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Posts posted by Axterix13

  1. On 1/6/2018 at 10:45 AM, SnakeSword53 said:

    Maybe a way to make this more balanced would be to have the shields absorb the percent of damage that they are charged to:

    • Sheilds 100% = All damage absorbed
    • 75% = 75% absorbed     etc...

    Such a change would also help make magnetic, impact, and cold damage more desirable against Corpus than Toxin.  But on the flip side, it would make the enhanced shield missions more annoying ;)

  2. On 1/4/2018 at 10:35 PM, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

    That's not really how it works. Each roll is independent therefore each chance is unique. It's like the lottery, buying 2 tickets doesn't improve you chances significantly. You would have to buy millions at once to even hit the statistical thresholds to guarantee getting everything.

    I didn't say it improved your chances significantly.  Heck, I even said the exact opposite, that if the base chance is low, with additional rolls, the odds are still low.  It does, however, as you yourself just said, improve them, thanks to potentially offering an additional roll on the item.

    So yeah, don't try to argue against what I said by saying the same thing yourself.

  3. On 1/2/2018 at 8:49 PM, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

    Desecrate doesn't improve your chance at getting anything. It merely rerolls one more time before the body despawns.

    Incorrect.  Desecrate does improve your chance of getting things, because it gives a chance at an additional roll (not a re-roll; it is a second one in addition to the default one).  So with a Nekros, you're about 54% more likely to get the loot drop you want.  Of course, when the base chance is crappy, well, your odds of seeing it will still be crappy even with the chance at the second roll.  Over time though, it definitely makes a difference.

  4. The idea that shields are useless is flawed.  The very complaint about damage that bypasses it pretty much proves the point.  When you lose health, it is hard for most frames to get it back.  Most frames lack self-healing, health orbs are a rarity, and so on.  So if anything, the problem lies more in health loss being too hard to bounce back from for most frames.

    Now, there are things you can do to heal.  You can use consumables.  Frames like Oberon, Nekros, Inaros, and Trinity can heal, directly or indirectly.  Rejuvenation offers minor healing (it really needs to be bumped up in effectiveness).  But most of those aren't great solutions, not unless you're actually playing one of the self healing frames.  The best general solution I've found is the sentinel Medi-ray mod.  It'll take care of most of the bleed effects and toxin damage that would otherwise drop you over time, as well as help you bounce back from times the enemies get past your shields.  Though obviously, if you're dealing with 150+ level enemies, it won't do much, and your sentinel will probably die from toxin damage if facing Infested, but the game isn't really designed to have us face that level enemies, so those sorts of things are to be expected.

  5. It just needs a prime version with a higher base damage, and maybe a larger magazine.  It's essentially a sniper revolver, and to be effective against higher level mobs, needs that higher base damage.  It doesn't need a higher crit chance.  It's not a crit weapon, and not every weapon should be that.

    Anyway, one of my favorite secondary weapons.  Love the feel of it, and it isn't nearly as ineffective as people like to spout.  Though admittedly, mine does have five formas ;)  That said, I mostly use a Kohmek these days, as that with a riven is just nuts, capable of both high single target damage (up close) and clearing crowds (innate punchthrough, shotgun).

  6. 5 hours ago, ugoooo said:

    Do you wanna know why "maining" sounds silly?

    Because you are implying that you know the frame well, better than another Warframe. While this might seem to be true, it also means that you don't know how to play well enough with others. This is at basic, lack of knowledge rather than mastering one. 

    I can't say that I can play every Warframe at their full capacity, even though it is the one that I play the most. So if I say I main the one that I know the most, it means I don't know how to play with others rather than mastering that frame.

    Except that isn't what a main is at all.  It has nothing to do with knowledge or skill.  A newbie can have a main.  A casual can have a main.  A hardcore can be the best ever Loki you've seen... and run Mag as his main, because he likes Mag.  A main is simply the one you focus on the most.  It's the one you try to get mods for before the others.  It's the one you play more than the others.  It is... your main focus.  It doesn't imply anything beyond that.

