis for the normal SKANA (I may not be the only player who got extra Incarnon Genesis for the other versions of a weapon series), however, seems like the evolution tires got issues.

    Wiki says the perk of tire 4 Elemental Excess is +30% Status Chance for the normal SKANA (46% as result), +20% for PRISMA SKANA (36% as result):


    Previously I upgraded PRISMA SKANA first, completed the challenges to unlock all tires. This week I upgraded SKANA, but no challenges are required to be done, I can directly choose perks for each evolution tire. And the value seems not the supposed one, SKANA has the same +20% Status Chance perk as PRISMA does, while it should be +30% as wiki suggests:


    So I suppose all the values depend on the first upgraded version of the Weapon, I might need to remove both the genesis of PRISMA and SKANA and re-upgrade normal SKANA first instead for higher values. I've actually done that (cost me extra 40 Pathos Clamps) but nothing changed. I got confused, began to realize this could be a bug.

    I've not tested yet if it's just a displaying glitch while the right addition +30% Status Chance is already working, either the way it's still a bug.

    Please fix (or make it clear if we really need to complete the Incarnon challenges once more).

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