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Posts posted by Noctile

  1. i like the idea of golden iron skin. but for me, personally, it looks like cheap gold foil. and it doesnt even cover rhino entirely. making it look like paint chipping off


    i reduced my field of view completely to zoom it in. as you can see, it does not look good at all. the colours on my rhino are like an eggshell whiteand greyish/brown for the torso. though the colour of rhino makes no difference with iron skin

    and it doesnt change with higher settings, i checked

  2. the only thing bothering me to no end is how iron skin looks in void missions, looks like he went swimming in mud. it looks absolutely horrid


    now i dont know if its only me seeing it like this. this is with colour correction on and dynamic lighting off. but i checked a bunch of different settings and it still came out like mud. please note that this mostly occurs in void missions


    edit: i'd also like to add that maybe iron skin shouldnt cover the gold parts that are on his shoulders, waist, chest, back, and helmet. so that the gold parts stand out when iron skin is active

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