  7. One thing that might help you find the people looking to buy them, besides offering them up as WTS yourself, is to put a filter on the trade channel for "WTB" or "sculpture".  Either one will cut out a lot of the spam, making it more manageable to follow.  Just something to consider, if you don't do use that functionality already.

  8. 11 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

    I run solo and I tend to run a slova on Stage III.  I'll burn through energy and health restores as the PUG RNG is not very kind sometimes and I don't have my focus tree skills up to compensate.

    I see a ton of trash riven cards sell on the player market and zero sculptures -that illustrates that there is an imbalance in the sortie rewards

    So don't run Slova when it isn't needed for Stage III.  Inaros, for example, is a murder machine that is durable, self-healing, has no energy problems (Rage/Hunter Adrenaline), CCs, and can cut through non-assassination targets like they're made of butter.

    And while you might not see sculptures sell, I do.  People advertise for them, buying them in lots of five.  Sure, 80% of the trade chat consists of people trying to sell rivens or asking to buy "god rivens", with a good chunk of the rest being primed related, but statue sales happen.  I imagine the people buying them are into primed mods, either leveling their own or ones to sell to players.  So they do fill a role.

    Edit: sitting in trade chat right now, and yup, there's someone buying them.  Unfilled even, at 4p per.

    Edit2: And look, there's two more people buying them.

  9. Second what Meristu said.  When people suddenly feel they need dukats, you can pretty easily sell a batch of five prime trash for 10-12p.  And along the way, maybe complete a few prime sets (either for your own use or to sell).  Or you wind up grouped with someone like me (and old player returning, with vaulted relics) and get a vaulted rare drop.  As Hypernaut mentioned, syndicate weapons/mods are also an option.  If you go that route, I'd suggest not going Red Veil/Steel Meridian, as that pairing seems to be the most common choice.  You can also go on void vault runs.  You'll need the dragon key recipes, but certain mods from those can sell for 10-20p.  Of course, there's really only a couple in high demand, and so most of what you get won't sell so easy.

    Lastly, you can also go for the dual status mods from spy runs.  A lot of people will have them from farming Ivara, though, so demand may be limited.

    Mostly, it gets easier once you've got a bit of a plat buffer.  Then you can sell stuff from time to time, but never really NEED to sell stuff.  And if you need another slot, boom, you buy it.  To get to that point, you need either a bit of volume on cheaper stuff or a nice, big sale.  Which isn't the easiest thing to do when you're just starting out.  But it will get better with time.


  10. I don't find the oxium too bad.  I just keep an eye out for Corpus Defense void relic missions, and prioritize those over other relic choices.  On ones where people aren't pansies and do a full AABC cycle, it isn't unusual to walk away with 300 Oxium.  Though admittedly, Nerkos is one of my two main frames ;)

    The main thing is do that sort of thing even when you don't need oxium, so that you just build it up nicely over time, rather than being smacked in the face with a need for 7k when you've got 0.

  11. I think it has a lot to do with power levels.  Exterminates, spies, and so on go fast because people bring things that overpower the content.  Furthermore, they also potentially get faster with more people... can do all three spy points at once or just the chance of getting a fast moving, murder machine in  your group.  But do an exterminate solo with a bunch of non-potato'd gear you're leveling and it slows down a lot.

    Survival doesn't scale that way.  There are a few frames that make life support drops more common.  And obviously killing faster and all sticking in a good room also helps in that regard, making the mission easier.  But neither translates into the mission taking less time.

    It'd be nice if a 10m survival had a reward of its own, at least one roll on the appropriate A loot table.

  12. 40 minutes ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

    So say, the lootboxes in Battlefront 2 weren't greed because someone somewhere enjoys buying and opening them?

    Lootboxes in BF2 are a bit of a different beast, since that's a PvP game and they offer power increases, rather than opening up alternate playstyles.  It's a pay to win situation.  Here, you don't need rivens, let alone rivens for a specific few weapons.

    That aside, as far as rivens go, I wouldn't call it greed for people to charge what others are willing to pay.  It isn't like someone profiteering off of supplies in a disaster area.  And to expect people to offer them up at substantially lower than that is nuts, when apparently enough people exist that will pay the higher price.  Mind you, I do think people are silly to be willing to pay that much for a riven, but at the same time, well, most hobbies cost money, and some quite a bit, and if someone finds it worthwhile for them, that's their choice.

    Potentially, it'll only get worse.  The game constantly introduces new weapons, and most of these weapons stick around.  If rivens have an equal chance of being for any weapon, then more weapon types means lower chance of any one specific weapon.  Players most likely will gravitate to just a select few for each category.  Same demand, lower supply... higher prices.  Of course, that'll depend upon how quickly rivens enter the world versus how many people are after said riven.  If supply is sufficiently high, prices will drop.  But if not... up they will go.

  13. Reach is only usefull when you use auto lock for melee. Tell me when are you going to use a ammo mutation for gun when the normal one are not a sink hole for core and credit and they already do a excellent job.

    Reach is also useful for AoE melee attacks and for reaching containers behind walls.


    And as to ammo mutation, when you've got plenty of credits and things to level mods with (which is more than cores), and a pistol that really chews up ammo?  Or maybe you just want to be a unique snow flower and have it maxed when next to no one else does.

  14. the simple issue is you cannot completely stealth a mission with your new friends hanging in the wide open. This totally has ruined being able to solo-stealth my dailies as I have done for months now.

    Just have to get them killed first.  Then you can happily stealth on.  That's my current solution, anyway ;)


    It'd be nice if they were reworked a little bit though.  Didn't spawn by default.  Instead, Lotus or the faction person would say something about the ability to bring in some other people, and there would be an object you can interact with near the start that would do that.

  15. Missions you can do fast, ideally ones that reward more credits than normal, like alerts and void missions.  Void captures are popular for that reason.  Any locker you can unlock without really going out of your way can add up as well.  And, of course, higher level maps pay better than low level ones.


    Really though, once you reach a certain point where you aren't constantly buying blueprints, then building that thing, credits just start to build up.

  16. Spy 2.0 I think I'd rate as just "okay" in the long run as it currently stands.  The spy stuff is only in the console rooms, so for the rest, you can play the same way you normally do.  For the rooms themselves, once you've run them a few times, I expect people will memorize them and breeze through them.  Possibly not even worrying about the alarms (cypher to quickly do the console or 4 to kill the alarm ambush).  It could use some bonuses for not having a single alarm go off during the entire mission, anywhere or something.  I'd say a bonus for not killing anything, but well, Loki would trivialize that.


    I'd like to see Spy maps get even more of a focus on avoiding detection.  Less mobs that start out spawned, more that spawn on triggering various detection methods.  Parkour well and do the mission faster.  Trip things and have to deal with ambushes, turrets that pop up, explosive devices (fear the energy draining one!), or maybe losing out on some potential loot (lockers with a chance of mods, plus greater than normal chance of rare/uncommon resources that look if you trip a trap).  Of course, that will take more level designer time, but hopefully in time, we'll see that.  The potential is there anyway.  But will have to see if it lives up to that.

  17. Not necessarily, one player could be advising everyone to do an incorrect strategy such as everyone splitting up and holding down their own rooms in survival while the other could be advising a correct strategy such as staying together in one room. When something like this happens the experienced player who knows he is right is not going to follow the other players suggestions and the other player may be to stubborn to try and work to an agreement with the experienced player giving the correct strategy. And in a situation like this the other 2 players would be left with trying to decide who's advice to trust.

    Your first example was for two experienced players.  If someone doesn't know how spawns work, they aren't experienced.


    In this case, you've got a different situation.  One experienced player, who can back up his recommendation with an explanation of how spawns work, and one who is inflexible and most likely an egotistical jerk.  Unless the actually experienced player lacks in social graces, you pick him, as he'll come across as more reasonable/logical.

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